This kills the sysadmin

this kills the sysadmin

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a whale with lego bricks

The whale and the sysadmin have equal mass.

>kills the sysadmin
>a system that allows you to isolate components such that you don't get any library version conflicts or other such pain
>uses cute little containers

What does whale container do?

We already had this kind of conversation.
sysadmin are "DevOps engineers" now

>impling devs know how to use containers
>Impling devs don't just offload this onto sysadmins like everything else

this is sad but is is true

t. "devops engineer" kill me that job title hurts me to type

>implying generalisations

not exactly, DevOps are mostly developers, sysadmins are going homeless

>DevOps are mostly developers
Undergrad detected, most developers can't even set up a proper build environment.

that's right, I offload that shit to my sysadmin
t. developer

>implying sysadmins know how to use containers either
There's like a couple of hundred people in the world that know how to properly use containers and they all work at twitter.

> t. homeless sysadmin

The problems of sysadministration are already solved, DevOps deal mostly with higher level problems

Serious question time: What do you think the majority of sysadmins administrate?

Most developers can setup a proper build environment if they aren't totally retarded, they just don't want to.

t. guy that has to look after the build system

dammit man don't get mad, DevOps is dealing with CI/CD, automatic scaling, it isolates between the app and the infrastructure, sysadmin are mostly dealing with lower level operations within the host OS itself

First year CS?

but isn't wrong
DevOps *IS* very automation and high-level process focused. Getting your CI pipeline working and such, you hardly ever touch an actual OS beyond getting it to co-operate in a container

uh, the ignorant arrogance again

that's why you never had and never will have a job

Oh he isn't wrong about the DevOps, but his idea of what a sysadmin does is very romanticist, very common among first year undergrads.

No company worth a damn uses containers

>t. someone who has never had a job in their life

Anyone dealing with scaling or high-availability system will almost certainly use containers since they solve that issue.

you mean
>t. sysadmin at a datacenter
But what do I know

please tell us what a sysadmin does in an era where everything the database, the cache, even firewall rules are managed by vendors like AWS by simple configuration

Have you ever seen how dev works these days? Running high-availability without containers is just a pain in the ass.
You don't want to be keeping pet servers when you need 3 of them in every region to keep the service at >99% availability, because updating that is just... depression inducing. Rolling out via containers is the way to go.

They manage Google Apps or Office 365 and become amateur whiskey sommeliers.

Who do you think write and maintain the Dockerfiles?
Who do you think maintain the swarm working?
Who do you think monitor the 300 containers running a shitload of things (some who are not even used anymore, but the devops forgot about)
Who do you think manage DB backups in this shitshow?
Who do you think manage the logs?
Who do you think keep an eye on vulnerabilities and apply patches?

Not the code monkey. The closest thing he has from documentation, are a few comments in the source code.

I like to call developers, the chmod 777 -R guys.

but I do all of this user and I'm just a lowly code monkey

>What does whale container do?
It carries your mom ass

>Who do you think write and maintain the Dockerfiles?
> Who do you think maintain the swarm working?
it's automatic, that's why they use container orchestrators in the first place lol
> Who do you think monitor the 300 containers running a shitload of things (some who are not even used anymore, but the devops forgot about)
> Who do you think manage DB backups in this shitshow?
automatically done by cloud providers like AWS
> Who do you think manage the logs?
> Who do you think keep an eye on vulnerabilities and apply patches?
cloud providers like AWS

>Who do you think write and maintain the Dockerfiles?
The first guy who attempts it.
>Who do you think maintain the swarm working?
>Who do you think monitor the 300 containers running a shitload of things (some who are not even used anymore, but the devops forgot about)
>Who do you think manage DB backups in this shitshow?
>Who do you think manage the logs?
>Who do you think keep an eye on vulnerabilities and apply patches?

this is the correct answer
You start by selling your soul to amazon

It's great literally our entire infrastructure is on AWS. I think some people use GCE but those people are weird

I did not mean to offend, but i lookup some books about DEVOPS. They where complete shit.
I am going to tell you guys something that i always have problems trying to explain to DEV people.
1. RAID is not backup, and does't replace backup!
2. Snapshot is not backup, and does't replace a proper backup.
3. Just rsync the files over and over again every 15 minutes is retard. When you need it, you will only have the last version.
4. You don't fucking keep your backups in the same machine.
5. Keep an month backup outside the building. Could even be a external storage that someone important take to his home, if you are cheap.
6. If you gong to use tape to backup your data. You will need a proper place to store them. That shit is sensible as fuck!
This is what i saw most of the time.

Tfw I am the developer, sys admin and tester.

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Well I think you don't deal with modern development techniques, nobody deals with backups anymore since the app itself is stateless, I mean even if you lost the server itself, you can just deploy your dockerized app anywhere else and runs just as perfect since the stateful components like the database and static files storage are out of your deployment machine and their backup are being managed by cloud providers

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>nobody deals with backups anymore since the app itself is stateless
Keep a backup of your git server and all your DBs (plus fileservers and shit like that).

Also, don't trust cloud providers with your life.

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me too user
sucks desu, it's far too much to do on a large-scale project

> Keep a backup of your git server and all your DBs (plus fileservers and shit like that).

tfw I was debating with an actual retard the whole time

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What ever make you feel smart.
I saw what developers do with docker. They can't use simple things like volumes because they don't understand how to service works, they don't redirect the output of the logs and store them properly (most simple keep them inside the containers and delete them later when they deploy a new container), and lets not forget about the complete trash that is developers docker files. They use meme distros templates because someone in a teenager forums tell them that it was "fast", or they use public dockerfiles found in some random github that "fits his needs".

A red flag that should get you tfo whereever you are working right now.