Here's a poll too:
Favorite circuit board color?
So... favorite color, basically? You just wanted a reason to make it Jow Forums related.
I enjoy blue.
Green is obviously superior for many reasons...
My favorite color is red but it doesn't look good on a pcb :/
I like them all too much to be able to decide.
Orange = MAGA
I like black PCBs and there isn't anything you can do to stop me
Green, obviously. Black and white look "cool" but make it impossible to see the traces so they're hard to troubleshoot. Red, blue and yellow are "OK i guess", i'd put yellow/amber as my second favorite as it too has nice clear traces.
Classic green or matte black. Don't really care for anything else.
Purple with gold pads
thanks doc
Red gives you blazing fast performance but runs hot as shit, blue gives you those sweet cool temps, green uses the least amount of power.
Brown just makes your computer run like shit, not sure about black or white.
white, imo, looks best.
Blue, black, purple or dark green.
Everything else is tacky.
>not having a chrome PCB with spinning caps
space grey or rose gold
You can tell a German designed this thing.
I like orange
Black is cursed; it decreases latency systemwide but only if your username either has exactly 6 x's or you use the forbidden word of power [m**].
White has no inherent bonus of it's own, being comparable to the Taoist wújí -the limitless void-; but it is said that any LED paired with it sees a .3 increase in power and a .5 increase in stability. Theoretically, with a big enough board it might be possible to combine all four LEDs together and achieve ultimate power.
Honestly I just miss the color variety. Everything is either green or black these days.