How fast is your Internet?
How fast is your Internet?
I live in a cave
Fast enough
100 d/u, 5 euros
tfw pay $1.3 ish usd per meg, pay for 50megs pay 65 bucks rip.
$10 a month
install fiber optics edmonton!
paying $130/mo for this internet + tv + home phone + hbo
got a 50 to 100mbps upgrade the other day. just had to pay additional 2-3 bucks.
I pay the same for 25
$164 a month
fuck you comcast
Holy shit, imagine seeding torrents on a gigabit connection.
50 up/down
feels good man
so how did they fake this?
Are any physical changes necessary going from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps?
Wondering if I just need to upgrade my deal or whether someone needs to come and do something On the website you type in your address and it tells you the max possible for you, which is 100 Mbps for me. This means its just a new router and ISP flicking a switch?
It's good Sure faster would be nice, but I have no issues with ping or streaming.
5th world internet shithole reporting in
Build your own speed test server with Ookla's software. Open a web browser on said server and speed test to yourself.
No guarantees but this might be the case for you (not counting in the usual incompetence of the average isp of course). That said it might be the case that your old connection is using the telefon cable (i.e. dsl, you probably don't use isdn or some other old shit), while the advertised speed of 100Mbit/s is only available using a fibre cable (that is hopefully already installed (might be used for your tv rn)). In this case you'd probably need a technician/electrician who installs the new needed hardware and connects it with the already given network equipment.
Did you plug your router backwards?
It's fast enough for me I had 768kbps DSL until about a year ago, so this feels amazing. I have access to gigabit now too. It's only $30/month more, but I don't really need it and I like not spending lots of dough.
stop hacking our elections
That's pretty bad value compared to what's available in most of the US, but not too bad for Canada. I lived in Toronto for a while, and the terrible telco services were enough to turn me back into a full blown American patriot.
I've heard mixed reviews about AT&T gigabit. It sounds like the network is smoke and mirrors, buckling under any real load during peak hours. How has your experience been, and what are you paying for that?
Doesn't matter. I at least know how to take a screenshot. Retard
Poor dude, not only do you have shit internet, but your shit government is letting your country be overrun by hordes of uncivilized goatfuckers.
REAL fast
I suffer everyday
Far from the fastest on Jow Forums, but in general I'm pretty damn happy with Spectrum compared to the previous Time Warner. My service went from real-world 15-25Mbps to 90-120Mbps and got like $15 cheaper after the switch, and when I've dealt with support (activating a new modem and switching planes) they've been the best I've ever encountered, minimal automated systems and then you get connected to people who actually know what they're talking about and get shit done properly and quickly. Actual Americans, too.
Shit, of course I forgot the pic.
I suffer the same. Canada is absolute shithole when it comes to telecom.
Fucking ex commie countries like Poland and Romania that leafs make fun of have internet million times better.
Pls annex
Pic related, my rural home LTE service, not bad for Canada, but still shit. Upload kills me inside a little every time I see it.
This is what $50/month gets you here. When is that abolishing net neutrality going to kick in and give me faster, cheaper internet?
>$100 AUD a month
Though off-peak it's usually ~9mbps.
Rural USA. $45/month bundled with phone service.
About $40 for 25mbps
Centurylink is shit tier
which rural shithole?
Besides Hughesnet they're my areas only option and Hughesnet is the biggest fucking scam in the ISP business. They make Comcast look like angels. When will A Shit Pai save the day for people like me?
It's $80 total, which I split with a roommate.
I can't complain, it's been the most reliable internet service I've had. It's possible it slows at peak times, but I haven't checked and it's never slowed noticeably.
You may be somewhat right though. It's 7pm and ~650mbps down right now.
faster than getting blacked at starbucks ... i.e. sub-light speed.
City i'm in has city owned tele-com company which has monopoly on everything. internet plans range from $46 (tax+fee) @10/1 to $100 @ 100/10. but aside from high cost, the bandwidth isn't there to deliver anything but lowest speed at a constant basis. so even if you were willing to shell out for the highest plan, you'd never see it full time.
Just a rage warning. This is only on my phone. Landline rate at best was 960/890. And its 35 a month. Love Texas for the nets.
I'm in midwest IL. mobile data here is faster, especially for upload
6mbps!? ouch
It's fake but it's entirely possible in the US:
city isp gets service from century link. fucking love/hate thing. yeah 10 down is hell of a lot better than dial-up but paying almost 50 for it in this day and age is kinda bullshit.
here it is
>the absolute state of rural america
60 down 4 up
>Internet goes out weekly for no reason
>Have to call ISP at least twice a month
>Every time I swear they make it hard on purpose
>Only other option is Heughs Nut
East coast has solid internet too
100mb/s is enough for anyone, desu.
Not everyone lives alone
Why doesnt comcast want me to upload?
Because most DOCSIS provisioning is focused on downstream due to that being the primary type of speed their customers generally require.
Though they have fiber in some areas now at least
telecom lobbied and made that illegal.
Lowest I've seen mine was maybe go down to 600. Still FTTP is absolutely superior and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
How about real world scenarios
Steam downloads
It's blazing. Honestly I've had 200+ service for the past 4 years so I haven't had issues streaming.
Torrents with a lot of seeds and Steam downloads fucking fast. Can download a game in probably 10-15 minutes if not less.
Don't worry, I still saw it, I wont tell anyone
: ^ )
Fair enough, I've seen Texas anons with att fiber complaining about sub 400mbps steam downloads despite paying for gigabit.
Could be regional or something though
ATT Fiber is really new here so that might be still to come. As long as I can't see it on daily basis I'm good.
dude, you literally have gigabit on Barcelona, just get it. Recently, Movistar doubled his bandwidth for free(tm) (literally on sunday) and I am getting these speeds since then, and I live in Ibiza, so you have no excuses, amic meu.
I've been on FTTP since 2007, assuming att doesn't cheap out on their backbone network, you should be set for many years.
The absolute state of Canadian internet lmao
Rural internet shithole here. Sorry for the Google degeneracy.
Faster than wonderful "NBN" that we will have to go onto in a few months. Going to miss reliability too, only times there's been outages is when ISP was doing maintenance, twice from storms, and 3 times when there were national outages in the 6 years we've had cable internet. Will like the upload but unless its reasonably stable don't like the idea of going over to it. Also, $99 a month currently, unlimited internet, fastest speed tier (100/2) - tests at what we get though and consistent 14.5MB/s on steam. Also no peak hour slowdown that apparently happens on NBN, can sit at 14.5 at 5pm in the afternoon, 7pm/9pm, time does not matter.
Is it possible to get free internet? Like free free. No meme answers. I'm serious
wish my upload was more than 5% of my download, but i'm ok with it
Well I pay for 120 down and 20 up. Not sure what the fuck is happening here. Sometimes I get 190 down, but the gf is watching youtube right now.
What ISP is that? I know Google Fiber is in Austin, but I didn't think Texas in general had great internet. Is that Google Fiber?
>Heughs Nut
can you at least give me a hint?
Wow, you guys are really fast! What do you do with all that speed? Also, why would my download speed be alright, but my upload speed be abysmal? Exactly what causes that?
If you live in America, there are things called Xfinity wifi hotspots. You can get like an hour of free internet per month and then you have to buy a pass, but you can just keep changing your mac address and keep getting free hours
>Also, why would my download speed be alright, but my upload speed be abysmal?
>ADSL (Asymmetric digital subscriber line)
Fiber can be symetric = Download speed = Upload speed
Not really.
Your most realistic option is to get on a neighbor's wireless connection.
Some public libraries let you check out a LTE hotspot.
That's pretty much all I can think of.
If you want to come live in the shed in my backyard, you can connect to my guest network. It's only provisioned for 10mbps up and down, but you can stay as long as you like and use as much data as you like as long as I never see or have to talk to you. I'm serious.
Maybe being an Ausfag ain't so bad.
It hurts...
oh, entirely possible however note that if you had that speed, you wouldn't be cropping everything out.
sadly this... america has the top 5 internet speeds in the world when competition is real.
Yeah it's called having a VPS, we can do that too
my internet datas are transmitted at the speed of light
But I use it as a VPN for my home
Our small town has a deal with charter so we just got this speed finally, they’ve been fucking is over for years
i won guys
suck it, cucks