Windows 10 is a vomit inducing pile of fetid shit

And normies are lapping it all up like it's manna from heavens, while making appreciative noises. It's absolutely disgusting.
The surveillance, the ads, the forced updates, the attempt to pass off old features as if they're new, all of it!

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Other urls found in this thread:

What would you suggest we here at Jow Forums do about it?

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Windows Vista seems like the best, you can nail 2 nails at once by punching against the board.

>waaah people like uptime and 10 second boots and software compatibility and hardware compatibility and ease of use and WHY WON'T THEY LISTEN WHEN I TELL THEM TO STOP?

Thanks for the free windows 10 promotion OP.

To be honest, Jow Forums does a terrific job already at educating folks about technology, privacy, security, and the advantages of free and open source software. Personally I knew nothing about Linux, but after visiting Jow Forums and learning more about it, I ended up installing various distros and settled on KDE Neon eventually.

I'm still using Win 7 most of the time, but I can definitely see myself switching to Linux for good in the future, if needed. I'm also lot more conscious about my privacy and choice of programs, preferring to use FOSS options. So. Before I came here I had nothing. Now I have options. It's pretty great.

Because you get all of that in Linux, but I recommend not using a distro that uses the new Linux botnet known as systemd
WINE has made leaps and bounds and is now compatible with DX10 and 11
If you find a program that won't work with WINE you can consider a proprietary software like Crossover which works with most newly released Windows software
Also Vulkan


Just get a Windows 10 machine, spend a little time uninstalling shit you hate, and installing shit you like.

just use enterprise. nobody is "lapping it up". everyone, even normies, hate windows. its simply the only option if you're not tech savvy or need to use windows exclusive software.

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Um no, when I did the upgrade it only put me on Home and I don't feel like spending money on a backup hard drive so I could reformat it and install enterprise
Fuck Windows 10, have fun using their services and using wrongspeak then getting you license removed

Good luck forcibly removing all the crap, duplicates and spyware from windows 10 without breaking core feature like explorer and search.

There is no reason to use Win10 unless you really, really need the latest DirectX for some reason.

>for some reason
I'd literally suck cock if it would get me hassle-free native gaming performance on Linux, but as it stands it involves getting proprietary drivers, wine, d3d9 and dxvk installed and configured and MAYBE the game will run with a 10 FPS loss. I'll stick to dual-booting for now.

What's funny is more developers are using Vulkan than DX12, so there's literally no point in using Win10


>Windows 10

>if you're not tech savvy
Unless you're like, 40, I can't imagine how anyone could live in the 21th century, without constantly wanting to learn about technology. To me that genuinely belongs in the too dumb to live category.

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Have you even tried gaming on Linux or are you just memeing?

>There is no reason to use Win10
Ever held a job where you have to operate Windows PC's, because that's the cultural norm?

Stop using win10
>Can't play games
Keep using win10
>Can't play older games

looks like I lost either way

Have you ever met a girl?

So what's your excuse for people who own Macs yet work on Windows PCs?

Dual boot, then you can play whatever you want

Oh, I understand the pain - But there's no point to even dualbooting 10, you're still better off with anything else MS released post-ME.
Right? The only exclusive I can even name is Sea of Thieves which is.. Disappointing.
I should amend that to say there is no reason to use it on your personal devices, everyone has to work with systems they hate.

>Keep using win10
>Can't play older games
This isn't true whatsoever. You can still play 16 bit games even. Why do people keep repeating FUD?

>Sea of Thieves which is.. Disappointing.
In terms of content, absolutely, but the game runs flawlessly while remaining aesthetically pleasing on the range of devices I've tried it on. DX12 seems to be doing great on that end.

Aside from playing older games, none of what has been said about Win10 is FUD

I see your point. Time to evolve our race to a mono-gendered male species with the help of technology?

Not that guy, but in my experience there's this weird window between 2000-2008 where devs just didn't future proof their games, so a lot of them are nigh-literally unplayable. Which is a shame because that is also my nostalgia window.

I completely agree, with the addition that every time I play with a friend there is some server issue, more often annoying than game-ending.

>20-year development
>still in alpha
>no indication of reaching beta anytime soon, let alone stable
>it just got XP-style balloon notifications and shell autocomplete last month

ReactOS is an interesting idea and nice to explore for hobbyists, but considering how painfully slow development is compared to the OS it's trying to mimic, it looks like it's going to be in perpetual keep-up mode. I believe GNU/Linux is the practical way forward as an end-user FOSS operating system.

> Boot windows once a week to use flstudio and shit like that.
> Have to wait 40 minutes for updates, 4 reboots and 2 crashes.
> why.jpeg

>not spending a few minutes disabling updates
why indeed

>Having windows update set to anything but "Don't check, Don't Download, Don't Notify"

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A lot of them in that area require 'legacy components' enabled in Features. That should fix majority of those issues. I have yet to run into a game that's legitimately unplayable, closest I get are attempts to run games on my throwaway insider system. EasyAntiCheat quite literally is always broken on insider builds.

>tfw macOS has native FL Studio now
>professional creative software without the stressful Windows Update hassle

Feels good, man.

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uwu whats this

with the level of functionality that WINE has reached, the only thing that ReactOS offers is better functionality and performance of directx programs by using the native driver. gallium 9 exists, but I don't know if the performance or conformance is particularly good.

>without the stressful Windows Update hassle
Yes, I just get failures to boot at all after updating to High Sierra, much better.

If you can get 40k Chaos Gate running I applaud you and want to know your secrets

>stressful Windows Update hassle
>I just get failures to boot at all after updating to High Sierra
on Gentoo, updating is effortless. Just emerge -uDN @world, whenever it's convenient, then go to sleep.

Run on actual hardware and not hacked shit to run.

>posted from my iphone

your windows 10 representation has too many colors

Heh, joke’s on you guys, I never updated from windows xp sp2
Enjoy using more RAM

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Thats not how hammers work bud.

No, they hate it too. I talk to the normal people at work. They're just cattle. They just go with whatever. Very strange.

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Improve ReactOS

Alright, heading home now should be fun finding out whats happening.

Go outside and do something with your life. Not only are modern video games designed to be overly addictive and a complete waste of time, they are proprietary software which attack your freedom and likely are spying on you, and as you admit yourself, they serve an additional nasty purpose which is to coerce you into using a proprietary spyware OS.

Just werks, Zero issues so far after months of using it

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>All file info, overheard conversations and browser history being streamed directly into Bill Gates' asshole

>Just as my os was intended to be used

You ever heard the phrase "freedom isn't free", you damn pinko

What did he mean by this?

It's okay because my PC is almost always off now and i just phone post so there's no windows involved anymore


Pussy arms detected

There's a lot of people who uses windows because it comes installed on most cases or because they need a windows-only program but why there's people like who knows about microsoft's bad practices and still defend and even reward it is just beyond me.

Counterbalancing a hammer defeats the entire point of a hammer. Strapping a steel plate to your hand and punching nails in would be more energy-efficient.

Trust me, normies hate windows 10.

This. I have to bring up a winxp VM just to play Chicken Invaders 2

To be honest it's miles ahead of 7 and 8, it's the best windows version, the annoying shit is all annoying but if you didn't just turn it all off then you're a retard

install gentoo

Yea like that'll just work, silly winfag.

Nobody has time to jump through all those hoops save for a handful of you autists

So you like BOTH uptime and 10 second boots? You know those are mutually exclusive right?

You also know that forced updates from w10 completely destroy the uptime argument too right?

>set active hours
>schedule updates for when you're asleep
Wow that was hard

Why so it can reinstall MS spyware and shutdown all your active server daemons while you sleep?

There's been a huge explosion in attention to it now that it's somewhat Usable and Windows 10 is pushing people away. It's like the 16th most used OS on distrowatch and rapidly increasing. That will probably help its development.

>don't have the time to load a program then load a program within it
get the fuck off Jow Forums right the fuck now

More like I just don't care for it. Why create extra work for yourself when Windows 10 just werks?

>Ew, using computers is autistic
>g 2018

>why care about my privacy when I have a PRISM box in my house?
I bet you own Amazon Echo products too you useful idiot

god I wish this were better developed. I mean I shouldn't be saying it since I don't help and I suck at programming though. But it would be great to have basically an open source windows 7 clone. I wouldn't need another OS for all eternity. as it is now, it is barely up to XP functionality. hell, even a working XP-like system would be amazing since we'd be able to update it.

You just end up in windows all the time, then.

this. I have a copy of Halo 2 for vista and it won't even fucking work in 7. and of course it won't work in XP. I have no idea wtf this shit is

Not since WINE 3.0 stable has DX10 and 11 support, so far in the developer versions they have some Vulkan support and are coming along with that with DX12 support in the future

>Because you get all of that in Linux,
>muh sysvinit
>muh minimalism
>muh 1970 mainframe

Are you supporting bloated shitty OS's? The fuckbis wrong with you?

While the Systemd is indeed a swiss cheese, unless you're running server nobody will lose their time writing viruses for you, as windows is a much bigger sheep pen.

Thanks for proving that GNU/Linux kills interesting but small projects.

That’s how they work if you are strong enough. Represents so well how resource hungry Vista was, and how well it worked once it was running on powerful hardware.

>computerlets eternally btfo

>FL studio
I live in the real world, gramps

cant't disable simple shit on w10, kys OP.
pic related

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>While the Systemd is indeed a swiss cheese,
[citation needed]

I can't give you any because the citation feature is broken but i will not fix it.

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Then you can run a distro that doesn't use systemd, there are plenty stable ones including Gentoo and all it's derivatives
>wanting a lightweight, customizeable, free as in beer OS that does just about everything Winblows can do but better
>being old
Nah, more like preferring not to have government agencies have a fucking key into my computer to take a peak whenever they like, and I don't even do dumb shit that warrants bit bleach or shit like that

What ads? I've been using win10 for years and I've never seen a single ad aside from the shit in the start menu that I got rid of immediately.

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I will use their OS when it can install updates without a reboot to swap HID drivers.
When I can logout and login to upgrade GPU drivers.
And when I can upgrade my kernel without a reboot and have it hotpatch.

These are actual things I currently enjoy the functionality of that are more productive than waiting at a blue screen saying 'please wait, don't turn off your computer' for like two hours a night.

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>>wanting a lightweight, customizeable, free as in beer OS that does just about everything Winblows can do but better
Like VST not functioning at all instead of barely working on Windows? right?

>hey guy, here's this one specific scenario out if millions that I cherrypicked
>beat that
Ok, you're a faggot

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>linux werks, just ignore the cases when it doesn't work ;_;

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Linux works better than Windows like 90% of the time. Even fixing broken shit on Linux is such a breeze compared to Windows. I would be on Linux full time if muh games would work, but even then I dread even rebooting to it.

You guys be arguing and I'm just here spinning wine prefixes for all my programs.

DXVK was the final nail in the coffin.

No one has an excuse anymore. It all just werks.

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works on my machine desu

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So what's the issue with PulseAudio then?

>bhop script
What's it like being a dexlet?

Literally duck syndrome.

>It's a 'too good for games' distrofag wants people to stop having fun episode

>tfw joining military soon
>will need to outright buy a laptop for first time inlife
>they all come with win10
There's a way to de-botnet it, r-right? It feels foolish to install Win7 over it when it's on the verge of being completely unsupported and the win10 OS is included in the cost. Plus it might be nice to have legal software for once, especially since I'll be using it for tech school and ITS related activities.

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