Windows 10
Are there any other botnets I should know about? Seriously, there needs to be some new options out there. I know there are a few alternatives out there for some of these things, but we need to be able to, dare I say it, make these things normie friendly. Otherwise they won't stand a chance against the botnet.
>inb4 use irc and install gentoo
Now that we're done kidding ourselves, I have some ideas. Some that will built upon existing things, others which will be brand new.

Attached: Are there any othe botnets I should know about.jpg (1280x960, 282K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Twitter is not botnet, you can just use free clients. As long as there is a foss client, you're fine

>Are there any other botnets I should know about?

Jow Forums

you are a botnet
I'm a botnet

>>Are there any other botnets I should know about?
>Jow Forums
/\ user here is right, didn't you hear about chinkmoot putting forced ads and who has an adblocker on he would steal their windows activation code. trust no one, not even yourself.

Actually use IRC. Your friends might not move, but at least you'll have a place to chat with likeminded people without all the telemetry and advertising.

Linux and systemd are botnets. Embrace openbsd.

Attached: 1525650787496.jpg (800x807, 340K)

Don't forget data mining threads,
>how much you earn
>bla bla

And of course jew and gook psyops threads to try and make you feel like them aka shit.
This board has few people that actually know what are they saying, all others are dumb consumers and autists with Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Acting superior for being able to install system by reading and following wiki.
Neckbeard hipsters that try to work with most niche software available... Because everything else is so mainstream man.
Don't forget cute programming socks, Dorothy, this ain't Kansas

Do you know how SAAS works you retard

i guess humanity is just one big botnet

Hahahahaha how the fuck is the botnet real hahahaha nigga just install gentoo nigga libreboot nigga

Use only FLOSS stuff, get a laptop which has libreboot compatibility, create your own server and put owncloud and other stuff on it. Use Searx as search provider, maybe host it yourself on the server you built. Degoogle your android phone, etc.


Are you retarded?

Aaaaand if you have cpu in your computer you're fucked.
What does your precious ThinkPad use? Is it maybe Intel? So no, faggot nothing helps against hardware backdoor. Can you REALLY say just because you installed software patch against known shit that you are secure. And guess what? With dragnet surveillance the more "secure" you are the more you stick out making yourself a target.

Just get a RISC-V cpu nigga

I just summarised this board and Jow Forums. So... Are you that new or just stupid?
More likely you recognised yourself

I choose another route, just blend with fucking traffic. Also nigga tell me who makes RISC-V for real computing. I'll wait

Just made this based on this awesome post

Attached: Richard Tells The Truth As Usual.png (640x342, 49K)

woops didn't edit it properly

Attached: Richard Tells The Truth As Usual.png (640x342, 49K)

>Acting superior for being able to install system by reading and following wiki.
I dunno man. I sell computers to normies and they seem to avoid reading anything that isn't flashing red 72 point Impact telling them to call Microsoft India. If you can read and follow directions you are superior to the vast majority of computer users.

I've been there, and I'm 31 now, working my whole life in IT field. Now, I don't talk about general public here. Jane from HR doesn't need to know this shit. She has her job I have mine.
What I'm talking about is faggots who have a lot of time on their hands in between jerking off.
Most of their advices sucks and can't be used in real life.
They are hipsters from the basement. Talking shit, without knowing anything. It is tiring to read that shit.
Post after post of useless garbage, just parroting memes.

He's got a point, even if it's a bit tinfoily. Those threads where the OP asks for personal information are pretty sketchy and always follow similar formats. Also, the sudden increase of people wanted to be accepted for "who they are" seems more like a weird manufactured trend instead of the societal reformation it's disguised as.

if there are operations going on here to skew people's opinions they are not very effective. Even the hardest of hardline Jow Forumstards have to share a website with people who masturbate to cartoon horses and play pokemon. Dudes in girls clothing aren't going to faze them.

Have you tried using alternatives to all that programs?

It sounds like you're getting jaded and you need to find a hobby that takes you out of the tech world for a bit. Especially if all you do is post here, you will get nothing but inane replies, driving you further into madness. That is the curse of the anonymous imageboard.

Well which browser is the least botnet then ?

(chrome left out for obvious reasons)

RMS doesn't recommend Gentoo.

GNU IceCat

Attached: OUTLOOK_2017-09-24_02-19-26.png (1019x683, 52K)

I know

I'm not mad bro, also I have real job and family so it's not like all I do is posting here. But I've been on Jow Forums for a looong time, here and there there is a really good thread, but that's rare. Hackerman and that Cyber shit were ok, you know, people sharing knowledge and ideas about things instead of stupid cpu, gpu, os fanboys shitting on each other. Fucking consumers. Hurrr durrr my TV is better than yours coz I bought it. Just fuck off.
Or oh hey check out a screenshot of my desktop?!? Really?
> ummmm yeah bro like your DE sucks

Just find a rope that can hold you and neck yourself. Do a favor to your poor parents.

Don't get me wrong this is just a figure of speech, it was not directed towards you

OP Here. These are good, and many of these I should try. That all being said, there's still a few reasons I still use some (((botnet))) services
Need to play my vidya w/o running into a bunch of glitches trying to run them through wine. I'm running LTSB, so that's at least something.
Friends are there. This is for too.
Got any other better ideas for browsers in Windows then?
>install gento-