What happened? Is Clover broken for anybody else? It seems images aren't loading all over the place.
Clover is broked
Use clover dev. Problem solved
/thread my own reply
Fucking sue me.
Dashchan doesn't have this problem
why does software suddenly break when literally nothing changes?
Using clover Dev, can confirm that some images are broken
Especially in 8ch/Lainch
Using Dev you fagit
Tell this to stupid moot
Dashchan does not have this problem.
Working fine for me, not even running the dev version
>Use Clover dev
Lol no thanks. I'd rather not mine bitcoins on my phone for a stranger.
Because it already fixed
t. dashchan dev
Didn't have problems 10min ago and it's still fine now
I never updated ur just dumb
Im 1.2.11 master race and its all fine.
you can't spoiler on Jow Forums you fucking idiot
I thought floens made clover?
Stop using Clover and use Mimi or Dashchan. Clover has long been botnet.
>not using Omnichan
Are you gay?
drumpf dumbposter
STFU... Mimi is on Google play. You'd be an idiot to use Mimi.
werks for me
Two words; "overchan fork"
Use Mimi, is better
No it's not
Might have something to do with the is2.Jow Forums image server meme, anything on that image server (which is like half of images) just don't load for me even on desktop
long live i.4cdn
Update it, faggot.
werks on my machine
read the post you quoted, faggot
why doesn't Clover let me save things to the SD card
Am I stupid or there isn't an option to disable the internal browser?
Clover Dev isn't working for me, but regular clover is. Only issue is that regular clover keeps closithe app whenever I go to my homescreen
Filters barely fucking work.
Using clover. nothing wrong. not dev.
You don't even need to do that, just run an update on F-droid you dumb niggers.