Why is cock.li so good?
Why is cock.li so good?
>implying smtp in any form or factor is good
a pox upon your whole family.
>Why is cock so good
>Proceeds to post gaymer with a sissification fetish.
Good shitpost, upboted
Man, that kitchen looks disgusting. When was the last time anyone actually cleaned up the place?
God I want to suck that qt trap's cock
Nothing can't beat the cock.
gatona ele
I'd gently fondle his dick.
> register le cock mail for some probe trash like pinterest
> password is not hard but also is not simple
> use it for several months
> hurr durr let's read sweet mails today
> click onto "Login"
> whoops! These credentials do not match our records.
Fucking cockmail deleted my account with no notice because apparently I can't use it as a mail sender for my forum and send 1 registration confirmation email a minute.
So what you are saying is cock isn't so good.
What specifically looks disgusting? If you're talking about the floor, that's natural stone and it's about as clean as you can get it without pressure washing.
It's run by an arrogant cocksucker that reads and deletes your shit on a whim and for kicks.
disroot is better
What's her name? Just knocked one out but want to know for later.
I want to fuck him
Hi Vincent, how are you?
demais ne
You're in for one hell of a surprise then
I cant get cock to send over python smtp, what gives?
They receive funding from German Federal Intelligence Service to operate honeypot for them.
Americans never take care of their patios
its probably outside of the house.
Who has a window between rooms ?
that is not a her, look at the fingers.
"her" (his) name is Zach Scuderi
>its probably outside of the house.
You can see the ceiling in the picture.
>Who has a window between rooms ?
People who live in houses with annexes
Wow. He cleans up pretty nice.
You guys should shave more often.
door hinges say it's inside
>that'll be $15 plus the tip
How about you give me the tip this time?
Do you know what a mud room is ? Or a deck/porch?
>special notes: send your cutest delivery boy ;)
>what is a screen door
that pizza looks cold
Who has a clock outdoors?
he should start crossdressing unironically
Do you actually leave trust on handling your bank and financial accounts to a bunch of shitposting fullcuckers? I only find it useful to useful as a
throwaway email account.
all the pomf clones are really good too
I'm not gay but I'd impregnate him pretty hard up his butt, no homo
That's what you're supposed to do
>knocked one out
because vincent is based
Isn't it night time in Romania?
I want to molest that tummy
who has wallpaper on the outside of their house?
that's a pretty smart move desu
his market value went up 9000% probably
they could've added a room later
Vincent, please don't read my emails
he started a patreon for it, so i guess he is
She's so fucking hot, AND she plays League!
>Not gay
>Wants to fuck a man
>not using laposte.net
why do you hate france?
It's a simple service. The email addresses are shocking the first time you see one because most people don't even realize something like that was possible.
You're playing WoW and someone wants to add you, yeah, sure, it's [email protected]
That's fucking FUNNY.
Calling into customer support and they need you to validate your account, yeah sure my email is [email protected]