What's the point of this shit?

What's the point of this shit?

Attached: iu.png (1354x1208, 46K)

literally for ((web devs))

>What's the point of this shit?
Continuous integration and test on multiple distros and OSes.

I work in embedded and use it, fuck you.

If you have to ask you probably don't need it.


To make boomer sysadmins obsolete

reinventing static binaries

what is it?

Portability, faster than VMs, disposable test environments, fast startup, low overhead...

> If you have to ask, you don't need it.


>low overhead

Idk i run it at work and it starts my activemq so i can do my work

Linux and windows didn't have zones or jails

Running your production environment in a non-pajeet manner.

chroot exists

his post has nothing to do with weeb

process isolation

yeah but you need a cgroup and an image. Docker just automates all of that

compared to a vm it does

Makes deployments cake. I love Docker

There are a lot of reasons for different use cases.
Isolating your processes can be more secure.
Its a lot easier to provision, manage, maintain, and update a production VM or machine when all of the components are compartmentalized in a containers
You can implement more flexible distributed systems on container clusters like kubernetes
the list goes on and on

Doesn’t Windows 10 have native Docker support now?

Everything is moving to containerization. Get with the times or get left behind.

You don't need docker for that. It's just levering existing features of the Linux kernel (namespaces), which is doing all of the work, and they're not the only project using them.

You can run multiple tests on the same machine using multiple operating systems with different containers, could possibly have a different container for each python/java version on the same machine.
You could also run them as clusters or single container

Attached: image.jpg (683x1024, 386K)

What does it do?

it runs with hyper-v
essentially still a virtual machine, it’s worse... cuz now you can’t run VMware nor VirtualBox as long as hyper-v virtualization is active.

Is it good or bad?

Attached: containers.jpg (668x546, 102K)

How else are you going to,get your unaudited botnet?

t. No professional experience

he's proclaiming a correlation between embedded programmers and weebs

It is literally a wrapper for LXC

Is the community edition also free for businesses?