How the fuck do I learn this

Jow Forums always shills this lang but I can't find one good resource to learn this.

LYAH is shit.

Attached: oCgm29k9_400x400.png (400x400, 76K)

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You don't.

Yeah learning lisp first helps since this is a dialect

I've tried it and didn't like it; was bored to death. Is there any project based tutorials?

Haskell is a meme language.

LYAH is worse than even the shit books by that webshit Shaw.
Get it's the best introductory book.
If anything, it's a dialect of ML


For me, it was a mix between books, some bad some better, working on projects and learning category theory. Also reading and trying to understand stuff like Haxl

what exactly do you find difficult/shit in LYAH?

check out real world haskell

check this out -

Watch this:

>t. brainlet

Don’t waste your time learning this meme. People who use Haskell make 10k a year maximum


Haskell From First Principles is the best intro book I've found so far.

There's some Haskell projects here:

mac lane - categories for the working mathematician

Has anyone tried this?

Attached: poor.jpg (750x750, 106K)

I did the old version. It is a pretty good primer.

>Write a fucking Scheme interpreter in Haskell
>Beginner friendly.

The worst part is that that tutorial is actually a pretty fucking great Haskell primer.

Attached: 1519666838480.png (765x772, 167K)

what are haskell's use cases? do any companies use it?

formal development

Do yourself a favor and learn scala instead

>Takes the fun from functions


Here is the ulitmate game plan for Haskell.

Step one:
Understand the lambda calculus. This should take you a few hours or a day at most.

Step two:
Learn Scheme. It's no, don't become an experienced programmer, but take one-two weeks to learn the basics. If you understood
alpha-conversion and beta-reduction in lambda calculus you already know 50% of scheme. Try to wrap your head arround how (tail-)recursion really works. A good beginner friendly ressources is "the little Schemer", it's a short book adn you can do all the exercises in pretty much a week. If you care about the conection to lambda calculus start here:

Step 3:
Learn Haskell. A good tutorial is:

If you didn't skip step 1 and 2 (which you shouldn't) you will have a great head start for things like immutable values and recursion and can focus more on types and..

..of course you should dive into Monads at some point:

this is easy af
main = do
putStr "helo world"

Scala is a great idea..

..AFTER having at least one year of experience with Java and Haskell. Otherwise you'll end up writing terrible code, because you didn't fully understand what functional programming is all about and mix the differnt paradigms without noticing. Scala is great, but only for experienced programmers.

Writing a lisp is actually my favorite tutorial for any language. I don't actually like using lisps otherwise.

Have a complex system? Want it to stay easily readable and maintainable? Do it in Haskell.
Mostly fintech, VoIP, telecom.


LYAH is shit indeed, try with wikibook and HPFFP

haskell is a meme language, dont waste time with it

this, it's hobby-tier

I don't know or care about Haskell, but if you want to learn a pure functional language I'd suggest to take a language you already know and practice coding without any for loops, just use tail recursion, and implement divide and conquer algorithms (mergesort, binary search, etc.).