Does someone know python programing?

does someone know python programing?

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Someone obviously does.


No, you can't program in Python, only script

I learned a bit of it after first learning C++ and when I program in python, I feel like I’m just sticking things from different libraries together/constantly looking up how to use said library functions(parameter order passing and such) so I feel like I don’t really “know” the language. Anyone else feel this way?

Yeah this.

In lower level languages like C, you write code that instructs a machine to do work for you.

In higher level languages like Python, you write code that instructs a machine to do work for you.

Wait a minute...

what is iteration ?

Same here

iteration means you do something step by step (iteratively), or it could also mean a single step in such an iterative process.

noobs and brainlets commonly use the for keyword in their iterative processes.

it doesn't have anything to do with python though.

if you're asking seriously iteration is not exclusive to python it's a pretty big programming concept in general.


I know how to program a python

ask me anything, I'm the most skilled python programmer on Jow Forums, here's some of my code

echo "hello"

Looks like you haven't dived into webdev yet. It becomes even worse in js. You are literally slapping different versions of packages together to make it somehow work.

I'm going through the course
you can see it on the pic

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (1248x708, 361K)

Iteration is used in mathematics to describe a sequence of numbers in terms of the preceding numbers. If you take the sequence [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...] you could describe it iteratively as: the number at index n is the number at index n-1 increased by 2. This one is easy to do formulaic with y=2x, but the Fibonacci sequence has to be done iteratively (or recursively, but that's iterative in reverse order).

Who is this greying pajeet?

Underrated post

yeah, and he's explaining how it works. i can tell that from the transcript.

what the fuck clogged up your brain? that he didn't explicitly say "I'm gonna tell you how iteration works now"?

Don't make him feel inferior.

Holy shit! It's... it's all the same!
brb, gonna rewrite major C software to Python, it's much safer and only 70x slower and memory-heavy

this if you don't have a clue of what being a good dev is, after you get out of junior roles you'll get what I mean

not everyone should code, user. Especially if you're a brainlet. Keep that in mind.

I don't understand how it's so easy to swing from totally braindead drooling retard - passing over all acceptable levels of rationality - to full balls to the wall retard.

>not understanding the point of the post

Wow you're stupid.

>Muh snaek language huuuurrr

Are you retarded?

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Same, but that's just how it is with Python. You import everything, write some psuedocode, and it runs

Python isn't programming, it's scripting!

pip3 install nigger

What is the alternative to "for"?


pls elaborate

map(f(), lst)