Why is it so slow?

Why is it so slow?

Attached: Android_Studio_icon.svg.png (1920x1920, 329K)

download more RAM

google knows people will write android apps regardless of how shitty their developer tools are, so they have no incentive to spend money to improve it

3.1 literally leaks memory

Google. Also, fuck Gradle.

werks on my machine

Your shitty CPU can't handle the indexing, it's coded adequately, but not in a performance language (plus their default settings for the JVM sucks balls). It's alright on a modern machine because it was made for a modern machine. You want performance? Sit down and learn vim, then never look back.


Its the gradle daemon that does
android.useDeprecatedNdk = true

Can be changed tho

Is there any legitimate reason to use android studio nowadays?

What should we use tho? Android development is a pain without android studio, unless you use something like xamarin or cordova.

kill yourself

nativescript and flutter are actually way better than those two

but flutter is still extremely young. Do you think it's worth learning?

>allocating 16GB of RAM to your code editor
I thought only Atom users needed to do this. We've truly reached peak webscale

>making android apps with VIM

Don't run it on your netbook

>that 30 year old boomer who fell for the 8GB RAM is enough meme

Attached: boomer.jpg (250x231, 6K)

What a shitty meme
Stop forcing it
I start to think that a 30yo boomer touched you to your sekret parts

I've also noticed it's gotten slow as shit. I thought maybe it was the meltdown patch and my computer was shit now

>not having a top of the line 15" macbook pro to run Xcode
>not writing sweet ass swift apps
>getting paid 2/3 the amount the iOS devs

Attached: wojak.png (680x574, 127K)

t. boomer

The three main reasons.

Isn't it written by jetbrains though

>bloated js framework and a thing that just got out of alpha
You think that's better?

Jow Forums is a fucking joke. I know android studio sucks, but come on...

whit android studio 16 GB ram is not a meme

What are you tolkien about? As someone who normally makes android apps in visual studio with xamarin (because c# is vastly better than java at everything and only autistic retards would disagree) It's fast as fuck.
Maybe stop being poor and get a better peesee

no u

>Jow Forums is a fucking joke
The sooner you come to accept this, the better.

Xamarin w/ VS 2017 is waaaaay better and cross platform. You can even simulate iFag how cool is that?
I remember working with Android Studio. it is so fucking shit and hogged my 8 GB ram there wasn't enough for emulators.

What sucks tho that with xamarin the minimum app size is like 3MB if you split architectures if you want to support all common architectures it will be like 12MB without any extra code in it

Indeed it sucks but it has more ups that downs.
I hope for major improvement when they start code sharing between .net core and monodroid.
Also, .net core 3 is supposed to work on arm which makes one wonder if they will be working on coreclr and AOT for android officially.

>Indeed it sucks but it has more ups that downs.
Yeah. I made many aps in xamarin and i love it. I was forced to make some apps in android studio with java since the smartwatch i had wasn't able to run xamarin apps and holy shit java just feels like garbage, like a c#'s autistic peasant offspring
The only downsides are the size and slight performance drop due to the extra abstraction layer, but i can live with that easily

On to flutter now tbqh
Xam was amazing though.

Can confirm Xamarin is 10 times faster and smoother than Android Studio. The graphic editor interface in AS is just embarassing.

Lmao I saw benchmarks showing xamarin is faster on android. Have you ever worked with the glide abomination? Xamarin is a thousand times better and faster

>literally just a ui kit
Nice bait. Try harder next time.

>people in this board are unironically using xamarin

Attached: 140613383492.png (350x350, 157K)

>jamalscript with ui other than dom
Fuck off webshit go back to the browser


because is built over IDEA which is everything you can do wrong in an ide

I couldn't run it smoothly with 4GB of RAM.
I couldn't properly use a fucking IDE with 4GB of RAM.
Absolutely disgusting. Google and everything Android can go fuck themselves.

you can only simulate iFag on macOS or remotely connected idevice otherwise in your dreams poojesh

It is largely based on it though

The only people that don't like IntelliJ are people who learned Eclipse in college and are too lazy to learn a new tool

>developer only has 8GB of RAM
lol this isnt 2009

>people are unironically using the best tool for the job
whoa whoa whoa hold on now

how is it best really curious, whats your experience with both xamarin and astudio?

You are a idiot if you use vim or emacs for anything other than scratch work

>Another "Why is this pajeetware so slow/ugly/buggy/etc?" thread.

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>can only develop with on winblows and fagOS
fuck off

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