Start using Linux Mint as my main desktop OS and main laptop OS

>start using Linux Mint as my main desktop OS and main laptop OS
>couple years alter, move on to Xubuntu on both machines
>use Manjaro on my laptop for a few months
>try Debian for a few months on it
>move on to Ubuntu MATE on both machines
>ultimately go back to Linux Mint again

Is there a distro you keep coming back to?

Attached: interested linux frog penguin.png (602x500, 30K)

Fucking bloat ass

I still install Windows 7 and Ubuntu Mate on all my computers. Tried Windows 10 and Arch... never again.

Ubuntu MATE or Linux Mint. Even installed Gentoo for fun then went back to Linux Mint cause I realized I'd rather do work on my computer tinker with it needlessly.

Debian GNU/Linux
comfy and just works

Winfag with baby's first Linux.
Found the contrarian.

I always come back to debian stable + backports for the stuff I need/

I consistently keep coming back to Antergos Gnome. I've lost count of how many distros and DE's I've tried but it's always back to that comfy combo.

Void Linux.

It simply doesn't fuck up like any other distro I tried.

>Get ubuntu 17.10 LTS because I value stability for my os so I can actually get shit done instead of ricing or figuring out why X has fucked up again
>still fucking breaks on me
Now I'm using debian stable with backports because I'm too used to apt


Fedora because its not gay

I've been on Arch for about 4 years.



I never had any trouble with it.

I tried arch, gentoo mint and ubuntu but keep coming back to gentoo.


what's so special about it?

I honestly have gone back and forth to *buntu

Ubuntu 15.04 -> Mint -> Xubuntu -> Debian -> KDE Neon (for a whole year) -> Kubuntu 18.04 LTS

I have recently switched back to Debian after Debian 9 came out. I installed from a nonfree ISO and installed Cinnamon DE, so it's pretty much like Mint. I'm hoping I won't experience anything that forces me to switch distros, I really like Debian.

no package manager

Gentoo is not special but they mean you are special (retarded) if you use it. It's a meme for a reason.

>compiling everything from source when packages grown on size over last decade/s
>being too dumb for LFS while accusing everybody of being dumb for not using Gentoo
>It's not even FSF approved but they pretend like it is Stallman's fav distro, here on Jow Forums
>when slackware qt and gentoo neckbeard go out for a walk and they get caught by rest of linux community, slackware pretends she doesn't know this fat greasy and smelly gentoo guy (they only know each other because they are old but slackware qt feels shame for being associated with gentoo neckbeard)
>gay blend gentoo logo is used as spitting place for debian masterrace
>gentoo community pretends to be friendly sometimes but they are all elitists and dogmatists, but even in this they are the second, because arch community does this job better
gentoo is literally distro for loosers and brainlet neckbeards



>Now I'm using debian stable with backports because I'm too used to apt
Basically this but with using flatpaks and appimages instead of backports.

This. stable or GTFO


Behold the strange world of Ubuntu, where switching your DE calls for installing a different distro. Let's see, you basically went from Debian/Cinnamon to Debian/Xfce to Manjaro/Xfce? to Debian/$YourDE to Debian/MATE and then back to Debian/Cinnamon. Apart from the Manjaro, you could have achieved a similar effect by installing Debian and changing your DE every now and then. But hey, if you had fun hopping between all these Debian-based distros, it's all good. Most Linux distros are much more alike than they are different from each other anyway.

>hehe you just used Debian!

The difference between Ubuntu/Mint and Debian is a few hours of configuring and installing drivers.

Here we have the simple retard, not realizing Portage is literally the best package manager to ever exist.
And here, we have the advanced retard, who believes he is smart for hunting dependencies manually, not understanding Portage does it all for him, while still giving him all the benefits of a source-based distro.

t. assblasted gentoo shill


debian minimal on multiple machines, especially main laptop. i always like to keep 1 running lubuntu machine or install for some things to just werk ie transfer pics from camera or phone

t. assblasted shill who couldn't install Gentoo
>inb4 >no u

hello good sir
can you recommend any distros that use a package manager similar to portage. i understand netbsd and i think the other bsds, but what for linux distros?

>t. assblasted shill who couldn't install Gentoo

>being too dumb for LFS while accusing everybody of being dumb for not using Gentoo

like a pottery

Windows 10 and Arch Linux is easy

i stopped distrohoppimg with Debian+Xfce

Debian with nonfree ISO requires practically nothing. I installed it on my laptop and everything worked. It's not the official ISO since nonfree is not recommended but it's nothing but the official ISO with nonfree stuff included.

i first installed ubuntu a year or so ago, customized it to my liking over the first six months and haven't seen a real need to try another distro

although debian is tempting, i like starting minimal and building up what i need more than starting bloated then paring down

not who you replied to, but that never worked for me. i just use ethernet for every install. set up a wrt54g as a wifi to ethernet adapter if need be, those things can be had for $5