Just installed Fedora, what should I do with it?

Just installed Fedora, what should I do with it?

Attached: fedora.png (7200x7200, 551K)

Delete it

rice, post fetch, pretend to be badass hackerino, profit

Attached: 29b.jpg (1000x800, 118K)

Install it again in a VM.

Wear a fedora while you use fedora.

Fedora is full of bloatware.

Install proprietary videocard drivers

Enjoy using a good OS.

Uninstall Fedora
Install Gentoo

Run applications, retard. That's what operating systems are for.
Fucking moron.

Like what? I want to buy into the RedHat meme, since it is the only Linux distro worth knowing. Fedora is similar enough.

This but unironically.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=1M

speeds up your partition

You fucking norm piece of trash.

Go install Linux From Scratch.

Attached: M9FEw3.jpg (540x540, 27K)


Try to install steam, run into problems, come back to and ubuntu derivative like a good little bitch.

[citation needed]

Wow I never knew about this. I just tried it and it worked. OP just try this command out, it's amazing

Attached: 5ba0af719160feb004d5260ab3db82bc.gif (320x240, 1.47M)

Now my system won't boot, why you do this?

>pics or it didn't happen

>Like what?
Why do you even own a computer? What do you do with your computer, dipshit?

Tip it.

What DE have you gone with, user? I run xfce on mine.

Use it to create a Slackware or openSUSE install media to replace it.

hopefully you used the KDE spin.

Here's my list:
setup fail2ban and configure ssh for keys
Install the rpmfusion repos
If you have nvidia graphics, install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia
disable baloo

install gentoo

tip it

Ok, what am I missing out without rpmfusion repos?

Codecs and some applications that you might want to keep up to date without dealing with flatpaks (i.e. Discord, your favorite music/video player, etc)

See if you can browse SMB shares over Nautilus or better yet host one. Protip, you can't.

Remove it and install Gentoo


I'm using KDE

Its true. Stay away from VNC, NFS, or Samba. All shit on Fedora (or linux in general? I'm not sure.)

A bunch of convenience stuff, codecs, drivers, and other proprietary things that get RMS's panties in a twist. If you install it the stuff that would normally be missing compared to other distros is available again.

This, no issue with smb share with kde/fedora.

put a nice wallpaper on it, tinker a bit with your DE of choice. If you ~code~, install vim or emacs and customize it to your liking; install necessary programs eg torrent, mpv, browser, delete unecessary garbage. Configure neofetch file.

then, finally, wonder in amazement what a nice gnu desktop you just set up and boot windows again

But I don't like Windows, it's pretty slow and WiFi is weak. Even Bloatjaro is faster than Windows.

Remove it.
You're just a guinea pig of Red Hat.
Install Debian with Mate.
Stop asking stupid questions.

It's nice when your distro maintainers have a steady funding source. Red Hat is Fedora's. Big companies pay to maintain your distro for you.

Pepper your angus for the hassle of re-installing when the next release comes out.Fedora would be great if they'd do away with that bullshit.

puzzles me why this isnt done by default