Many moon ago...the thing you post was considered high end tech...
Beware desktop CPUs in laptops.
Many moon ago...the thing you post was considered high end tech...
Beware desktop CPUs in laptops.
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Why is it blue?
It's not.
seems like yesterday
fast forward 6 years or so
heh, cock jokes never get old
It really was something how PC speed was advancing so fast back then. 4 years and your computer would be all but obsolete.
Shit was also expensive as fuck.
Nowadays you can get a computer for 1/3 of the relative price that will last you for an easy 6 years.
My parents' first "real" computer was a Dell Dimension XPS T500 bought in 1999. They spent a pretty considerable sum of money on it, probably somewhere in the range of $2,100 once you factored in the monitor and printer, which is about $3,000 today. Within a year the thing was already out of date; Coppermine Pentium IIIs were on their way out and newer, more exciting things were on the way. By 2002 there were some new games I couldn't even run on it (Morrowind ran like shit). As my "school computer" in middle school and HS, it was hideously slow, even with the RAM maxed out. And when I finally replaced it with a Latitude E6500 in 2009, it was nothing more than a glorified typewriter that couldn't do much of anything. Even the old YouTube was agony. At least the case was really nicely designed and well-built, certainly a lot better than the Dell desktops that came afterwards.
By the way, I'm still using the Latitude, it's fine for 95% of tasks. What a difference in usability for 10-year-old machines. Although now I feel like I am on the smartphone upgrade treadmill.
It still blows my mind that core 2 quads from a decade ago are completely viable options if you're building a computer on a tight budget.
Not even that.
You can even get likes of E8400, 8GB of used DDR2, cheapest SSD you can find and for most normie tasks it will run like a dream.
Penryn was really a leap forward, likes of which we haven't seen since.
As a matter of fact I am running an old Dell with E4600 and 4gb of ram in my workshop to control my CNCs and it's more than enough, if it does not die I don't plan on replacing it. I paid 50 maplebucks for a 10 years old computer and yeah, it still does all the tasks with no problem
SATA SSDs lmao.
You're wrong, HDDs are still the standard choice because of their value.
Core 2 quads are still good enough for gaming if you don't have high refresh rate screens. Barely though.
what does that have to do with SSDs being high end ~5years ago ?
Fuck spinning rust.
using those exact same speakers now. they're fucking great
how were you able to use a P3 until 2009?
i miss my Q6600 but i mean im on a mobile 7-series i7 so it's just nostalgia
on that note i reeeeaaalllly fucking miss my 8800gt
>middle school
Probably by being patient and not doing much.
I used a dual cpu powermac g4 until 2012 for school stuff. I could even watch youtube on it then with 1gb of RAM, it just took a bit longer to do something than my dad's laptop but it was mine and that mattered more to edgy teenage me.
You do know it's 2018, right? People that are 30 years old were a freshman at highschool in 2002. The youngest someone would be in middle school during 2002 is like 27 right now.
Damn... I was 22 in 2002...
Well, I am old
Penryn is great, even the ULV shit.
posting on a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz. My i5 died, still testing if power switch, board, PS or whatever. Runs perfectly fine with PCLinuxOS and 4 gigs ram. Of course, not playing games. I'll be updating soon just for feeling bad.
They're still high end today you dip
I used a core2duo overclocked to 4.5ghz up till 2017 cant remember the model number thou. was like 2008/9 era I think
as far as older hardware getting outdated faster I'm not so sure. sure the late 90s where bad we got a computer in 1995/6 I think that we kept until middle of 2001 or some thing and that was pretty brutal but I still remember gaming on it a fair bit but I did get a PS1 in 1998 that might have mainly distracted me from it in 1999/2000 etc.
in 2001 we got a AMD Atherlon based PC cant remember the specs but my brother used that PC to game on until 2006 or some thing when he got a macbookpro. I got another Atherlon PC in 2002 and used that I think up until 2007 I think... I might have upgraded to a faster model but fairly sure I kept it and I gamed hardcore in that period thou I might have got a free upgrade to a FX or some thing from a friend cant remember. then got core2duo in 2008 if I was wise I would have perchased the same core2duo I was using in 2017 in 2008 instead I bounced around between a laptop a slower desktop one and then finally the 4.5ghz overclocked one I ended up with from a friend later on. if I had perchased it in 2008 thou and OC it then I would have used it for almost a decade which is pretty impressive.
only thing that finally made me upgrade CPU was smoke in BF1/hardline was lagging the 2core and you couldn't turn it off (ran bf4 at 45+fps) and I wanted more frame rate in CSGO only could run at like 68fps or some thing and I had just got a 120hz CRT. got a 7600k to replace it which is 4core. kinda regret not staying to a 2core upgrade thou I'm not sure they have k series 2 cores now do they?
I hear lots of reports that for gaming 2 cores is still fine and just odd game has a bug and I wonder if there is some way to fix the smoke lagging the 2core in BF1 or maybe if its caused by some thing els or will be patched out in BF5 etc.
I had one of these as a kid and used it until the mid 2000's, when the power supply suddenly blew up while I was playing runescape. Terrifying shit, sparks flew everywhere. I died too and lost all my items.
How can you post if you're died?
Because social media only requires a constant amount of compute power.
you log in in lumbridge with 3 items
Amicucks didn't have shit on real workstations.
Get a life gramps
can i post a pic of my wife here? she used to be high end
>Beware desktop CPUs in laptops.
get stuffed, I want a threadripper laptop and I don't care if it's 4" thick
There's already a 12 core xeon laptop
Ahhhhh yeah
had wet dreams when i got this baby
>1.5MB maximum memory when consumers still thought 64K was the hottest shit
>4,916 colors (yeah, with hardware dithering) while most consumer microcomputers were barely shitting out 4
>built-in printer, tape, light pen
>decent expansion and kickass storage/peripheral bus (HP-IB)
HP systems used to be works of fucking art.
I remember when 1ghz processors were the cool new thing. Feels rather trivial nowadays.
why don't you have a 20" laptop, user?
Lmao an actual boomer
>server class CPU
>server class TDP
That was never really considered high-end, though. All of its features were mediocre for the time, the only thing it had going was the design.
I was waiting for somebody to point it out.
Solid specs for a 10 inch machine, and boner inducing aesthetics
Damn, this laptop is ultra thick but have the shittiest CPU.
Probably overposted but fuck it's perfect for the thread
I'd love to go back in time and show them a raspberry pi zero cluster.
Why didn't you take initiative and point it out yourself?
>be me in 2000
>mobile processors are clocked at what desktops were 4 years ago
>desktops hit 1 GHz and are increasingly able to casually do shit that required a minimum $15,000 workstation 5 years ago
>some pasty faggot suddenly pops out of a hole in midair, claims he’s from nearly 20 years in the future
>shows me a fistful of shitty 1 GHz single core ARM SBCs that barely outperform my laptop thinking it’s going to blow my mind when Intel and AMD told me we were going to hit 100+ GHz by 2010
>says it’s “this thing called a cluster” like
I’m some kind of philistine that’s never heard of ethernet before
>pulls a wad of legos and dongles out of his backpack and rigs together some crude stack abortion that makes the beowulf at school look like a fucking Cray
>”s-see it’s a-amazing what technology we have in 2018” as he struggles to open a web browser on one of the nodes because the “lightweight” distro is eating 80% of the RAM
>firefox finally opens after 15 minutes and is somehow using all of the cluster’s resources
>pibortion explodes killing the future faggot instantly
>neck myself at the very thought of occupying the same timeline
nigger i was in middle school in 2001 and i'm fucking 30
>30 minutes battery life
The only function a battery in that thing would serve is as a UPS.
I wish computers still came with passable speakers, damn. It's not like it was some audiophile shit but at least it didn't sound like it was fucking underwater
Is there an "audiophile" aid site to help compliment your builds with good compativility for sound systems?