New internet?

A nerdy crypto community named Skycoin believe they can build a new internet, bypassing ISPs with custom-built hardware that is owned by users.

Pictured is called Skyminer, supposed to process traffic forwarding. Apparently they're designing an antenna too.

Is it possible anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:,145.1959991455078&z=6

It's possible but it won't catch on except for hobbiest

Question is why?


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well everything successful started with a small community of hobbyists. Facebook, Snapchat, computers, etc.

Wow so now instead of paying $30/month for internet you can pay $150/month for electricity

what's the problem with blockchain?

lol they've been watching too much silicon valley

It has been proved that it's a meme

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Not really.
- The "miner" only runs on single-board computers like Orange Pi or Raspberry Pi, so it's quite eco-friendly
- Those who run these Skyminers are the one who provide the service. So they get paid from their neighbors for forwarding the data to the next neighborhood it seems.

The team promises a much more efficient internet with much cheaper price.

Thanks for the explanations user.
Sounds awesome.
How can I build/buy a miner ?

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How can you bypass ISP if you need to run your shit layer using ISP as a backbone.

>mining on Arm processors

>building your own internet

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I thought the same thing too. But this project started in 2012 with almost limitless budget (from billionaire private investors and bitcoin whales founders).

So it's actually Silicon Valley mimicking them LOL

>literally running chink. Freenodes thinking you defeated evil isp

Silicon valley is better then sky coin, cause at least they have compression meme to get goys into the new internet, unlike skymeme

I saw a distribution map of the miners somewhere, they are pretty far ahead. Ill post in a sec

They're designing an antenna, so when that is ready, you plug this Skyminer hardware to that antenna that you put on your roof. All antennas will then communicate to each other without ISP.

Your normie neighbors just use the internet you provide via WiFi it seems.

>he thinks memes are bad

too much Jow Forums per day user.

>using WiFi
What is next you gonna use unused vhf as a new cellphone network plus internet.

Lol they have added a shitton more miners since the last time I checked,145.1959991455078&z=6

Synth, their founder, is an anarchist. He hates governments so much LOL.

A quote from him:
"..herding millenials into 400 sq-ft apartments, taking away their cars, putting them under $500,000 student loan debt; putting Amazon Echo micrphones in their bedrooms, geolocating them 24/7 down to a meter by cell phone, etc. Feeding them fake food, etc

What is the point, lol"

Hardware they're using are just first versions being tested for performance. Later on when the real thing is rolled out, they will use their custom-built hardware.

What about latency times? In the minutes?

Why are pajeets everywhere??

Looks interesting. So how does it work? Why is it called a miner?

Computers started in the military. Facebook was based on other commercial services, notably Myspace.

Post a guide you shiI do a node with one pi?

fucking gillfoyle

This. It needs a viable way to have 0-1 ms latency or its a no-go.

So they invented a wireless router?

clap clap clap clap clap

are you retarded? jesus christ

Tbh I have no idea. But in his interviews the founder said the current internet is highly inefficient and it wasn't even the best tech back in the 90's.

The team's goal is to upgrade the internet technicaly. Not simply a political move.

Also I might be wrong but I remember he says users can prioritize their needs with this new internet. So like, if you want low latency for gaming just for a 3-hour gaming session, you can pay to have it. If you want better buffer for downloading a 50GB movie in under 10 minutes, you can pay for it.

do you guys realy think governements will allow a decentralised internet

Wow. Can't wait for this then.

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But if the signal goes from antenna to antenna with small jumps, how will it achieve low latency? Not like normal internet if flawless, you get seconds if you want to access something on a different continent.

look closer user

>Computers started in the military.
Computers started in a "basement" & before that - on a sheet of paper.


So he is a retard got it.
>using antennas
>literally cellular companies spend millions to provide shit 4g.
Shit project, you might as well connect via light bulbs.

Wrong computers were run by women weaving shit.

My life in one drawing.
Fuck, depression isn't a meme

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Every time someone thinks his idea of dramatically changing the internet will become widespread I think of IPv6 and how after 2 decades it still didn't replace the IPv4.

4G or even 5G can't get over TCP/IP limitations.

Their founder wants to replace TCP/IP with a better protocol.

Them they'd have one designed and working in the lab before making hardware, what a bunch of goofs

The founders will never reach anything but 50mbps if lucky faggot a cheaper solution is pay people to by a ubiquiti mesh for 100 bucks then you antenna meme.

>fucking gillfoyle
How's that loan of Tesla going, Dinesh? And for the sake of clarity, I didn't mean the one you had to return because you couldn't afford it anymore, but the one you bought for your employee, even though you can't afford that either.

>Wrong computers were run by women weaving shit.
Read the text you replied to again, you dolt.

Current internet is available commercially for less than 3 decades so far. Maybe IPv6 came too early.

Remember how Microsoft pioneered tablets but didnt succeed?

>more efficient internet
>crypto shit
Define efficient.

A factory floor is not a basement, they used wood not paper you dolt.

Testnet already running. Hardware (antenna) is what's missing.

Skywire (the networking protocol) is actually a mix of 3 different protocols, and is hardware agnostic. The antennas while operating on unlicensed bands and frequencies, will not be using current protocols like 802.11

And read it again.

Are you happy with your internet speed?

The crypto thing is to provide incentives for people to run the network.

That looks really cool.
Can you provide a link so people can get into it?

>we have nothing
>how you gonna nuinternet without ISP
>What nuprotcool you gonna use

It a scam >creat a freenode meme with servers and try to use crypto to make money.
>see all these problem
>give no real physical solution

>Maybe IPv6 came too early.
Even then address exhaustion was a problem, that's why IPv6 came into existence in the first place. It was however cheaper to implement NAT and the like rather than switching to another protocol which required new hardware and additional work.

ris is not dinesh
ris is your mom i am dead
and i never loved you

>custom-built hardware that is owned by users

lol and how does this hardware connect me to someone across the ocean

this is like all net neutrality people saying once town signs up be so good
yet you still use the ISP's fiber back haul across the US

The current internet is limited by light speed in latency and and the only major inefficiency in TCP is to provide state. The internet routing has possible inefficiencies due to the failure tolerant pairing design but you would get more fuckups with a wireless setup.
Maybe they can more efficiently get money into their pockets from yours?

how do you do that bottom font style? the rainbow one. I love it reminds me of kid pix

This is a far better project, without blockchain bullshit.

>Are you happy with your internet speed?
Yes, it is glorious.
>The crypto thing is to provide incentives for people to run the network.
That's great.
Is this a fucking Jow Forums raid?

>cellphone provides spend millions and still provide crap service on their network.
>network hardware provides try to improve wireless internet

>chink will find the way.

>still didn't answer how you get this wireless signal across the ocean
>also without frying the people below the antenna

Skynigger shills pls go


and an interesting interview from the founder

I'm not the shill man , idk meme magic coming soon™

>Solar powered buoys

That's just a mesh network. People have been building those for years.

You can find info on how to build your own DIY one on the skywire forum -

or on telegram @skywire

>send DCMA request
>they're liable

and the network is gone

>So they get paid from their neighbors for forwarding the data to the next neighborhood it seems.
So basically you either do it for free at a cost to yourself or Jew your neighbors like ISPs do now.

current mesh networks are run by volunteers who are not paid running it, thas its not incentivized. thats why mesh networks are not as big is they could be.

on Skywire you are paid to run a mesh network in crypto so there is an actual real incentive for you to run a mesh network now for the first time in history.

>use video chat
>30000ms delay

More like paided to be a server host you faggot.

ah, I remember living that way, except at some point I actually did manage to find a 9/10 gf and started to work out because of her.
Seems like a century ago now, an eye I had to sacrifice in order to acquire wisdom.

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Aerial drone nodes.
Short wave radio packets for low priority data packets.
ISP lights up unused undersea fiber to join the network and earn crypto.


>undersea cables are a meme
How do you think you're talking to me right now?

Using ISP backbones as new internet is a meme.

I smell bullshit.

>unused fiber

yeah sure exists

those tier 1 ISPS lay down cable at a ridiculous cost and then don't use them

Honestly when I saw Skycoin a few years ago I thought this was exactly something Jow Forums would be into. Then over time, it has been revealed that the sky coin team are a bunch of fucking retards.

ISPs are only clients of those who lay down the cables

>what is a tier 1 isp

read again dumb cunt

>there's one small obstacle in part of your plan, therefore none of it is ever possible

You can access every server in north and south America without going over seas once.

I listed 3 of the most obvious solutions to that one aspect of the plan. Those are just off the top of my head. There are many more possible solutions. That's what humans are for; solving problems.

Attached: wireless_bridge.jpg (1280x622, 70K)

>first link 50km at best literally on coast
>no power on random island
>"free" internet passing via russia
>thinks that fixed the issue
>passing via thousands and thousands of nodes with high latency is a great internet

>fucking reinventing the wheel for no reason.
Every project talking more about financials rather than implementation is a scam.
Anything with coin in it is a scam. Crypto is a scam. You guys never learn.

>nobody has ever made a wireless connection further than 50km
>nobody has ever had more than 1 antenna on a tower at once before
>nobody has ever found a way of having a power source in a remote environment with high winds, and moving water

You wat m8? We literally have a connection with robots on another planet. (albeit low bandwidth). There are solutions to getting a wireless connection over 50km, lol. You have the imagination of an ant.

1. The internet has serious problems.
2. Crypto solves real problems, that's why it has users. (though I agree it is overvalued at present).

Probably word art or some shit

Because isps are awful.

I'd gladly pay a one time fee of $500 over whatever ridiculous monthly fee some intelligence agency demands from me.

>never implied 50m is impossible
>you want the internet transmitting over that
>most are 150-400mbps links
>ignored latency
>muh international robot connections

yeah which use fibre and copper and get there in

Radiowave latency is not the issue. It moves at the speed of light. The reason our wireless connection have lower latency than wired is due to the protocols. Skywire has new protocols.

>make shit worse than what we have
>but how do we make it better?

The networking protocol works without a cryptocurrency.

The cryptocurrency is simply to incentivize people to contribute resources to the network.

transparent gradient layer with those colours
selection/path to leave it just for the letters
or something like that idk

I wonder who the "brains" behind it is? Think about it. These people want an alternative internet so they dont have to pay the ISP's so eventually everyone joins this internet where the consumer it their own ISP effectively, now, where you suppose they gonna store enough switching and routing hardware, who wil own all this stuff and why will they run it free just so you can get your fun? OK so my antennae is uploading and downloading and everything is working fine except the next nearest antennae is over 300 miles away Now I got to set up a fucking relay system which means paying someone or buying licences to transmit across their hardware. OR I could just buy half a million notes worth of relay antennae.

Somewhere along the line this shit is going to have to rely on rich companies who can put satellites into orbit, or have fibre optic cable, or a set of relay antennae. That all costs billions of notes. It's a faggot pie in the sky dream

Someone smoked too much weed one night and went insane for a few weeks and dreamt that shit up

Did I imply it didn't?
Incentivizing people with shitcoins isn't gonna make a worse solution better, is what I said