>win10 >for any price including nothing >even being paid to use it install gentoo
Matthew Martinez
>he is a seasoned M$ h4cks0r wow really impressed right here. now fuck off.
I dont usually use ms products but have to because of a software dependency and dont want to get any letters from my ISP because of torrenting, so Im asking if there is a legal way to get it for a few days. you can now be autistic somewhere else
Lucas Sullivan
I didnt ask/request anything even remotely illegal. are you high or just stupid
Luis Jackson
Fucking summer.
Henry Taylor
no thank you, already have debian installed and running
William Rogers
You should be fine.
Charles Bennett
I paid 6 dollars for win pro on ebay.
Jack Clark
you can use windows 10 without a serial key. it will display an "oops, you forgot to activate windows! hehe" message that you can't remove, but it won't block you from using it forever.
i still wouldn't use windows though when debian exists
Brayden Walker
How about you pirate it like everybody else you sack of shit.
Ryan Martin
how long did it take from payment to getting the key?
also how do you get the actual software? do you use your key on the MS website?
Joshua Phillips
thx, Im using debian but have to use windows because of a specialized software.
Noah Martinez
I paid late at night and i had the email from the seller with the key when i woke up in the morning
Lucas Flores
You can download win10 iso from ms site and use without the key, google it, you lazy dork tech illiterate normiefaggot.
Carson Stewart
Isaiah Bailey
Do you have bitcoin? I can send you my key (I have like 3) and the iso file. It was free to upgrade, but now it costs $100 (don't trust scam websites). I use gentoo so I never had to use my keys.
I have multiple drives on my Win 8.1 computer. If i fresh install on the OS drive, and reconnect the other drives after installing Win10, will my data be recognized???
Hunter Howard
U can buy lic on ebay and download iso from microshit website, Jamal
Tyler Hall
David Butler
No, Windows 10 uses a new filesystem that renders all previous data incompatible. You need to run the compatibility tool during installation on all the drives you want to use after the upgrade.
Joshua Scott
>hurr i love my dark cold basement
Jackson Stewart
So i need to keep the drives plugged in when i try to upgrade? And i was planning on wiping my SSD clean with Windows during the installation process, but leaving the other drives alone.
Is it better to just "upgrade" instead of do a clean install?
Aaron Carter
>avg high in the 90s in summer >avg humidity above 85% a dark cool basement actually sounds like the way to go
Carter Walker
If they're just storage drives, any operating system will recognize them, right?
Christian Hughes
How many times did we have to have this fucking thread?
You can purchase a Win 7, 8.1 or 10 Pro key for as little as £10 English Pounds Stirling or $9.99 Bank of US Toyland schekles that you yanks use as currency.
Stop being a tight fisted cunt, do the decent thing and pay a few bob for hassle free, legit software.
Either that or go the Linux distro route or Chrome OS.
Is the free upgrade path from win7 to 10 still open?
Jackson Davis
Lincoln Martinez
That's a lot of money for an OS. - Media Creation Tool. Google it -get 8gb+ flash drive and install os on it -choose right boot media from bios -install os using key from google -download qbit and torrent Microsoft Toolkit to activate Windows
No one will buy Windows 10 with their hard-earned money in these times of sin.