Will this save us from w*ndows?

Will this save us from w*ndows?

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Google is worse than Microsoft, and Microsoft is terrible.

absolutely not, windows had better fucking save us from this

I don't know why on earth you'd think it would. Literally the only point of Fuchia is so that Google can have something permissively licensed so that they can later on take it proprietary, and gain more control over who's allowed to make Adndoid phones and what they can and can't do with them. It's actually a very Microsoft-like thing to do.

The entire android ecosystem sans the kernel is already under the same license. This seems like more of an attempt to stop oracle from having any control over their OS.

There's no reason to replace the Linux kernel on account of their spat with Oracle. That shit all has to do with Java, which is solely in userspace. Hence Oracle isn't a motivation behind Fuchsia.

Linux is just a side issue and there's no reason to stick with it if the entire OS needs vamped. Working with upstream is too hard, there's no stable kernel AIB or API.

>Working with upstream is too hard, there's no stable kernel AIB or API.
Well one the Android community seems to do a rather limited amount of work with upstream anyway, considering the ancient and never-updated kernels pretty much every device seems to use. Second even if you're going to work with upstream, update your shit, and adapt to changes in the kernel, that's less worth than writing and maintaining your own whole fucking kernel, by an order of magnitude.

If their motivation was to do less work they wouldn't be replacing it, they'd focus only on the work that they were forced to do in userspace.

Why did you put a wildcard character instead of an i? Are you mentally retarded?

oh sorry w?ndows :^)

To fuck up your data mining scripts xDDDD

>people are literally cheering for the Advertising agency

Microsoft wants to become an advertising and software renting company. Their OS is also a complete botnet with known backdoors.

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no. You're trading one botnet for another. If anything goolag is probably worse because they are more competent


Why does this work so reliable?


hopefully Google will ditch Android and focus on their own phones, like Apple

And thats why I take into consideration the levenshtein distance.

>there's no stable kernel AIB or API.
Your post don't make any sense as android don't have drivers in the userspace.

Attached: 640px-Linux_kernel_interfaces.svg.png (640x480, 96K)

They want to become a cloud company sweetie, but sure keep bringing up Microsoft to rationalize cheering for a fucking ad agency LOL

How is new OS that's going to be even locked down than Android with more restricted license going to "save us"?


If it supports Linux applications like ChromeOS soon will then I'm on board.

>this whole thread
when did Jow Forums get invaded by normies?
>if it supports linux applications by running linux in a VM, then I'm on board
you can run just about anything at that point. I'm pretty sure that even OpenBSD can run a Linux VM.

I'd rather they go the WSL route but so long as the VM has access to the FS and devices I'm fine.

>I'm pretty sure that even OpenBSD can run a Linux VM
Only just happened recently. Their native vmm is the only virtualization software that runs on their OS.

Yeah, because Google is so benevolent. You want vidya? Spread them cheeks.

it's the closest we can get for the "Year of the Linux Desktop".

No company is benevolent, not even strictly Linux companies. That's why we need the license. The license is benevolent.