What programming language should I learn? I was thinking c++, maybe Java...

What programming language should I learn? I was thinking c++, maybe Java? I'm really new to it and have only briefly played around with Python and a tiny bit of c#. I'm mostly interested in trying to make games, but would like to be able to do a lot. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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Why C over any of the other variants?

Most will suggest C, but in your place i wouldn't bother with things like memory allocation. I would probably go with python. You could write powerful scripts with it in no time.

Can I make games and such with Python? I've only done very basic things with if so I wasn't sure

C++ can do just about everything, but it's an unreadable clusterfuck.

Is there major things c++ can do over c?

Python will come in handy when making vidya gaems.
For example, Godot uses GDScript, which is pretty similar to python.
And most things in programming overlap anyway, so once you know how to do shit in one language it becomes really easy to learn others.

Object orientation is the biggest thing.

So Python is a good starting language?

Is that really important? Sorry I really don't know much about this.

Its definitely not a bad choice. Pretty easy to use and a good langauge in general.

Ok I suppose I'll try Python first then. Any idea how I should start? Thanks for the help

Start with C and then go C++.
C syntax is pretty much a subset of C++ syntax, so you can learn that and some lower level stuff while you are at it.
Then just learn standard C++ libs and classes

No you don't.
Python is slow script kiddie shit only used by brainlet academics that know shit about programming or C programmers to provide a high level interface for their C libraries.
Python is just entry level "programming" and it doesn't teach you but bad habits.
Python programs use shit loads of memory and are incredibly slow (very slower than javascript).
It doesn't even work well on windows!

>be a code monkey that doesn't know what it is the size of a long variable

What should I use then?

How would I go about learning C?

That is up to you. You either dig deep in shit nobody does anymore just to learn how it works or use a high level lang (and possibly go down from there to know how shit works)
Don't go turbo and learn just one. Even python has its use cases.
You said you know a bit of C# so why not continue learning it and decide what to do next with your experience?
Also, what is your end goal of learning to program?

Just make some simple, basic programs to start. (FizzBuzz for example)
And look up some C tutorials online I guess.

Memory allocation is actually really simple.

Rust is the modern C++ and Java replacement

But very bothersome and error prone

I wanted to makes Vidya for fun. And if I enjoy programming I wanted to make a career out of it.

Great. C# is perfect for that assuming you are not going to make Call of duty tier programs... Actually call of duty is written in Unity which uses C# for their API. So, yeah.

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What distinguishes a script from a program? What is a scripting language vs programming one

Why would you memorize shit like that? You realize that's what makes you a code monkey right ?

The fuck are you talking about? Learning a language means learning its data types as well. Is that a problem with going from C to C++?
Or maybe you're too much of a brainlet to grasp the concept of fully understanding a language?

Use C# or Java, they’re not too hard and they’ll prepare you well to learn other languages later

Wow you fell for every meme

This is the only right way

Scripting languages are not touring compatible

I have spent the last week or 2 watching python vids on youtube and it seems pretty easy

i havent programmed since BASIC and I am 35

aaaand then there is Only codemonkeys need to worry about muh implementation specific and recreate the entire standard library because it is shit.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Can you read? Who said you need to rewrite the standard library?

ur mom

no u