anybody here mess around with SDR a bit? I've only been able to spend a bit of time mucking about with things, reading over gnu-radio's documentation. What are some interesting things you've seen made or done with it?

Attached: sdr.jpg (768x1024, 202K)

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I literally can't pick up anything other than FM radio, what am I doing wrong?

Get a better antenna.

that was why i bought this upconverter. it helps pick up extra bands but I think if you want to get the full spectrum you'd need to get bigger equipment

this more or less

this thing is ok for the price i got it for. i can pick up most things in my area

>Plane and ship tracking/air band traffic
>Pager message decoding
>Listening in on farmers talking over 2 way radio when they're driving round in their tractors cutting the grass or whatever it is they do

When I get more time i'd like to get a second TV dongle and try decoding trunked radio,or PiTX to see if I can make temporary traffic lights change or something like that, or if I get more cash, get something that can receive a wider band.

what sort of stuff are you using? gqrx or what have you?

I've got the latest Ham It up and a dongle hooked up to a homemade antenna. I mostly listen to local emergency services and a few local ham nets. I want to get trunked and decoding pagers working but I can't seem to find software that works. Anyone have any suggestions?

This, and put it outside, as high as you can.

A proper antenna will set you back more than a proper SDR, like the 200€ ones.

I'm pretty in to weather satellites. Built a qfh antenna and I'm getting some halfway decent pics.

Attached: download_20180213_185503.jpg (909x981, 339K)