Javascript meme

Who’s responsible for this shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Who is the number 523.
Kek I actually thought you might have done that yourself until I saw it with my own 2 eyes.

the ultimate onions language

Attached: F02C1809-345D-4E4F-9483-2356C511D740.jpg (1308x1136, 367K)

> onions language*

fucking chink

really made me think

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Fuck. This thread made me realize that I don't hate programming, I just hate my fucking job. I interviewed to be a python developer. Why am I writing AngularJS?

Screw all this. I'm going into the defense sector. At least there I'll be working on 10 year old codebases that are immune to any of the stupid memes the javascript community leans into.

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> muh Javascript (((objects))) are just dictionaries

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imagine all the possibilities

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literally why would someone allow this?


why is it not 55?

Somebody, somewhere, thought this was a good idea.

Attached: javascript equality.png (674x633, 6K)

is this like suppose to be noob pointers?

Wait, wtf? Why is NaN not equal to NaN in that table?

helpful sometimes

Well the type of NaN is Number, and NaN is defined to not be equal to any Number

because NaNs don't equal each other necessarily? just isNaN() it jesus

Maybe because NaN is meant as an error state? My java is rusty...

None of these are particularly strange OP. Though maybe I've been writing javascript for too long.

> null + null
> null * null
> null / null
> {} + null
> null + {}
"null[object Object]"
> {}

This guy is responsible. Given that he only did it in 10 days, I am surprised there aren't more issues. He's still a based person though.

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that's nothing

now that you know js type coerces everything to hell wait to you see how Number and BigInt types work.


To avoid this problem, this proposal bans implicit coercions between Numbers and BigInts, including operations which are mixed type. 1n + 1 throws a TypeError. So does passing 1n as an argument into any JavaScript standard library function or Web API which expects a Number. Instead, to convert between types, an explicit call to Number() or BigInt() needs to be made to decide which domain to operate in. 0 === 0n returns false.

I really enjoy having this completely inconsistent future and past vision. at this rate, I'd just nuke all but the most core "ok" javascript and move forward.

the whole language is a meme on both ends.

don't forget to add

1 + 1n

to your list

Am I missing something? Whats wrong with this ? Just declare the variables... why would you assign a value to something that hasnt been declared in the first place?

Why is that weird?

>can add [] + 1
>can't add two numeric types where type coercion actually makes sense

you tell me.

why would a language allow such thing in the first place?

just 'use strict' then jesus

this is a solved issue.

because not everyone is a giant retard who does simple things wrong then cries about how well documented things make somehow make no sense
get a job

> t. web developer


W3schools is one of the best tools for new programmers. If you think otherwise you're a dumb nigger who's finna bouta get dabbed on

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no it isn't

use mdn instead you fucking retard.

>suggesting to type coerce a string to an int
Nigger are you retarded?

what? are you?

I'm talking about Number and the upcoming BigInt which do not have implicit type coercion rules and instead will throw a TypeError.

1 + 1n where the n suffix denotes a literal BigInt

fuck off pajeet

>Documents most recent changes to ECMAScript
>Frequent revisions
>Includes documentation and tutorials on a wide verity of web technologies

What's wrong with MDN?

There is literally nothing wrong with that. If you don't find it intuitive that an integer is implicitly casted to a string as opposed to the other way around, you are a brainlet.

Where's W3C's documentation on promises?

>I interviewed to be a python developer. Why am I writing AngularJS?
hey it could be worse
I interviewed to be an IT guy and I ended up as a secretary

I'll take that job any day over tech support disguised as secretary.

I'll use your dad's asshole faggot

can you use non-string keys?


damn that's a shitty dictionary

don't listen to that assblasted unemployed haskell shitter, you can

is he right Jow Forums?

Attached: top fucking kek.png (3062x610, 248K)

rtfm for whatever language you are using

How is this wrong?

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>he's learning non ES6 javascript
No wonder you'd hate it.

> he's a faggot
no wonder your asshole hurts

Nah, I top.

W3schools is terrible for new programmers
It's layout is absolute trash if ur a brainlet like me

>How is this wrong?
It's not. It kills the soiboi

Nothing, he's just memeing you.

W3Schools is actual fucking garbage, the only reason it's so high is because they were one of the first free tutorial sites.

Then MDN rose to popularity after Google said they were just going to invest in them instead of creating their own version for Chrome.

W3schools has had consistently bad examples that show blatant misunderstanding. They shouldn't be teaching and giving misinformation. If youre new, avoid them.

what should the table look like in a good language?

You shouldn't need a table lol

like what?

this is why I love javascript
so much comfy

>>W3schools has had consistently bad examples
>like what?

There have been websites dedicated to detailing them.

>tfw React makes giant fucking rich clients, but they're rich as fuck

Attached: material design is objectively superior.png (2727x1161, 108K)

Could be worse dude, you could work at McDonalds

It's just that you should nearly always use === in js.

Attached: comparison.png (789x785, 23K)

No, you should setup your projects so that the data coming in is consistent, and the data going out is consistent, then you don't need a fucking table.

Huh neat

ITT: Haskell nerds circlejerking about how bad a language is

No, even a Python programmer could tell that JS is legitimately shit.

one of the few decent features of js

why don't they just post that shit in the w3schools forums? doesn't seem like they're intentionally misinforming people

yeah well you can technically do it in machine code too so what's his point?

This is similar to how Smalltalk does it.

>"0" == false
> "" == false
>"0" != ""

null is a placeholder object for data yet to be filled in, or data to be garbage collected. the programmer should set things to null

undefined is an error, if you will. you shouldn't set things to undefined, undefined is a state of an object, particularly the state when you're trying to reference something that doesn't exist, which would be a null-pointer exception in another language for example.

A null pointer is still a pointer. dereferencing a null pointer is undefined.

are you dumb?

it's pretty shitty.

why is there no wikipedia-style mdn?

stfu OP javascript makes perfect sense

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Please be joke

ayy lmao

>retards actually defending javascript
kek of the week fellas

>design an object oriented (dictionary based) language
>in JUST 10 days
How can a man be so based?

>using sohyscript

>i dont know the difference between == and ===
yer a cucc harry

>repeating the same joke for weeks

This is why you should always declare the type of variable, like int, long, float, string, etc.
What JavaShit and python do results in inconsistencies like OP's pic related and it fucking annoys me. I hate scripting languages because of this mostly. Also python's whitespace indentaion cancer.

>he doesn't know how to indent properly
>blames the language
must suck to be you user

I know how to indent stuff properly, but it's just a pain when you could easily have brackets, and it leads to errors in the code if it's not indented properly.

Just shove a pep8 checker plugin into your text editor of choice and it'll tell you if you ever get it wrong.
The only "weird" indent python has is function calls, but it's not difficult

I'll check it out user, thanks.
I still prefer when a language doesn't enforce whitespace indentation but I'll live with it.

? Given the purpose of JavaScript and the only scenarios in which you could really imagine someone using that syntax, the behavior makes sense.

>no results
let's talk about javascript, Jow Forums

No you can't, the [] operator turns whatever you use into a string (albeit utf8) and uses it as key:

> const anObj = {a:1}
> anObj[{}] = 10
> anObj
{ a: 1, '[object Object]': 10 }

That's fucking gay.

no u

spoonfeed me as an idiot, what is the worst niche scenario ?

sure you can avoid being a retard with how you code but the language itself could also not be retarded

Shit like this makes JS hell to debug.

>this is what web developers actually believe

people like you should be culled

are you spewing the "lol so based bro ftw XD" meme just because he hates fags? anyone can make a shitty language with an anal prolapse of a type system in less than one week with flex and bison

You can literally tell on a post-by-post basis who is a web-dev and who is a decent programmer in this thread