Disprove this. You literally can't.
Disprove this. You literally can't
gnomecucks BTFO
>not using the virgin vs chad layout
just imagine being OP
i generally click on post number for a quicker reply, but i don't even want to give him a (You)
>using a meme from last year
show yourself out normalfriend
i know it's you, OP
you're not getting my (You)
What is the meme anyway? Those faggots literally use loonix DEs in the tv show?
imagine actually being this buttblasted
you even fucked up the list, faggot
>suicidal tendency
>beats up other people
the two aren't even related
>6 posts ITT, not a single (You) for OP
>fucks chad in the ass
That's gay.
What's a good DE for those who aren't cucks, faggots or pajeets?
There's nothing gay about fucking chads in the ass.
>Dutch gf
What's the difference anyway
they both ruin the economy
it should be GNOME User vs Windows 10 User
What's the show on the right?
same show
The gf is danish, not dutch.
Who are cinnamon users then
Swedish master race? The country has turned into Swedistan
You forgot to put fudge packer under KDE User.
Mr. Robot. Tyrel
Powerful Fragile ego
Chill God Complex
Smart Muderes the wife with
LXDE master-race reporting to laugh at both of them
Whats wrong with subway
>not LXQT
>from last year
no u
how do i use KDE though
They had a chat about it when they first met in S1.
>Fucks Chads in the ass
let me fix that for you :^)
use .jpg u fucking piece of shit tyrone
>gnome user
>not american
i don't even need to go futher
it was his wife though
Get fucked, footfags
I think you forgot to mention the part where the KDE User literally treats the GNOME User like a living god.
Both are inherently trash. Humans are proprietary. You cannot know what the other person is truly thinking or doing. It is for this reason that they are considered detrimental for your daily life, and should not be trusted at all.