My parents Mac is not getting any updates and they can't use Skype on it anymore.
What is the best Linux and what is the best browser that can run on a 2006 iMac with 3GB ram?
Linux Mint Mate and Chrome?
My parents Mac is not getting any updates and they can't use Skype on it anymore.
What is the best Linux and what is the best browser that can run on a 2006 iMac with 3GB ram?
Linux Mint Mate and Chrome?
Elementary os.
Your parents will not see the difference
Best GNU/Linux or easiest to use? Give them Ubuntu, any DE should run alright on it. I put Ubuntu Mate on one once, only issue was the wireless driver.
2006 was a long time ago maybe just get them a new PC.
Linux was too buggy and bloated then and now it's even more bloated and buggy now, especially for a 2006 imac.
Check if you can install El Capitan, also. Some of these can have their boot.efi's updated to allow this.
i don't know how powerful your mac is, but i'd get mint or xubuntu. but honestly you should just get a new laptop, you could probably find one that will satisfy your parents for ~300€
>recommending a shitty """"eyecandy"""" distro with outdated repos
But isnt what macfags want anyways?
My folks have a 2006 macmini, these minis were the first ones with socketable Core duo, so I upgraded their CPU to a higher frequency one, a Core 2 duo. I maxed it on RAM, added an SSD and then I could instal snow leopard on it and even Windows 7.
Check if you can upgrade some hardware and then you could flash a new firmware and have access to a 2010-ish OS.
I already did. originally it had 2GB RAM instead of 3 (actually 4 but 1 GB is not usable). also it has an SSD.
I think I will go with ElementaryOS, looks promising. As for the browser, I think Opera is the most lightweight one from the big LTS-ones, no?
Irrelevant, they're still going to lose their shit when it doesn't work the exact same way or run all the same programs as OS X.
Install anything with the name windows linux bsd or (in case you couldn't afford pirated windows) reactos
Put Elementary on it and tell them it is another version of Mac OS
define "buggy" and "bloated" or get the FUCK out, you fucking nameshit brainlet
linux =
godlike network stack
shit-tier audio stability
good but not supported 3D for games
good for virt or simulations
I just installed Firefox 56 on my 4gb machine and it runs lighter than most modern browsers (never hits more than 600mb)
Good goy
this, OP. for $500 you could build something relatively modern and put Elementary on it for them.
Elementary OS, definitely. If they're okay with a Windows-like desktop, then Mint will be alright.
who the fuck uses skype in 2018 anyway?
people who have friends who dont all migrate to the same platform
>My parents Mac
stopped reading right there
fucking faggot
Ignore this
> But you can rice almost any 'buntu distro with those icons and theme
>actually 4 but 1 GB is not usable
Install an x64 OS
Found your problem.
debian with your choice of de is probably the best option, but most distros support for mac, especially old ppc mas is spotty at best, so you might be more interested in mac os 9/morphos or whatever else is specifically geared for that