>The website of one of the world's largest tech companies in 2018
The website of one of the world's largest tech companies in 2018
real man website
OP is a fag
The state of Taiwan.
Whats wrong with that?
Firefox 52 is higher than Firefox 1.0.6
I can always Ctrl + to zoom in if I dont like the size of the content
lmao the source code is an absolute mess
i want monoprice's old website back
fuck off mobile websites
I like that better than the Web2.5a66 + offsite scripts, cdn and trackers shit all too many websites pull.
>people defending this
The website is bloated and ugly as fuck. Being ancient does not automatically make your website good.
Sites like fsf.org or libreboot.org get it right, realtek does not.
Yeah... except their shit is literally in everything for decades
Fucking based. I'm a realtek fan now.
Well, they also lost some key to Stuxnet, so what did you expect.
it's pure user
free of modern web degeneracy and bloat
almost as pure as Drudge
>elite engineer teams
>doesnt give a fuck about web dev fags
>makes hardware
>retarded marketing teams that rebrand every two minutes
>full of design fags that think their bloated AMP-optimized pages are the shit
>has to depend on snapdragon for shitty hardware that can't even compete with apple
Jesus fucking christ that's terrible
If it works - why change?
Would you rather have a pointless redisgn every week like the faggots at jewgle do?
Nothing wrong with it since they started hosting their drivers on a cdn some years ago
real website
I don't give a shit about the website it looks fine.
What I give a shit about is the fucking audio software, it's been fucking with me for my entire life.
Your fault for not viewing it at 800x600
99% of the functionality of that website is to get customers to the right driver downloads. Why would you need anything better?
I don't understand the problem, it looks good
Wow so it's effective and works on old browsers without a bunch of unessesary shit. That's cool.
>How bad could it be
Good lord, all that just to render this basic as hell tiny web-page?
What is wrong with people, who made this?
Website is quick and easy, much better than Asus and the rest with their gamer shit
>What is wrong with people, who made this?
Stop being a faggot, it's functional design. Everything is on the front page, not hidden behind HTML5 menus or overflow buttons.
Go on Creative's website and try to download drivers, it's a fucking mess. Realtek doesn't waste money on bullshit.
it works, go suck a dick faggot
>It's functional!
>It works!
Have you faggots ever used the website?
Go try to download drivers for literally anything faggots, see how bad that just werks bullshit just werks.
It does just work.
It's probably one of the better manufacturers for downloading drivers from, theres no fluff. HP used to be pretty good too but recently their websites been carking it and not showing results. Lenovo and Dell are trash tier, Intel is a confusing shit hole especially if you need MEI drivers.
AMD gets props as well for having a single page with download links to every device in a concise and simple layout.
>It's not shit because other people are worse
This is why we can't have nice things, it's just a race to the fucking bottom.
>Intel is a confusing shit hole
Nailed it on the fucking head. What a goddamn bird's nest of a site for support downloads.
It's supposed to let you download drivers. It lets you download drivers. If it ain't broken don't fix it.
Now if its purpose was to lure in potential customers I agree, from a marketing point of view it's a shit site. But that's not its purpose.
ayy, so when the fuck are they gonna hire me, I can write shitty spagetti code like this, where's my fucking web dev job?
More websites should be like this.
how the fuck is it spaghetti code if it works as intended and is more efficient than any of your modern web design shite? are you fucking borderline retarded you dumb cunt
>how the fuck is it spaghetti code if it works
They probably didn’t hire a web dev. They most likely just told one of their engineers to make an online repo for their drivers and he did. He got the job done and kept on working on what matters, the actual drivers
>as intended
you missed the most important part, ladyboy
You’re mixing up spaghetti code with spaghetti html. Code has to be refactored not because spaghetti code is bad by itself, but because it is a nightmare to maintain. If you’re not intending to maintain your code (because it just works) there is no problem with spaghetti code. I would bet my ass that their drivers are very properly programmed.
Spaghetti code is code that works but is not maintainable
Why maintain it? It already works and doesn’t need more features
I just love how soundcard companies like Creative used to charge $100+ for their latest product and it all got superseded by le audio crab and their integrated sound.
Doesn't look that bad desu. I mean, it's not particularly nice, but I've seen far worse. The worst I can say about it is its inconsistent indentation and the use of tables for layout, but it's not a Wordpress or Drupal site with 128 plugins and pixel-perfect CSS styling that breaks with the tiniest deviation from totally normal conditions, unlike the vast majority of sites. It doesn't rely on ShitScript for basic functionality, and degrades pretty gracefully; it's even viewable in Dillo, and half-decent in Lynx.
I wish more websites were like this desu, and OP is a fag.
>best viewed 800x600
>triggering all these web dev basedboys
wtf? I love realtek now!
It's old school ASP.NET WebForms.
Developers don't write HTML directly (mostly). It tends to generate shitty looking and often superfluous HTML but that's because it doesn't matter to much (to the development/maintenance process).
Likely the reason the site is so old is because upper management views the site as purely a cost to their bottom line. (They might not be wrong in this case though.) They don't see the benefits of investing anything more than the bare minimum to keep the site online and hosting drivers.
There is zero reason that this piece of shit site couldn't have been just plain HTML and CSS.
Fight me you Realtek apologist fags, go ahead and embarrass yourself.
Whats wrong with web 1.0 ?
OP is a massive faggot
Certainly true, but then again the ShitScript on the page doesn't actually do anything important and the page works perfectly well with it completely disabled, so there's little reason to care.
Try to agree to the terms without javascript.
Try to download anything without javascript.
They are using javascript to initiate the fucking downloads. Yes, they are doing that.
Oh, I only checked the frontpage. That's shit, then.
It works. What else do you want from website?
You don't need HTML5 and shit to make a site for company, really.
Japanese Brother has the same Web 2.0 era looking website.
Even electronic parts shop in my shithole looks like it is from 90's, and shop is closed 15 year ago, but it is not.
It is web2.0
Web 1.0 is picrelated
>center my dick in your ass
Realtek isn't a web development company. They are a semiconductor company, and a damn good one at that, why does their website matter? It has everything it needs.
Why does a business-to-business corporation need a fancy Web 11.0 website again?
*cough* https *cough*
To make sure that cock like Steve Jobs will order parts, because their site was looking nice, yet providing zero-info.
>Japanese Brother has the same Web 2.0 era looking website.
Do you think this
I bet it uses 0 JavaScript, based
Yeah, it's too eficient without any distractions.
Let's ruin it with modern bullshit
Lookup the definition of spaghetti code. Then kill yourself.
Looks like this?
Wow, they've updated this?
I bet they had until 2017 Web 2.0 website, but it scaled somewhat properly, unlike Realtek
not as magnificent as the north korea website, but it's up there.
Good point. I think they should add https though so no one replaces links to downloads with botnet shit.
Lol seriously. Just look at the source code. Dumbass. And yes it does use JavaScript.
They won't. Costs them money, they do not perceive any value in doing so.
its not even good at that. some retard who just learned html 2 days ago could shit out a better site in mere hours.
That might be a bit of a stretch
I would have prefer if Realtek had brought ATI instead of AMD.
To be fair, it's not meant to be a consumer-facing website. If you're visiting it, it's expected that you know what you're doing.
>talking shit about the realtek website
how low Jow Forums has fallen
It uses inline for a LOT of shit.
Fucking moron.
I dunno man, I like the simpler design. Beats how things are right now where all websites look the same and they all run like trash.
True dat. Internet browsers are becoming faster and faster nowadays. As a result, devs don't care to optimize since they expect their site will become faster when there is an update or upgrade to the user's hardware.
The website is fine, people who want drivers get their drivers fast.
Manufacturers and OEMs can get their datasheets for the chips they are interested in buying, bare minimum site runs on everything dating back to XP which some companies still use.
No need to cater to gay hipster faggot smartphone scrubs with flashy ads n shit.
They deliberately made it like that so old machines running OS older than Windows XP can access it since every windows after XP automatically installs most realtek chipset drivers. This explanation makes sense considering how long they've been around, there's probably drivers on there for chips they released in the 90s
Old .net with boring but solid c# > react fag
what really dates the site is the fact it doesn't load when visiting the root domain, only the www subdomain works
of course, nobody bothered to check that because you just clicked the result from your search engine, didn't you?
>flat html
>no javascript
>legacy aspect/resolutions
Thank you.
Web 2.0 UI/UX is crap.
They literally want me to starve.
>Jow Forums no rike de krabby mensch :c
Sad day
>more efficient
It loaded slower for me than any modern "bloated" site. This shit is far from efficient.
>no javascript
boy do i have news for you
Protip sweetie, spaghetti code is code that works while being under-structured (badly crafted.) You're mistaking "spaghetti code" for "broken code".