
>carbon-fiber reinforced plastic
Is it meme?

Attached: 7A18EE60-50DF-4165-96A7-A3A0114858B6.jpg (2592x1936, 874K)

>that 30 year old boomer who still thinks thinkpad is a quality brand

stop this meme

depends on which model desu. older ones just kind of snap off little pieces, newer ones idk


Attached: QuickDemonstration(2).webm (1072x1072, 2.39M)

now jump on it

ThinkPads made after 2006 or so range from mediocre to downright trash because of Lenovo chinks. Buy a Dell business laptop instead.

that's what its supposed to do nignogatron

better break than crush or shatter.

Boomer? Like baby boomer? Because baby boomers are like 70

>tfw (((Rossmann))) will still shill this

why did IBM abandon its children?

Attached: ThinkPad20_IBM_720_beige.jpg (1170x868, 129K)


Depends on the model anyway. I bet you bought a faggy W like the gaylord you are.

Dell laptops are built like tanks

plenty of similar videos on the interwebs

Attached: thinkpads.webm (853x480, 2.56M)

>no palmrest
I'd buy that.

since when was there ever carbon fiber involved in Thinkpad construction?

>30 year old
pick one

>that limp-wristed mallet-strike

Attached: thomas.jpg (373x309, 16K)

Funny, I've heard their QC is shit and you gotta win the lottery to receive a good laptop that won't break in the first months.

Yeah but if you make it through those first 6 months its smooth sailing for the next 5-8 years.

It's just plastic, user. Like, Acer tier.

You should give it AvE for some destructive testing.

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