Ever pulled an all-nighter to work on a coding project or something similar...

Ever pulled an all-nighter to work on a coding project or something similar? What does a typical all-nighter look like for you?

I like to stay up into the wee hours of the morning, fueling myself with sweet black tea and dry cereal, and alternating between different projects on my computer. I've found I'm more creative and do my best work at this time.

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I'm more productive after a good night's sleep. And most professionals I've met agree that late night code tends to become an unmaintainable mess. And after pulling all nighters to work on code I agree.

Very bad habit, just put 6 hours code per day almost in morning

I suppose that's true. Staying up late can lead to more creativity, but you're also more sloppy and make more mistakes.

the last all nighter I pulled was in high school, in university I always managed my time well which is probably why it was so easy to be at the top of my class

I'm not sure why you are associating nighttime with creativity. Are you sure it's not your environment and interruptions that are distracting you during the day? The only good thing I can think up of working at night is everything being quieter

excuse me

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I research a lot of networking stuff, different servers and methods of using them, along with understanding protocols. I used to be a programmer and cant remember when I last went to sleep when normal people do. my normal sleep pattern is bet at 8pm awake by 1am bed again at 7am wake at 11am. I cant concentrate in the day. Throughout my life I have done my best work between 10pm and 7am. I have often gone 3, sometimes 4 days with no sleep while I work on understanding some complex problems and working through them. Theres this sweet spot at about 2 am that lasts until 4am and its like i lose myself in my mind while I follow some thinking and then I snap out of this almost zen like state and realise I have done enough so I can sleep and remember where I left off for the next session

The 2 all nighters I pulled in uni were both for my graphics classes and both of them were just adding in as many features as possible before their respective presentations. Once in industry all nighters are mostly just a sign of awful project management and are unsustainable. I've had a couple weeks of working until 200 or 300, but that was followed by taking some days off to recover.


You better be getting paid a lot nigger

shitty, wake up the next morning and check what i did the night before only to realize i need to revise half of it

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Based benjie porking milfs like the motherfucker he was

run my own company and would do it anyway whether I was getting paid or not. I dont research because I am paid to do it. I research because I want to be paid for the product of that research, my knowledge

Let me rephrase it. I hope you’re making good money with your company.

You guys really should try cocaine

They also die earlier.


I'd love to stay up all night but it shifts the brain's sleep schedule and it's hard to recover. I wouldn't care if I didn't have a day job.

Also if you're more productive in the night I don't see why you would make more mistakes as long as you get enough sleep.

I basically slack off all day and work at night because I "work" in an open plan hellscape.

This just make it more comfortable

kek, I read "Even pulled an all-nigger". I thought you were a progressive gay man.

so you work 24h / day? you're a slave

Based Ben goes for the cougars

I pulled an all-nighter to do my final project in a fairly entry-level programming course

Usually I don't do all nighters when it comes to code, the code is seldom good and I tend to feel almost a little nauseated if I'm tired enough. Anyone else with similar experiences?

Yes, and it's horrible

That's probably a large part of it, yes.

I'm aware that going to bed late and sleeping in are unhealthy. That's why I usually don't follow that schedule, and only pull all-nighters on occasion, like at the end of the week.

I'm usually out by 3 AM no matter what because I'm old.

Nope. Over-taxing the brain slowly kills the cells and connections.
A person which doesn't manage their health and body is a person which doesn't mange the very vessel upon which their brain depends.
Such a logical blunder belongs only in the group of the utterly mentally retarded people - sub-group pseudo-intellectuals.

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Its not true, just wishful thinking

t. insomniac

How early do I need to sleep to have a negative IQ?

considering your reply you're already there

Finally I beat the system

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Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels, increased cortisol levels fuck up the function of all glands, chemical imbalance fucks up both the body and the brain with cumulative and exponential increase in damage.
Though it does take an Applefag to be so retarded to believe that damaging their brain and body is a sign of intelligence, otherwise they wouldn't be an Applefag.

I pulled two all-nighters recently trying to get resource utilization down on a FPGA to

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Love ben


I literally can't sleep at night and do all my programming in night and its horrible. I am always bursting with headaches due to whole day sleep amd still cant sleep and I have to program at night. Dont ever think about being an all-nighter. The experience is painful

You translating needs work.

oh lol that's MS Trebuchet
it's great for reading on displays, though
you should try it

On holidays I go to bed at 8AM, and wake up at 3PM. Still have the evening to go out if I want to. I hate mornings.

I get shit done when I stay up, but the quality is "lazy" for lack of a better word. Lots of "I'll do that later"(never).

haha i'm an irresponsible bastard who pulls all nighters i know

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I had a big project with 4 other group members where we were making a sort of event planner for wine clubs.
I worked mostly on frontend functionality, but I also designed and built the database.

the last night before the deadline, me and one other group member worked on bug fixes for around 22 hours. it was one of the worst experiences ive had

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I just recently pulled an all nighter scripting some UNIX projects. UI looks like ass but the programs get the job done. I find sleeping gives me more attention to detail.

I usually procrastinate by playing games and talking with friends or watching movies but refusing to go to sleep cuz it would waste time I could have spent finishing a project/homework/essay.

Oh and like a long hot shower if I need a break

this, actually :(

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