So what would you say is one of your worst flaws?

>So what would you say is one of your worst flaws?
How the fuck do you answer this?

It's on my pre interview questionnaire and I'm stumped

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I work too hard :)

I've been known to party rock a little too much if you know what I'm saying :D

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My worst flaw is my ability to tell you that this is a stupid question.

reminder they are gonna have to work with you every day after you get hired, this question is just to figure out what kind of person you are, it's not an important one and if you answer it with a joke it's whatever

I am bipolar with random fits of terrible rage and suicidal thoughts yet I legally own 3 rifles.

lol glad I don’t have to do this shit anymore
Being self employed is the best possible way of employment, don’t understand how people still want to be a slave to large ass corporations, even the 3rd world immigrants are smarter because they are making bank with their businesses and are not slaving their life’s away for some bourgeois asshole

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I just say I'm risk-averse. It's a flaw in one context, and a strength in another context.

I'm pedantic.

You say what it is and then say what you would do to improve.

For example, I would say, "my worst flaw is that sometimes I'm not that much of a communicator, but if given the chance to grow, I would try to keep my team and peers updated on things like project progress,etc etc"

Basically be upfront with what you're bad at, then try to show how you're gonna fix it with concrete steps and goals.

I like this one. It's easy to explain it more in detail if the interviewer presses you for answers

Peace of cake.

>I need thorough clarification. Mainly because due to hearing damage from loud music I can't really hear anymore. You'll find me asking "Are we needing to this?" quite a bit not because I'm dumb but because I can't hear. It's forced me to be more decisive and quick thinking so that's the only good thing that's come out of this

Now if only I could pass my technical portion of these interviews. I just can't seem to memorize how to invert a binary tree

I cant stand authority.
Read it however you like but I feel it like something primal and I can absolutely cause a fight over the simplest things if someone else is ordering me to do it.
The good thing is that I can control it to a point.

I like to stick walnuts into my asshole and pushing them with a wire into my upper intestines.

I absolutely cannot stand people standing over me pointing at the screen telling me what to do

>Umm, err, can you move that up to the right? Nah that's not working, move it back. How about move it over there?
I will fucking gut you like a fish and burn your children alive

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I like to dissect girls

i can't answer vague questions

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>Start singing GG Allin - Fuck Authority

"I am oblivious to my own flaws"


You're getting memed on. You're meant to explain something that#s actually bad about yourself and then go on to say how you're working to overcome it / overcame it (if you already have)

"I am not very good with people. I also say things I probably shouldn't."
That's an unusually fat Dilbert.

You tell them something you are currently improving about yourself.

Eg: I am not naturally a social person, but I am working on improving that.
Then expand on it if they want, but the idea is to see how you self reflect while telling them what they need to work on with you.


I'm a racist.

generic boring question asked at literally any non-minimum wage job in tech or not. have you never had a job before jfc

best thing to do is answer it in a way that can be a flaw in some situations but a strength in others.

like some other dude said saying you can be overly cautious or anxious or some shit is a good answer because in some situations you want to exercise extreme caution and sometimes being too cautious sacrifices efficiency.

"I work too hard"
"I worry too much about details"
"I can't stop chugging corporate cock"
They know you're bullshitting, they just want you to say the words

>That's an unusually fat Dilbert.
That's the joke.
Can't find the Arnold pic.



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I had an interview with this question recently. I just said, "before I started working in industry, all my experience was working in academia where all my projects were solo. success or failure was purely on my shoulders. so when I transferred over to industry, I found it really difficult to rely on other people's data so I would double check all the data myself by hand. several 90 hour weeks later, I realized all of my team members' data was always correct and I learned to trust their results and it really strengthened the faith in my team and the team itself"

I got the job

I'm lazy, but I also see it as a plus because I often find easier ways to do things, and I always get the job done.

How would this answer come across?

You should use this
>I would consider myself weakest against bullets, a lack of oxygen and the vaccum of space.

May not work but should get a few laughs

If no laughs:
>I cant take those kinds of questions seriously

i wanted to murder my previous employer because of financial disagreement

Are you a nigger?

I'm bad at interviews, I am too humble and I work too hard.

Tell them something you're bad at (but not too bad or embarrassing or socially unacceptable) and then tell them how you have been working to improve this flaw with a specific example.

to smart to have a flaw

I literally said this and I got the job

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Only if you could google that stuff
And not Jow Forums related mooood

This is really great. I'm stealing this.

My penis is too large.