
Why aren't you using qutebrowser, Jow Forums?
There's basically no point to using anything else at this point, it even supports 4chanX and all the other autistic scripts you guys use to rice this shitty website.

Attached: Screenshot_20180516_162410.png (1366x768, 843K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How to do the Jow Forums-x?


RTFM^W go to github repo, it has instructions.

I'm using it on my ThinkPad. It's really comfy to use. It was weird at start, but I got used to it, and it works like a charm.

I use qutebrowser as my sole web browser and it's pretty great. I wish the adblocking was more comprehensive though.

You just copy the .js to qutebrowsers data folder, you can find where it is with :version
Banners aren't ads you autist
It's hosts based blocking, so just get a list that covers your sites and you're good.

please for the love of god at least put some borders around your windows

Attached: cute anime pic 0295.png (935x720, 240K)

>get a list that covers your sites

Attached: 1526408704144.png (377x516, 25K)


upload that list if you're so great

>please bloat and make your desktop shit user

that's impossible
let's assume the average link in your list is 100 bytes
and that's being VERY generous
that's like double the length of the link to this thread
a list of sites that is 7TB in size would contain 70,000,000,000 links like that
the total number of sites in existence is less than that
way less than that lol

this is coming from a desktop professional

Attached: 2018-05-17-005213_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 742K)

I bet your mom really proud of that desktop user

Attached: 1525555121116.png (1920x1200, 1.94M)

ofc she is


It's good, but I don't think it's viable over Firefox.
>no ublock
>no umatrix
>no https everywhere
>limited mouse support compared to ff + vimium
It's a cool browser, and one that I'd use on secondary/tertiary computers, but I don't think it could replace Firefox for me.

>qutebrowser is a keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI. It’s based on Python and PyQt5

that's just goddamn beautiful man

>do I fit in yet gee
python is the best choice for the job

Attached: muchoghostal.png (650x495, 396K)

How would one achieve a setup like this? Looks comfy af

wish i could use it, but my work uses certificates frequently, and last i checked qutebrowser had no way to manage certs

how does it compare to surf?

Doesn't support Firefox Sync yet. I know webkit based browsers can do it since Epiphany does.

I need three things from a browser: Good adblock, Tree style tabs and good vim-like keybindings.

Right now no browser fulfills my needs perfectly, aside from old firefox.

New Firefox does TreeStyleTabs iirc, and Vim Vixen does keybindings.

Yeah, technically it does, but due to the new web extension bullshit, it doesn't do it even half as good as old firefox.

New Tree Style Tabs feels like a shitty hack and Vim Vixen doesn't hold a candle to Vimperator and friends.

No it doesn't . At least it doesn't support tree style tabs in the same way it use to. You can't even hide the normal horizontal tabs without editing config files. It's no better than tree style extensions available for chromium browsers. Until I get tab groups and non-gimped treestyle tabs, Mozilla can go fuck themselves. I'd rather use vivaldi which has side tabs and tab stacks to make up for tab groups.

>completely thumbnailless filepicker

No ublock so the adblocker sucks plus qt5 bloat

It uses the system qt one.

It uses your system certs.

install bspwm, polybar and urxvt
skim through the documentation and configure them so they look good
I use firefox 55 with vimperator, 4chanX and oneechan and I'm using an edit of twily's css
you should probably make the newest version look good though, I don't use it because of vimperator
(or just switch to qutebrowser, it's what I'm gonna do when I decide it's finally time to update)
make firefox css and oneechan colors match your terminal and polybar colors
you can use pywal or this git.2f30.org/colors to generate colors based on your wallpaper
tweak them a bit manually so they're clearly visible on the background
use compton for transparent borders
if you use gtk applications a lot:
gtk: github.com/themix-project/oomox
icons: github.com/worron/ACYLS
that's it I think

No WebExtension support. I need uBlock.

because i'm already using chrome