>not owning a chromebook

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>reddit filename
>google botnet shilling
seems about right

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No fucking reason to. Sage goes in all fields

Chromebooks are 100% terrible.

As long as you don't care what Google does with your data they're pretty good.
Used one my last semester of college cause my other laptop broke. They're pretty great for college.

>paying for the botnet in the form of a laptop

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futurama is shit
you are shit

Chrome OS is built from Gentoo, which I'm using already.

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pretty much this + chromebooks are literally malfunctioning android tablets with a permanently superglued bluetooth keyboard

except if you're actually using gentoo the support window doesn't end after a few years. The point of linux is that it works on old hardware - chromebooks have an expiry date.

I thought it was dead?

Wrong nigger. I have a thinkpad X131e chromebook. Has all the replaceable parts of a normal thinkpad.

the absolute stait of this bait

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>using cloud technology
Yeah, fuck privacy!

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Can you install another distro on a chromebook?

>le botnet
use a vpn

>muh apps
like linux, unless you're editing media or gayming, chromeos is great

yes but only inside of chromeos so it won't boot straight in

How does that even work?

look up "chroot"
I run a few Linux distros on my chromebook

so still botnet?

I got one and I actually like it a lot.

>owning a laptop when a 10 year old smartphone can do the same thing

>Wrong nigger. I have a thinkpad X131e chromebook. Has all the replaceable parts of a normal thinkpad.

I recently purchased one as well. I put fedora on it though.

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Better than wangblows

You should get one when your laptop eventually breaks

i put galliumos on my out of fear of other ditros not supporting it properly. how is fedora running on it? do you have issues with the function keys?

>using anything at all made by Google

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I can't believe that some people can actually stand these things.
t. owns one

what's the cheapest one with full use usb c and 1080p screen/can play it without issue?

>last year+1
>not owning a MBP with Retina Display

poorfags stay poor

While mine was only 200 bucks I still regret falling for the Chromebook meme. I would've been much better off saving a little more and getting a 400 dollar laptop instead. I barely use mine at all.

I've had one since before you could buy one

t. never used a real laptop

>mfw normies don't realize "the cloud' is just a marketing term for someone else's computer

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>While mine was only 200 bucks I still regret falling for the Chromebook meme.
This. Mine was super cheap but I still regretted it so much. Outside of the outrageously long battery life, using a Chromebook as my main machine was hell, especially toward the end of its life.
The way the OS functions is fine but it's just that OEMs never seem to give Chromebooks any usable specs and the result is a laggy, slow, freezing, unstable mess of a disposable machine that shuts down unexpectedly. Either that or a $1,000+ machine running Chrome OS, which defeats its own purpose at that pricetag.

>Owning Laptop with Google Spyware
>Posting on Jow Forums

Just like Jow Forums is just an image board on someone else's computer. What's your point exactly fsf parrot

they are usually overpriced compared to wintendo computers for some reason. bought myself a cute little 13.3" with a nice fHD IPS screen, back-lit keyboard, N4200, 64 GB storage, 4 GB RAM and a free M2 slot which fit a 256 GB drive nicely. Came pre-infected with Windows.

Similarly priced Chromebooks have the much weaker N3060 or N3160 CPUs, 4GB RAM, 32GB storage (half), TN panel (eew) and not back-lit keyboard.

Doesn't really matter if it comes with Windows or Chrome OS since GNU/Linux is better than both anyway. The hardware does matter and for some reason it's always worse on Chromebooks at the same price-point. No idea why.

I don't put my personal files on Jow Forums.

>i put galliumos on my out of fear of other ditros not supporting it properly. how is fedora running on it? do you have issues with the function keys?

I am an idiot so the track pad and the track point do not work anymore>. I use an external mouse. There is no F12 as far as I know but everything works ok so far. Might want to get an SSD. I just stuffed an old hard disk into mine.

Pic unrelated

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