You are sleeping fine

>you are sleeping fine
>then your flesh starts melting for no reason
wat do?

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wake up

I guess i die

That's what unironically will happen if a gamma burst gets through Earth.

go back to sleep

see what my melted flesh tastes like

Out of all the end of the world scenarios this has to be one of the scariest. A GRB can happen any moment and unlike a comet you won't see it coming.

concentrate and reform into my final form

Blame the Muslims?


start new life as spooky skelton
donate my skelly self to numerous different medical schools and make hella dosh
spook random people in my free time

greentext about it, screencap it and get that sweet r/Jow Forums karma baby


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Make a thread on Jow Forums about this, of course

grab burger

Wait until my entire face melts to look finally decent. Ashleyfag isn't as ugly as you guys think hey

Wonder where all the radiation is coming from since I sleep in a lead box under the ocean.

thanks for the scary info

Ikr I’m fucking handsome as shit but you guys are just jealous of it

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What? No you just happened to win the sperm lottery and look somewhat human.

Ik I’m pretty lucky

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