What's the best client for this shit? I want to get away from social media...

What's the best client for this shit? I want to get away from social media, but don't want to live under a rock and also want to have easy access to info.

Attached: wew.png (600x450, 13K)

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I use quiterss. Haven't tried any other programs so I can't give a comparison but an RSS reader is an RSS reader. What exactly do you want?

I use Liferea, which is okay if you're thinking "Nothing fancy, just a plain local client please"

but is right it kinda depends on what features you're most looking for.



Write your own in C and open source it.

newsbeuter/newsboat if you want something simple

Best is to self host tt-rss so that you can get your feeds from phone and browsers
Otherwise get feedly if you like bing data mined, or go for a simple client like bamboo as a browser plugin

I use 3 feedly accounts to separate my personas.

Actually I want to use some sort of desktop client, but I want to be able to access it from any web browser on my local network. Ideally it would be just a daemon with no GUI at all, only a web UI from a browser. But I haven't found one that isn't PHP/SQL/whatever else based that would require to run various other programs to run. Why isn't there a web UI for QuiteRSS? That would be great.

Attached: average -r9k- poster.jpg (874x823, 123K)

I like elfeed

Just use Newsflow bb

Attached: Screenshot-6-Newsflow-Windows-10-App-1024x576-dd7ed3227228c685.jpg (1024x576, 76K)

>windows 10 app
>not even a real app, just a front end to an online service

>a real app
sis, what the fuck are you doing


feedly or inoreader
i use feedly personally.


claws mail rss plugin
firefox live bookmark or NewsFox

what feeds are you subscribed to? which ones are your favorite? got anything interesting?

Opera Mail

Newsboat is gud


>I use 3 feedly accounts to separate my personas
W-what are your personas, user?

One for regular news and stuff that I also use on my phone, one for porn and one for anything that I can't view or enjoy on my phone like YouTube channels or music.

Attached: 1498887434518.jpg (1062x1884, 279K)

I use feedly, willing to try open source ones like liferea