Jow Forumsuys it's time to expand my storage for music, movies & porn...

Jow Forumsuys it's time to expand my storage for music, movies & porn. I'm looking at replacing my current 6TB WD Black with a 12TB drive. I'm leaning towards getting a Seagate ST12000NM0007, solely based on the data from Backblaze's 2018 Q1 Stats ( Seeing how it's an Enterprise drive, will I run into problems (timeouts with TLER, etc) when I run this as a standalone drive? Anyone made any other good or bad experiences with one of the current 12TB drives? Anything else I should consider?

Attached: Seagate_Enterprise_12TB_678-1_678x452.png (678x450, 147K)

If you have that much data you should probably consider some kind of a RAID

No. Invest in a collection of smaller drives and RAID them together for reliable storage.
When a 12TB drive dies, it takes up to 12TB of data with it, genius. Notice I didn't say if. I said when. They die.

When a drive in a RAID array dies (except raid 0, don't use raid 0. The 0 stands for the IQ you need to use it) you lose nothing.

should I invest on a 10tb drive to store my jav collection?

Attached: trtr.jpg (421x539, 66K)

No, 4x4TB raid 10

> Seagate.

Not looking to build a RAID for this data. It changes infrequently enough that I'm fine with just a regular monthly backup. The stuff I care about is already on a small NAS that I don't intend to expand. I should've added in the OP, I'm looking to keep this simple, I don't want to add 2+ drives to my workstation or have yet another server in my living room.

> Brand loyality.

whats wrong about Seagate ? i'm running my Build with 4 of them . Not a single problem in last 5 years

It's the Backblaze meme, when a company used refurbished consumer drives under enterprise workloads and got surprised when they were shit.

had like 4 drives die on me in a period of 3 years, maybe it's just luck.

>12 TB HDD
Just get two 8 TB HDDs for the same price

that sound shit .

Been building my own machines since 1998 and never had a failure. One old SSD died a couple years back. Guess I'm just lucky. But yeah, luck doesn't replace a backup.

I just want one mechanical drive in this machine. Don't care about saving 50 or so bucks.

get 2x10tb, have one as a mirror

Not the OP, but I was wondering if I should get an external 10TB hdd, or 2x 6TB hdd?
Are Western Digital 4TB passports a meme or actually decent? They're small and I could get 3 of them for about the same price.

I don't know about their larger/newer drives but I've been using a 1TB Passport as my main storage drive for ~6 years. 42k power on hours and still works like a charm

If you're not going for RAID (aka you don't care about your drives eventually losing everything), then go 2x 6TB since you get more space.

another idiot who doesn't know that RAID != backup.

I never said it did you faggot.


I'd look to look into RAID more, I only have a vague idea of how it works.
I have 6TB of media currently in some older drives, I was wanting to replace one failing drive, while also expanding my storage. Maybe consolidating them into 1 drive that I could take with me when I travel.
But now I'm considering putting drives in internally, if I want a reasonable redundant backup of the media, will that require double the storage, or does RAID do some clever stuff to reduce that requirement?
That 6TB of media will probably expand, so I want storage for 8,10, or even 12TB total.
Is it looking like I need 2 8TB internal hdds on top of my main internal ssd?

Another thing I was wondering, can I clone my main 480gb ssd, including operating system and everything, on to these drives as a backup? Do I need a partition or something to keep it separate from the rest of the data?

I appreciate the help.

it's Enterprise model Helium filled
same quality as HGST or WD Gold

Dont buy newer WD external drive. They've removed the SATA interface and solder an integrated usb circuit directly on the pcb to cut cost. Basically if the USB port dies and your disk still work you're still fucked because you can't connect it to the sata port on your PC.

why not have two copies, on two 12 TB drives?
the whole synchronizing thing of RAID (not to mention to extra electricity to run it) seems like extra work for something that doesn't need constant uptime. the object of RAID is so that if something dies, the system can still run without downtime. it's not meant to be a backup.

Oh, that important information to know, I was considering getting an external with a case I could easily remove to install internally, and maybe even put it back inside the enclosure to use externally again. (Or I could've gotten an internal drive and a separate enclosure for that)

Which newer WD drives have this issue?

My Passport is the one Im sure of but wouldn't surprise me all new batches of the other models would be the dame.

This, for a lot of use-cases a backup done at an interval that makes sense for the data in question is a lot more sensible than just throwing a RAID at it.

Another thing to consider is to take one backup medium offsite. But again, one has to weight the cost of doing so to how valuable the data is.

They donated me a 6 TB IronWolf, I first wanted to go WD because of the noise. It doesn't make much noise. Can recommend it.

I'll probably get a 16-20 TB once they become avaiable.

>western digital

Seagate is like a lottery. Buy WD. Or Hitachi, if you're rich.