> thinks airpods are expensive
> has to replace his shitty earphones every 3 months
ITT: we laugh at cablefags
>using earbuds
Still have the headphones from my iPhone 5, have yet to open the ones that came with my SE
Enjoy your literal brain cancer
fuck off faggot
Theres better wireless ones out there also
>aac only
these cost less than airpods, yet sound better.
who really wins?
>has to replace his shitty earphones every 3 months
why? you will never see this thing like like op pic, sound great and cost $9
you're a big faggot, op. Accept it
0/10 bait, not even going to bother with a reaction image
Just a shill. They'll make this thread again in a few hours again because mods are fags.
I was going to say good luck using them out and about, but then I remembered I'm on Jow Forums
not you with that mental disability u fuckin weeb
>thinks airpods are expensive
>can't afford good IEMs
Poor cablelets BTFO
well, we can post good and cheap earphones/earbuds/deafmakers
Enjoy that bloated bass and unreasonably long cable dummy. You can get better for less.
>bumps into you on the sidewalk
>airpods hit the concrete and roll down the street
I have €1200 customs. Absolute comfort and 8 drivers per side.
My IEMs cost more than your phone.
Absolutely this, but unironically. If nothing else, wired earphones offer that little bit of security where rather than flying off into fuck knows where, they just dangle.
i'm not an orifice plugging enthusiast
>he didn't buy iem with detachable cable
>be cable fag
>analog master race
>charge one device
>it lasts three days
>cables never tangle because I'm not retarded
>headphones are $20 if I break or lose them
>each pair lasts me a year or so
>be (You)
>cucked out of a headphone jack
>have to charge itoy and ishitpods
>play music for like 5 hours
>tethered to a wall to charge headphones
>they come with a charging case, have to carry that too
>small parts are easily lost (you probably eat them like the child you are)
>new set is like $150
>have to fiddle with inferior bluetooth swipple garbage
Lol, those things are retarded. Who the fuck needs an extra thing to charge? That's utterly inane. Take your shitty ear fedoras to /lgbt/, you massive homo.
>he doesn't use the Bluetooth shure buds
>bloated bass
What chink-ass 215s clones have you bought?
>unreasonably long cable
Stop being a manlet, the cable is just around 160cms, but seriously, the long ass cable is important for me.
>You can get better for less
Possibly, but I live in Belgium and I had to order these from Germany, the only place I could get these locally is a hipster music store which sell them for €199, I got them shipped from Germany for €119.
>Bluetooth IEMs
Nigga pls, bluetooth is shite, that's also the reason why you don't see any bt variants of high-tier IEMs, stop trying to force normie shit into everything.
Ive owned the legit version for four years. Solid as a brick but muddy as fuck. Sorry you feel compelled to justify wasting your precious dollars. You also paid too much for them.
I know I paid more than MSRP, I live in Belgium, I pay more for every type of tech here. It's better than anything else I could find here, if you can find me something better around €100 that I can get delivered to Belgium, I'll buy it. Stop being such a condescending elitist faggot.
Step aside poor fags and wireless fags
>> has to replace his shitty earphones every 3 months
It's the other way around; you will have to replace the airpods when the batteries start losing charge.
Wired earphones never have to get replaced.
>walk into a bus
>some nigger just picks them out of your ears as he exits the vehicle
>Enjoy that bloated bass and unreasonably long cable dummy. You can get better for less.
>Bloated bass
this is more than enough to proof you dont know what you are talking about man/g/
The 215's will give you less MUH bass and more clear sound than many 25-50 earphones with "nice design"
>unreasonably long cable
I dont know what you do with your earphones, for me, the lenght of the cable is comfy as fuck.
You forgot to mention the nice reinforced cable that stands use and abuse unlike your chepo chink earphones that breaks after 3 yanks.
>You can get better for less.
These are designed to be entry-level professional monitors, so they need to have undistorted sound, durable cable (which is also user replaceable) and be comfortable to use.
I got mine in my backwater country for 90-99 USD. So please sempai, illuminate us with your knowledge, unless you are shit talking, that is
Abloo abloo to you waffle boy. Do your own damn research outside of skimming reviews on amazon and jewtube.
Was gonna say that people with airpods probably won't be taking the bus but then I realized that iSheep will buy them even if they can barely afford them.
I've been using the same headphones with zero issue for 10 years now and they cost about 4 times as much as those shitty airpoos. I will say one thing though: i just got my first wireless charger today and I'm in fucking love with it. Not having to plug my phone in feels fucking nice, especially with the "colors" screensaver that comes with Android. With the really nice OLED display on my S8 it almost looks decorative when my phone is on the wireless charging pad.
Lel, could you at least tell me what in your opinion is a better alternative in the same price range? I could order from anywhere in Europe, if you give me an alternative I'd be grateful.
Amything inside yurp will be difficult. Amazon japan is okay if you can find a seller who ships internationally. Pioneer ch9t, fiio f9 or f9 pro, mee audio m6 pro just to name a few.
Oh and the fostex te04. Those are real nice.
>Andvoid phone users
>subhuman literal chimp ears, can't hold earbuds
Feels good to have won so many lotteries.
>be me
>own a pair of wired headphones worth more than everything OP owns, including his life
Who's laughing now?
I tried the f9s one of my friends own and I wouldn't be able to tell them apart from the 215s, they'd also cost me more than the 215s, so I didn't get those, the f9 pros cost like €160 or something for me, I never looked into the pioneer ch9ts actually, I could get those for €99. The others I'd have to order outside the EU, which would end up costing me twice as much as the IEMs actually sell for. Thanks for the advice user, I think I am going to order a pair of the ch9ts at the end of this month.
Wait what?
Applel only does bt with aac. No aptx or ldac.
I've had my headphones for four years and haven't had to charge them once.
Not the other guy, but SE215 is the meme50x of iems. It's probably good years ago but now even
Nice lines on a grid.
>random, generic named photo of graph
>SE215 brainlet owner unable to read objective earphone measurement
How surprising
It's literally the first result from google
There's literally only a single word on that graph, amplitude, which doesn't say much in terms of how much someone will like the sound of a pair of IEMs.
>no legend
>no x axis label
what the fuck am I looking at here
If you know what a frequency response graph is then you wouldn't he stupid enough to not know that the x axis is meant to be frequency
>not having 20$ magnetic bluetooth headphones
Ok, now I know it's a frequency response graph, I can figure out what that means, so at x frequency the amplitude is x db, so now what the fuck are those lines? What is grey, red and blue? Why would I need to care about this? Do you really think I care about hearing every frequency at jet engine levels of sound? You do know that I am not a robot, right? No matter what the amplitude or impedance or frequency range, all IEMs have a unique sound signature and the 215s have subjectively the best I've experienced until now.
I’ve never had to replace earbuds.
I’ve only had one pair of earbuds break on me, and they were the kind of earbuds that were included free with an offbrand mp3 player.
anime website
your only point is about the lack of legends, otherwise, yoru complaint stems from your own ignorance of how the graph works. Don't complain about crashing a car if you don't know how to drive. I could explain it to you at the most basic, at least. The most ideal frequency response graph would be flat at 0db. This means that no amplitude is being unnecessarily boosted or suppressed. Have suppressed highs and you'll end up with a muddy sound. A boosted treble with a suppressed bass would make them sound like sardine cans. A "V" shaped response would make it difficult to hear vocals since the midrange (where the vocals typically reside) are suppressed or unboosted relative to the frequencies at either end of the graph. Some types of frequency response can be good for certain types of music. Frequency response is like an equalizer setting baked into your earphones.
>it's another buyer's remorse thread
I think this is a screen cut and paste from
innerfidelity dot com
which points to a pdf from whish the image is extracted
In the opinion of the reviewer the SE215:
Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! Wow, what a great little headphone. I’m thinking this may be the best sounding sub-$100 in-ear headphone I’ve heard. This is a somewhat bass-heavy headphone with nice tight lows and a tasteful emphasis. It’s slightly lacking in detail in the upper registers, but that is preferable to the common failure at this price where highs can often be strident. The impedance curve also indicates it will be driven well by portable players with little coloration. I’d say this is a great headphone for rockers and urban music thumpists where a solid bass and freedom from harshness will greatly please. Highly recommended!
So nice cherrypicking man/g/ At least have the decency of cut and paste properly the graph, cite the source and/or post the entire opinion of the review.
ITT we report commercial spam threads.
those suck, and have a battery life of like 3-4 hours
So they're basically airpods with better battery life?
1. changing cable cheapos every three months is still cheaper than airpods
2. buying any other wireless headset is still cheaper than airpods
3. apple is for fags
lol, i didnt think airpods had such shit battery
mine were like $30 and last about 8 hours of audio
I love them. fit me perfectly, nice flat EQ, good mic for phone calls. only Apple product I'll ever buy.
>one pod slips out and lands in a puddle
>that'll be $80 please
Those are like ALWAYS listening to .mp3, no matter how clean it is the source.
And if you listen to actual .mp3's, they're double compressed.
Also shit will inevitably fail on any dense populated place due the limited number of radio frequencies.
what are some good over ear headphones for outdoors use?
your mom's fat tits
That's what no-airpoders fail to understand. These things NEVER slip out (except if you take a punch to the face or you fall off your bike etc)
This is what every ear penis fuckwad says and they always fall out no matter what kind you get.
Fuck ear penises. They're garbage.
I'll be over here with my wired IEM's that I've had for the past 8 years, listening to music at vastly higher quality.
>KZ ATE earbuds
>$11 from Gearbest
>sound quality is amazing, especially considering the price
I could buy 10 pairs of these things for less than those airpods and these things simply sound better. Fuck you and your Apple bullshit.
what are those mr
>Having to recharge every 3 hours
nice one btr1 user
>inb4 hurr it's 5, 24 if you count the case
5 hours is still fucking trash and having to carry a proprietary power bank to make them last longer is even worse.
They will fall out, you will drop them!
And when they fall, they will land on dirt or somewhere else unpleasant, it's contact lenses 2.0
out of my way, plebs!
>airpods never fall out!
>your earphones break spontaneously!
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>spend that much on wired headphones
I'm laughing now.
If science allowed me to be a happily married guy I'd be out hunting for anything I can fucking fin in fucking South Korea?
earphones usually break because the wire tangles and tears the circuit inside.
>inserting Apple-quality batteries inside your ear
I sure hope you guys don't do this
Maybe if you are a gorilla in attempting to untangle them.
>used and abused every day
>over 2 years old
Stop buying 2$ earphones and maybe they won't break after 3 months. Or better yet, buy some IEMs with removable cables instead of putting potential explosives inside your ear.
Well, you could say that these earphones have some excellent bass, based on the richness and colorful BOOM it provides!
I already have custom iems so I don't care.
Low quality bait.
>Friendly reminder
>hang on, lemme just charge my earphones
At 10€ a pair (that's the price of equivalent sounding AKG) I'm ok for another 3 years
Had my etymotic mk5s for 1 year and 7 months, still working fine, the cables fine and I haven't had to charge them once
bait: the thread
what the hell is that stupid shit?
I love my portapros so Goddamn much. I have reverse buyer's remorse.
Noise cancelling earbuds
>"hurdur who would wear those"
>people valuing aesthetics and the opinions of strangers over raw performance and quality and value
>Jow Forums
there is even earwax in the thumbnail, delicious
wasted money