Will talking to your children like they're adults make them smarter faster?

Will talking to your children like they're adults make them smarter faster?

also to make this Jow Forums related,

>what's the best distro for watching porn.

I'm talking a pure pornography viewing machine that serves no purpose other than getting you from point A to point Nut

Attached: hugecumload.jpg (1902x906, 102K)

Why is the area around his eyes so dark?

>how many eons must pass before this body tastes the joy of slumber

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chrome os

also i have no idea, it probably doesnt matter at all

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major vitamin deficiency

It's a repair shop.
Dude deals with people a lot.

Wears you down.

*buntu and call it a day.

Attached: X8hG4ky.png (800x598, 713K)

Cannot he buy a vitamin supplement?


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He hasn't been able to sleep since Fuchsia was announced

>>what's the best distro for watching porn.
mac for gay, windows for het


Honestly, why?

If you want smarter children start young. When planning their meals make three options; not tasty, acceptable, delicious. If they've been performing well with their academic exercises that you've been giving them(puzzle solving, etc) then give them the delicious meal otherwise........

>t. underage

Doubt it. Motherese (speaking in exaggerated tones and inflections) helps children develop language.

He loooks like a healthy New Yorker.

I do get a Modafinil / Amph Vibe though. Been There. Done That .

>open up thread
>tripfag has half the thread filtered
The absolute state of g

Hardened gentoo.

With kids you have to gradually and constantly mix in new and more complex words and ideas over the years.
They aren't equipped to just suddenly deal with adulthood, your job as a parent is to equip them as their mind develops and they gain new experiences.

Modafinil is brilliant.

Talking to your children like they are adults is just as retarded as baby talk. Patience is more important than anything. People get irritated with their kids when they don't act like mini-adults so their kids stop asking questions. I see people do this with their kids all the time.

My ex- believed that.
"Treat kids as adults and they'll behave as adults".
That didn't work. The kids had no boundaries; they felt insecure.

mine look even worse than that and they go downwards more in a weird half arc fashion

You didn't treat them as adults then.

Cocaine and little sleep.

No. Exposing them to interesting problems and hobbies in an interesting way and encouraging them to do that themselves make them smarter.
Whatever you mean by "smart".

Or teach them food is not a fucking roller coaster, but energy.

r8 his desktop

Attached: rosser desktop.png (852x479, 323K)