What is your best or worst pick up line?

What is your best or worst pick up line?

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hey girl, are you a minecraft lava bin? cause i wanna put my junk in you

I want to fuck your ass

face me, I lift with my legs

rozes are red
lapis is blue
i would sacrifice my diomands to be with u

peepee poopoo

Are you a kot? Cause I wanna get ya.

any pick up line is the worst
pick up lines are thing from the past an nobody use them anymore

Are you a command block, cuz you just set my dick to hard mode

Are you a zombie, cuz you just broke down my heart

Are you a zombie cuz you just broke down the door to my heart

What's similar about my love for you and HIV.
If it got tested it would come out positive

Are you a robber , because you just stole my heart.

How did you tie your hair
Cuz it's pulling my heartstrings

Actually I got a Better one of that

Could you stop playing-with/combing/twirling
Cuz it's pulling my heartstrings

Best: Hey.
Worst: Damn, this rash on my crotch really itches. Think you can help me out? *wink*

Could you stop combing your hair

Did you just fall from heaven
Cuz on Earth we usually put things like you out of their misery

absolute cringe. guaranteed you're underaged

I'm not underage. I just like making cheesy and cringey pickup lines in my free time. I literally just made all those up on the spot

J'habite à Paris.

Best two:

1: "Yes." (You are my new girlfriend.)
2: "Oye! lindos pantalones." (Hey, nice pants.)