Putin wants to ban Telegram because it's too secure

>Putin wants to ban Telegram because it's too secure

Does this mean Telegram is /ourmessagingapp/?

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I'm using Telegram since 2 years.
Since I use Telegram its much easier for me to refuse using whatsapp.
If someone tells me to install whatsapp I just respond "come on shabbos goy, just install telegram, its better, faster, you can use the desktop client without your phone, you can have bigger groups, pepe and wojak stickers, just use it ffs normie piece of shit kys"


If you are in Russia or an unofficial vassal state of Russia, yes. If you are in Europe/USA/a country that asks USA how high they should jump go with whatever three letter agencies want to ban.

all communication should be done with IRC

This is a classic baiting technique, but go ahead. Don't assume it's uncrackable though, because it definitely isn't.
>pepe and wojak stickers
Major reason not to use it right here.
>shilling IRC for security

>word telegram becomes redefined
>everyone associates it with a modern service
>people forget that the telegram was an analog system that actually existed

would be funny

Might be that it's so insecure that Putin doesn't want his people using it.

Unless they are baiting of course.

telegram was a digital data transmitting system

browses Jow Forums
doesn't know what analog and digital means

>Putin wants to ban Telegram because it's too secure
Telegram literally belongs to FSB.

I blast people with anime girl stickers.
People seem to talk to me less now.

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Taking a lelditt thread as facts

Nu-gee everyone lmfao

telegram is vastly superior. I can even download films and series from it. I hate normies for forcing me to use whatsapp.

Also Putin just want to do the same that the americans do with whatsapp.

>telegram is vastly superior. I can even download films and series from it.
Imagine Ivan's face when he can't reach the movies on telegram. Still the retarded KGB faggot thinks it's the nest of rebels and terrorists.

why can't Jow Forums into Signal?

>trying to discredit a source instead of disproving the points

Not decentralized therefore botnet.

It's recommended by the leading authorities on privacy and security, the open source community, and anyone with a brain. Meanwhile you're some nameless faggot on Jow Forums.

>we store all your consersations on our servers
>connections are not encrypted unless you enable our homebrew crypo and lose all the cool telegram features
>t. telegram
>ps: we're really really secure

Still cutting corners with Electron frontend, while a nameless faggot on Jow Forums ignore this very fact.

Why would you use the desktop Signal application in the first place?

You seem not to be familiar with the term botnet, not with the real meaning, nor the use at imageboards, so let me help: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Botnet

I use telegram because I prefer Russian botnet than USA, also anime stickers are GOAT.

That's what i call goalpost.

Attached: 1524851042404.jpg (700x1050, 123K)

I hope it's just an ironic shitpost.

At this point even WhatsApp is more secure.

>being able to fake victim number to reset password is not insecurity
Several counter-politicians got fucked this way, you do not even need to do anything except say to any telecom in Russia: "I will bust you in a thousand of ways if you do not mail me the SMS which went to +79876543211 right now."

>Major reason not to use it right here.
Telegram has a rickroll pack
This is more than a good reason to use

Attached: Screenshot_20180519-172616.png (1080x1920, 814K)

If the application contains memes, that is more than enough of a reason to stay as far away from the thing as you possibly can.

>>word telegram becomes redefined
It was originally telegraPH until corrupt pro-putin businesmall Alisher Usmanov tried to steal it from Durov. Then Pavel made a new name and promoted it as telegram.

Attached: 2am9rp.jpg (750x500, 72K)

irc security is decentralized so it can be terrible or great. the client and the server both play their part.
that's why discord is winning. for the average user more choices is scary confusing and hard

Show me the source for whatsapp's encryption.

Just use Line or WhatsApp like every normal human does, lmao.

WhatsApp uses Signal's crypto.
Unlike Telegram, WhatsApp has encryption by default.
That said, being owned by Facebook, WhatsApp sucks ass.
Install Signal.

Why is popular software always proprietary botnet shitware?

That would be Matrix, but none of the clients are as good as Telegram.

>WhatsApp uses Signal's crypto.
Well can I see the source showing how the messages are encrypted?
>Unlike Telegram, WhatsApp has encryption by default.
Telegram has encryption by default, just symmetric instead of RSA. This myth that telegram sends shit in plaintext should really end.

Telegram got popular through a shitshow like we see again, ala we ban this spyware because its so secure, where infact its a method to spread russian spyware like any other russian internet Service
>also it got popular in countrys like russia and iran

I use telegram because I unironically spent $180 on a custom pack

Sticker packs are user made

Reddit comments aren't sources
The nsa already has my dickpics anyhow

Which client should I use, though? Playstore one or F-Droid?

You can set a password as 2fa if you want