What is your $EDITOR environmental variable set to?

> echo $EDITOR

Have you even bothered to set it?

Attached: 1497614686676.jpg (1280x560, 161K)

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What else would it be?

Attached: 1526156872442.png (876x785, 330K)


vim, don't need to set it.

Do you actually have it set?

I'm wondering if programs utilizing $EDITOR is actually something that will work for most people, or if nobody bothers to set it.

You need to set it (or $SUDO_EDITOR, or $VISUAL) if you want sudo -e to work.


>Do you actually have it set?
Not him, but I do, because otherwise git would default to nano for editing commit messages.
>I'm wondering if programs utilizing $EDITOR is actually something that will work for most people, or if nobody bothers to set it.
If it's good enough for git, then it's good enough for whatever the fuck you're trying to make.

good point, thanks

nano, all else is shit

oh dear, he's retarded.


>I only edit my text files with "sudo vim" just like how Mr. Rajeez Moksakh in that cool LINUX tutorial did

why would you do that?
>Mr. Rajeez Moksakh

>lua scripting
nice. what's the catch?

>Does micro support Vi keybindings?
>No, if you want to use Vim then use Vim.
ah, there we go.

Nope, I only bothered setting it in mc

nano, but I live in emacs, so $EDITOR basically doesn't matter.

export EDITOR="$(command -v vim || command -v nvim || command -v vim.tiny || command -v nvi || command -v elvis || command -v vi)"
I am a man of fine taste re editors
I also have 5 more vi-like editors installed (vile, e3 etc) installed

Mine isn't set.
Windows PowerShell
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Loading personal and system profiles took 702ms.
PS C:\Users\John> echo $env:EDITOR
PS C:\Users\John>


>implying pajeets bother to learn how to use anything other than eclipse