/emacs/ general ma dudes

/emacs/ general ma dudes,
Do you use the default keybindings? I don't dislike them but I fear for my pinky.
What would you say that are the essential packages everyone should use?

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Why would you use emacs over any other editor?

I think it's one of the most powerful and most extensible editors there are

At its core it's a lisp interpreter which lets it act like an operating system

Because you want to find out why it still goes strong after 40 years of development.

>I don't dislike them but I fear for my pinky.
>bullshit claims.
>repeated by idiots.
gobbels 101.

I got several times ganglion cysts on my wrists before starting using emacs. After using emacs they disappeared. wait no, I started using programmer's dvoraks, but I'll larp for emacs to make emacs look good.
Don't blame your shitty keyboard, or the crappy $9 dell ones that your job provides you with, blame the "layout" and the "shortcuts"

Yeah exactly, it's not even just a text editor

>lets it act like an operating system
no it doesn't.

Has anyone changed their undo keybind? it's so easy to mess up when i'm spamming it, and accidentally do C-X C-U instead.
Do you use the button instead?

>What would you say that are the essential packages everyone should use?
evil mode


reminder to palm press control--very comfy

Ok I'm sorry. I'm just saying what I've read online.
I do feel that using Ctrl so much is kind of annoying, I may just have to get used to it though (I started to use the default keybindings a few days ago).
Do you use your pinky to press Ctrl though? (some people use their palms)
Also another question for emacs users, do you use the arrows or C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p? I don't like using the arrow keys that much (it makes you move the hand away from the keys) and coming from vim those keybindings seem a bit rough (though I feel I could get used to them).

>evil mode
how to have a useful vim
1 install emacs
2 change the keybinding to vim
3 nigers will starve

On laptop keyboards it's not even possible to do

I liked modal editing but after a while you find out that the fastest way to move is by searching words, which you can do with non-modal editing

Which one do you use?
Both C-/ and C-_ do that

>C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p
dude, those keybindings are not exclusive to emacs.
Bash uses them, nano uses them, man pages uses them.
Using vim shortcuts just alienates you from other programs that you use everyday.
if it's so hard to press ctrl and alt just get foot pedals like thesefentek-ind.com/triple_foot_switch.htm

It's not that emacs' shortcuts are the best, but they are global, you find them in various programs, so even if you change them is emacs, you'll end up using them somewhere else.
for me it is even harder to use emacs because I use programmer's dvorak layout.

Thanks a bunch

I have a half ass backed emacs general "best post best post" just like pc building general has, but I have a lot of work and sometimes I forget to finish it.
I'll try to post it within the next 1-2 emacs generals.

yes yes, that's one of the reasons I decided to use it! What I meant is what do you prefer, those keys or just using the arrows? Just curious about what do other people use

inferior input devices, inferior experiences. good digits.

I try to mostly use the shortcuts when my fingers are on the keyboard.
If I am typing numbers, which is not very pretty on programmer dvorak and use the num-pad, I go around with the arrow keys.
sometimes I use even the C-x "left/right arrow" which navigates you too around the open buffers.

tip, use hydra to save pinky

How do you edit by searching words?

Instead of (for example, in vim) going down 6 lines (6j) and then moving to the third word (3w), you just search the exact point you wanna go to: for example search: "x=3" and you are right there.

I use evil-mode with emacs but if you like default key-binds, but want to spare your pinky, checkout god-mode and

Take a look at general.el if you like key-bindings.

I use spacemacs with hybrid mode (evil + emacs keybindings), hitting SPC for most commands is pretty comfy desu. Flycheck, company, ranger and workgroups2 are some of the packages that I find essential to use.

I think I'm gonna switch to spacemacs, I miss vim keys too much.

I use doom-emacs. Pretty comfy.

Vs code is better lol

currently posting this through emacs

how? emacs-everywhere or some kind of emacs webbrowser?

Any love for the Using Emacs series by Mike Zamansky?


inb4 (((Zamansky)))

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