Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

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First for Sublime Text!

Literally the best thing ever to come out of Microsoft.
How can Linus or Apple compete?

they don't have to, they're both better environments for development that windows and VSCode is linux and osx compatible.

Neither Apple nor the Linux Foundation are competing to make the best editor.

the sad state of Jow Forums

>best thing
It's not too bad, but far from the best thing. Make the program fucking less than 10 gbs first of all.

t. ard

The file can not be dispalyed in the editor because it is either binary, very large or uses an unsupported text encoding.

bloated webshit. I want a text editor, not a fucking web browser

You would hate emacs then, considering it has a web browser inside of it.

then use a text editor. vscode is an ide

>this text editor sucks because it can't open my 1 terrabyte file

Use a hex editor if you want to open huge files in binary.

so guys i dont understand what is the difference between visual studio code and visual studio community? can i make windows form in visual studio code? what is the advantage here? theyre basically the same

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>theyre basically the same
all they share is the name and the company under which they've been created

Extremely different. Vs code is written in JavaScript. It is essentially a clone of GitHub's atom editor. Visual studio community is visual studio minus Enterprise features under a different license and is only available for Windows

I am a vim-fag and I finally agree, tried to add omisharp support on vim and was slow as fuck, downloaded VSCode just for the lulz and I was like , NO , NO, NO M$ stop doing something that werks ok in GNU/Linux, stop, and now its my main editor + vim plugin.

>can i make windows form in visual studio code

learn fucking Xwt or HTML5 to make forms is not so hard, why lammer pajets needs visual tools to create guis ?


I tried this recently at work when Atom kept crashing. Seems pretty good. Can't say that I have decided to use it over Emacs yet. Seems like MS got this one right, or at least more than Github.

*steps in your path*

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Is Electron free software? It is in parabola's and trisquel's blacklist yet it is listed on the FSF's free software directory.

That's factually incorrect. Win10 is the most versatile OS for development out there.

VSCode is a text editor, you idiot. VS is the IDE.

> vscode is an ide

It's based off Chromium which contains proprietary Google blobs, so it's not technically free software, but it is open source.

lol open source isn't free? Are you gnu here?

Yes, all of Jow Forums is newfriend

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Downloaded it yesterday to use for learning haxe/openFL and it works ok. Haxe plugin uses tasks for all build/running so initially I was annoyed that by default had to click like 3 menus to run the program but then figured I can at least set default build target and trigger with Ctrl+Shift+B after first running the HTML5 target and getting the webserver running. Then just alt tab to the browser and refresh.

Attached: Screencast 2018-05-22 23:41:07.webm (1360x768, 1.54M)

> not using best editor since dawn of time

Attached: vim-editor_logo-300x300.png (300x300, 22K)

VS Code + the Vim key bindings is god tier. No reason not to use in favor of vanilla Vim.

>pic not related

It can't even open a 2.9MB png.
Visual Code Studio is a meme

Just use atom you clowns