I killed the cute, simple and lightweight static Web you loved, how does it make you feel?
I killed the cute, simple and lightweight static Web you loved, how does it make you feel?
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You made the web kawaii, JS-kun.
We love you.
there's such thing as writing lightweight JS. its not the language's fault that major browser competitors implement it differently and hipster JS devs think it's cool to deliver 5 megabytes worth of JS on every page request
what was even the point of getting rid of flash player if nowadays every web dev bascially makes it his life goal to make an exact replica of flash bloat using javascript
It's not up to the devs to decide this.
It's up to the customers.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
> t. Confucius
NoScript kicks your ass, JS-san
I make all my pages work well without JS
In fact, the only script on my pages is the one that lets me type LaTeX formulas
Do people really have a problem with JS or is it some meme?
Yeah some devs are shit and write unneeded or shit code, some reply on passive frameworks to do 10 lines of code, but non shit devs can use JS to massively improve sites.
Yes they can, but they never do so shut up and suk my cok
>Browser consumes 300mb ram to render empty html page
JS retarded tecnology. We should use native apps instead.
Frameworks just suck!
infinite scrolling is not an improvement
I intend to do the same with my page, org-mode exported to html
They are a tool, they have their place.
Using a framework where it is not needed or to do a tiny task that you can do just as easily in vanilla JS is bad.
Using a framework for templating and complex tasks that they are designed for is good.
Why do you think frameworks are used by all over the industry, Google use Angular, Facebook with React e.c.t.
I disagree, it is there as a design choice to help encourage addictive behaviour to a site.
The user may leave the page when they get to the end, if there's always more content then they are likely to stay on for longer.
In the eyes of a business/designer, this is a good thing.
Good bait OP
infinite scrolling is a fucking chore especially if you want to come back to where you were last time, better scroll the fuck down all over again
whatever happened to pagination with a selectable number of elements to display? javascript web "developer" motto: if it aint broke remove it and replace it with some retard india nigger shit
>>Why do you think frameworks are used by all over the industry
because if there's one thing the web industry loves, its doing things that don't need to be done. JS is an ideal tool for doing lots of things that don't need to be done, and frameworks make that JS faster to write so you can do even more things that don't need to be done.
this is why we need widespread ad-blocking, to drive people like that out of business.
Addiction is designed into pretty much every aspect of your life, from shopping at the store to checking your phone.
As I said, frameworks are a tool that can make the site and development faster if used right. You can use JS to dynamically get data from a real time database and fill/update a page in real time with a framework.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel, so frameworks have the wheel there for you to use, no bugs and faster wheels.
>because if there's one thing the web industry loves, its doing things that don't need to be done. JS is an ideal tool for doing lots of things that don't need to be done, and frameworks make that JS faster to write so you can do even more things that don't need to be done.
basically this
plus clueless CEOs and project managers who don't know what programming is promote this crap because features and eyecandy, and clients, who are equally clueless about technology as a whole and don't even browse the internet beyond reposting boomer memes on facebook, love it because of all the wacky effects and sliding menus
same principle why Flash player was so popular despite being universally despised by internet users
>same principle why Flash player was so popular despite being universally despised by internet users
Nice strawman there but the Flash was universally loved by internet users until Jewdobe bought Macromedia and started shitting things up
found the macromedia shill still asshurt from adobe's acquisition
If you haven't realized it by now, normies vastly outnumber austists on Jow Forums. Why the hell should companies cater to you?
>look at me i am special :D
They must do good products, not bloted shit like cnn or gmail
I like it the modern web. The old web sucked ass.
browsers have completely overstepped their boundaries. I don't need my browser to play videos; I have a dedicated player for that...
Nobody loved flash. It was shit to develop for and unsafe. It was just the only technology of the times
wew boi, its like you hate convenience and usability.
it is the consumer who wants this eye candy. every client i engage wants cool shit to attract the low attention span normies to their websites and spend money on shit they dont need.
Dont get me wrong, I too hate what I am made to do, but if they don't do it their competitors will and they will go out of business. Blame capitalism. With everybody having fast Internet connections, we have to feet the coolest animations and effects just to stand out. This amounts to ~10MB. If you feel the effects upgrade your Thinkpad processor or give the ispjew more money.
If you still dont get it, go fuck a onahole or something fucking jobless commies over here
i do not trust you. you lie
you nerds are outnumbered by normies. and they are more likely to fall for shilling
All the hate for JS comes from pajeets working on code.... Was hired on to fix a company website built in React. They outsourced it to some dev company in India, matched design created by the designer, but to load in the home page of the site took 28Mb with 385 requests.
Me and the other guy that was hired worked on the site for one and a half months and got it down to 750kb and 9 requests.
It's not JS, it's the coders who throw bandaid patches and a thousand libraries at every little problem rather than reworking/solving the issue.
Why is javascript the programming language for browsers? Why not Python, Java, or any other language that people use for reasons other than tradition.
Nothing pisses me off more than seeing people give JavaScript answers on Stackoverflow for things that don't need it.
shitty JS performance is the developer's fault, not JS's fault
Could you give out some.examples , user?
You were just the tool that was used. I don't hate a hammer for building a house.
Use gopher
>being a web "programmer"
pic related
Go fuck yourself man.
Scenario A: Bug found on website
Solution A: Download js library that fixes the problem many other developers before you experienced and play retro NES games the rest of your hours while the bosses think you are solving the problem
Solution B: Reinvent the wheel. Rewrite stuff that has been written >=100.000 times all in the name of being "a wizkid genius know it all"
I chose solution A anytime and Im not even Indian. If modern websites are too slow, like said, get a new fucking computer you cheapskate. are you a jew?
>cute, simple and lightweight static Web
The web stack is garbage. JS is just a minor detail.
the jquery syndrome is waaay worse
You are subhuman scum
> var
> a=
> a+1
I'd downvote that shit too
jQ*ery fuckers are mostly Indians who don't know how to code efficiently.
How do I prevent myself from propagating this bloat then?
I'm really new to this web dev thing, but I want to cut it out early on. Just learn how to write efficient code?
If its a simple task, just use vanilla Javascript, not JQuery nor a million 20MB frameworks. Thats all.
Yes, when you can write efficient code for most problems you face then look at frameworks if they are needed.
HTML5 is your friend
subhuman scum earning >150k though im speed running most of the time. embedded developers look like hobbits with their long beards and autistic glasses, fucking poorfag autists earning 65k. get with the times fagot. pick a framework learn it inside out and get into webdev
not true. you see my friend, once you actually get a job and start doing projects, time becomes a factor
dont listen to this fagots. They are memeing you
You have the power to not use 10 million frameworks. Why must you do this to us? The earth is a worse place because of you faggot
you have to go back
I'm not even giving you a (you)
>how does it make you feel
Great. Thanks for the job security.
for example, writing a crud app. with a framework its one fucking command and most boilerplate is filled out for you, you just extend with custom adapters and logic. for the styles I just change boostrap less variables to match the client companies brand. 85% of work that comes in, I do in under an hour, i slack off the rest of the time. none is the wiser. You want me to give that up to appease you peasants who don't even buy shit and pay my salary? Firefox and Linux fags have some of the lowest conversion rates. You are all poor kek. Here's a tip fagots, normies don't know how to Ctrl+Shift+I. They also have maxed out fagbooks and fell for Internet package shilling. No one knows the code sucks. They just want to buy shit or be impressed by a cool fucking website. Kyselves
>accepting mediocre work
People like you are going to turn America into china-tier shit.
>declining a contract that could lead to further opportunities in the future
Thank you based noscript!
TypeScript is the future
typescript compiles to javascript idiot
I know it. But it is just a better way to write JS and have the good practices of other languages. Don't assume I don't know that.
And it doesn't compiles... Transpiles...
Microsoft shill. Shoo shoo
Only stupid children liked flash.
I like you user, you embody modern design philosophy. It's a good thing modern hardware can support all this so easily!
no dear JS, lamers just don't understand the power behind prototype based programming an your applications for developing rich UX/UI
>how do I add
>lol just use this fancy plugin
>actual answer is downvoted
what the fuck
You disgust me.
This is the power of pajeet.
jquery is so bloated!
let me install 5 different tools so i can my write a hello world app
All it did was move all of the dynamism from the server to the client.
>there are people who want AJAX to be dead
>static Web you loved
no one loved the static Web, if they did, we wouldn't have the JS clusterfuck we have today
jesus the amount of larping in this thread
>t. Rajesh
Fuark, right in the nostalgia..
And this.
How many web developers could create really secure web sites all by themselves? Maybe 10%. Meanwhile you can simply use a proven technology.
It's the same for design:
Making a good responsive website is hard. So sometimes you want to invest time (and money) into creting something special or you just add a decent framework like bootstrap and call it a day.
Knowing the nuts and bolts of websites is mandatory for programmes these days. This does not mean you should only do web dev and not educate yourself about algorithms, but don't underestimate how complex web development has become.
If you only take deployment alone you can spend weeks on how to properly configure a server like nginx or apache, how to secure your ports, how to use stuff like iptables or firewalls and so on..
All this is web development.
it's not your fault you were born, the fault lies with js-""devs""
>don't underestimate how unnecessarily complex web development has become.
It's ironic, newfirend.
Just read the user names..
You fail to understand that the modern internet has almost nothing in common with what the original idea of the internet was.
>Original internet
Text with (gasp!) HYPERLINKS.
>Contemporary internet
A fully interactive dashboard with global server load balancing which interacts with differnt databases and can stream videos and does look great on every possible device because it's realized as hybrid app, which allows you to have the functionality of a native app with teh costs and scaling of a website..
It's literally comparing sticks and stones vs. a stealth bomber..
>tfw loads instantly instead of 10 minutes because mom couldn't afford the good connection
>ywn hear your modem SCREEEEEE at you again