HDR is better than sex
HDR is better than sex
for you
How would you know?
Still would rather my dick get wet.
Got heem
ask your mother
CRT / DLP has bigger range of color than HDR.
Yet there is no content for it. Right now people are making actual HDR content.
oled is meme shit with blown out shit unless you turn off all lights
>tone-mapped 700-nit OLED trash
At least the better LCDs can display HDR content mastered to 1000 nits exactly as intended, and do a better job of making 4000 and 10000-nit content look a little less like blown out trash. OLED sure as fuck isn't the answer to any question I care about, given LG have run out of brightness gains already.
MicroLED is is the new OLED
>buying OLED when MicroLED is around the corner
>inb4 I can just sell it later
Have fun with that when the organic layer in the display starts degrading after a year and a half.
For me, it's QLED until MicroLED comes out.
Sucks to be a virgin doesn't it OP?
Too bad you need to be a multimillionaire to afford it.
found your problem
what exactly does HDR even do?
Every time I see comparison images with HDR and regular monitors, the HDR version is just bright as fuck
They can't make MicroLED small enough for TV-sized displays. There's a reason why Samsung's "the Wall" was only 4k at 146".
Colour accurate virgin spotted
Then explain how Apple is producing MicroLED displays for their watches
They aren't producing MicroLED displays. They're working on developing the technology. Big difference. We're still years away from it being commercialized, outside of six and seven figure installations like The Wall.
Also, the process for making small screens is different from the process for making large (TV-sized) screens, and neither one scales to the other end.
Beggars can't be choosers, OP.
How about porn in hdr
>He thinks FALD can compete with OLED for true blacks
>He doesn't realize that contrast is just as important as brightness
vr porn in HDR
I wouldn't know...
Extremely realistic herpes sores and ingrown hairs.
Edge-lit panel, IPS, shit black-uniformity, doesn't support wide color gamut
Not an achievement sex is gross
After years (I'd say over a decade) of stagnation, it feels like the display industry is finally starting to innovate. By the end of the year we'll have 65" 4K HDR1000 120Hz gsync monitors. But it also feels like a bad time to actually buy anything- in a couple years the monitor I just described will probably be half the price, and microLED will be introduced.
I want to upgrade from my 27" 1440p TN, but I'm really not sure what to go for and how long to wait.
Because Apple is the only innovative company on the planet.
this des
I have noticed the colors pop more when looking at the displays in-store, but that's probably just because they're running content optimized to sell those same displays
Am i memed?
Dolby Vision and HDR+ only
Most things are better than sex
The wife and I just bought a brand new 4K Scamsung TV with HDR cert a week ago. In the store you could tell a huge difference between the various models, but there is still an enormous lack of high quality 4K content. Everything is still bitrate starved. In person sitting in our living room it doesn't seem that impressive, though over all its a super nice set.
I am really happy that VESA pushed these labeled HDR standards though. The fucking panel industry was doing literally nothing except putting meme GtG times and refresh rates on boxes to sell the same old trash panels year after year. Without VESA the entire display market would be dystopian trash.
my monitor is already pretty bright. why would i want it to be brighter? that would just hurt my eyes.