
what is it's purpose Jow Forums?

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beeping lol

Very insightful

forgot to turn mic off lol

I tell you but I'd get governmented if you know what I mean buddy...

I don't know if you're asking because you haven't researched or not, but, the supposed purpose is to deliver encrypted messages across long distances without specifically targeting someone. Occasionally they'll start speaking in some sort of code. So, let's say a spy is in a remote location and needs to get data. They listen on their shortwave, and they've got the code to decipher it. Nobody can trace this message specifically to that spy, because anyone can listen to it.

Yes but what is creating the buzz
Also why are people talking
> Just a coincidence
But why then they use sometimes a phonetic alphabet to make sure the person listening understands the code
Is there any evidence supporting that
no I haven't done a ton of research but I had done about 2 years ago

trolling retards and sucking up valuable counterintel resources for no reason

That article has a lot of good info. That's just what they believe the numbers mean. It would make sense. It is an actual mechanical buzzer though. One time it failed and slowly went quiet:

Starts failing around 1:50, sorry, forgot to time stamp.

Wow I had never heard of that
They fixed it so quickly wow

It took about three minutes and thirteen seconds. I don't know how it works, but I'm sure it's someones job just to listen all day and make sure it doesn't fail. They've probably got a few backup buzzers.
I think I remember reading at one point that they found one of the old number stations that had been abandoned.. found it:
They relocated in 2010, and that's the old station.

I dunno user but whenever I listen to one I suddenly feel a urge to do something I would not normally do...

Was it underground? Why there water all over the floor?

Like what ?

they used a hose on everything to make sure all the electronics would die

Seriously? Fucking Russians, why wouldn't they just move the equipment? It's not like they're in the best financial situation and shit like that for it's intended purpose is expensive

Why? And also that would just corrode everything. They could be repaired

I kind of doubt the legitimacy of these photos. Looks more like some random abandoned bunker which you can visit for a tour.

It exists to encourage conspiracy theories

it is pretty much just a radio station to send messeges to spies. every government knows.

but it's impossible to decode. the messages are split into parts, like 4-5 for example, and are broadcasted at different times. like for example part one is may 13 8:03-05, part two is may 14 15:15-20 etc. only once you have the whole thing can you actually start to make sense of it. and some parts may have to be written down backwards, "+1'ed" and so on. the spy has to have all the "rules" memorized.

>how do you know? proof? etc

nothing that I say about that will make you believe me. it's the internet, I could be just making this up.

From what i have heard its an old cold war civil defence station (ala CONELRAD or WTBS) which would brodcast public information after a nuclear attack but after the wall fell no one could fucked turning it off

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Me again
if Anyones intrested theres a documentry about these kind of stations produced by th worlds best radio station

Attached: [000716].gif (145x231, 9K)

Mind control to turn westerners into homosexuals

not homosexuals into westerners?

Place was hit with a bad storm or something and destroyed shit

To keep the frequency open when it's needed, ie keep faggots off it with the constant buzzing. It's a well known russian numbers station for sending coded messages to spies in the field. The lincolnshire poacher or backwards music station are other examples. Some people think it's hooked up to some doomsday shit that with autolaunch russian icbms but that's just retarded, plus we don't even know if such shit exists. I don't the Russians are that niggerlicious especially after so many close calls.

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You have extremely awkwardly said what could be conveyed with words "one-time pad".

Why don't you go inside and check?

Even if I stopped everything I'm doing and went to another country hunting down a radio transmitter, all the cost paid by me and risking my life, how am I sure that I will find an answer to my original question?

Probably something like HFGCS. The buzzing is probably there to keep others from using the channel,and to provide a way to assess channel quality. It's obviously not a classic numbers station since it very rarely transmits messages, and it doesn't use the classic 5-figure -group format.

>it's someones job just to listen all day and make sure it doesn't fail

I doubt.
Is there any radio expert to tell us if this things are to fix manually?

Bunkers tend to leak because of cracks either due to age or settlement, and many usually have extensive pumping systems in the lower levels to keep water from accumulating. You can look at pics of old abandoned Atlas missle silos to see similar water pooling.

Thats part of the excitement of discovery. The journey getting there :)

Part of the excitement is being afraid that they will shoot you for going near a spy communication device ?

I know, I already have which was why I was asking if the number station was actually underground or not, it looked like any abandoned underground hardened facility where the bilge pumps haven't been working for years