Why is Emacs so unpopular?

Why is Emacs so unpopular?

Attached: oh no no no.png (707x907, 27K)

how the fuck is not QT Creator in that list?

>adds up to more than 100%
Wow, the SJWs at StackOverflow can't even do basic maths these days?

There are people who use two or more, dingus.

>tfw just bought an IBM Model M keyboard to learn Emacs because it allows me to press control with my palm.

Did I fell for a meme, Jow Forums?


No one uses emacs. Its a Richard Stallman troll.


Guess I will just install one of those modern text editors then, since Vim is not my taste.

I use gedit

I unironically use Kate. uma delicia

>only mentally capable of using one editor

real men use ed

This but unironically

Ed is the standard editor.

Because it's not for brainlets

All my professors use it. Even those with Windows on their Laptop.
It's like only smart people use it

if your professors use it means only people that dont do any actual work use it

Probably the reason that no one uses Emacs is the terrible default key bindings drive away new users.


i use emacs and vscode

not going to lie, in the webdev meme there's always something changing and it's far more productive to just install the extension for that language in VSCode then spend an entire weekend getting a good config in emacs.

Because is bad for programming. There is no way to configure Emacs to use tabs instead of spaces across ever major and minor mode in one global option. Every time you bring this up, the Emacs community calls you names and dismisses this issue. There are certainly merits to adjusting the tab style per mode, but most users will conform to a single tab style.

You only become a professor when aren't smart enough to be relevant in the field anymore.

Or if you prefer a more chill(most of the time) job, being around coed pussy, and not be someone's codemonkey. I can definitely see the benefits of being a prof at a mid+ tier university compared to most 9-5 CS jobs

sure thing, slave

>notepad++ still pwning sublime

I use Emasc and I earn 100k annualy.

Lol come to Australia. Most professors here get really good money + a good lifestyle like you mentioned.

joe's > all

>not using nano

because nobody uses it

because StackOverflow surveys are largely answered by skinny web developers with ear spacers, hipster beards and thick framed glasses. those faggots use VS Code because that's what was being used in the YouTube or Udemy video that started their career.

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Always take these """""""""""""""representative"""""""" surveys with two grains of salt.

Found the unemployed manchildren
Freetards btfo

because it's shit

you mean among pajeet devs?
1st visual studio code
2nd visual studio
3rd notepad++
4th sublime
5th vim
15th Emacs

I think it's an achievement and a success for Emacs and its users to have emacs so low in that list.... A list where the top 10 in memes.

>There is no way to configure Emacs to use tabs instead of spaces
they call them buffers and have the same functionality as tabs.
>I don't see any tabs
because you don't have to see them. You have the minibuffer in the bottom of the screen for everything, including switching between buffers a.k.a. tabs.

>10 in memes
in Dvorak, s is next to n.

noob fag who uses vim cos it's all they know, why is vim not your taste?

>I am a poorfag and that's why I have to use free programs

Pervetages of what? Thats way more than 100% combined

>notepad++ is 3rd
What the fuck? What languages are these people writing in?

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23 Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018.png (754x1015, 23K)

Don't forget that it's GNU style by default. I really wouldn't touch it if it wasn't the only bloatfree non-botnet gratis crossplatform editor that isn't technically utter shit and can be extended for your own file formats.

You should read the post you replied to again. You're talking about the wrong kind of tabs.

Emacs is amazing. Never used an IBM, i do most of my work on a laptop and often find my let ring finger on ctrl, middle finger on shift and index on alt. Pretty weird I suppose, but It feels natural for me.

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Emacs is the only viable choice for Haskell and Coq. Intero is much better than haskero and there's no alternative to PG.

Attached: ProofGeneral.png (727x821, 158K)

Notepad++ is shit tier for all of those top ones. Jesus

These and other memes like all lisps are.. well.. memes, so no wonder the chart doesn't include them.

>sjws at stack
what? Since when?

emacs has too much cruft that will never get fixed because Stallman wont let anyone change/improve it

emacs would be 10x worse than it is now if it wasnt for XEmacs which forced GNU Emacs to compete and introduce a lot of new features

Might as well admit you use notepad because it's the notepad of CLI editors. vi, ex, and even ed are more effective editors than nano

unironically this, GNU, in particular spearheaded by RMS can't into proper software

>Using bloated GNU software
Today I shall remind them

Attached: 1519081266851.png (1126x10000, 1.45M)

Today I remind you.

Attached: suckmore shills.png (967x302, 63K)

Why can't GNU lards argue for the merits of GNU without screaming about *BSD shills this and suckless shills that? Just fucking look at it, GNU cat is twice if not three times as large as plan 9 cat

So this...is the power of...free software...

Plan 9 is free software and stallman wouldn't care if you used it because it respects your 4 essential freedoms. But GNUfags are cultists who think GNU is the only GPL licensed set of utils. Busybox is GPL licensed but GNUfags like to forget that in their holy war

These memes pay for my house, food and fun so as far as i'm concerned, they're pretty relevant memes. Burgers have to overcome their fear of mathemagic.

OMFG this and double this. I've wanted to use emacs for a long time, because it does a whole lot of stuff well but this is the deal breaker. I have hundreds of thousands of LOC in an actively maintained git repo and emacs would result in essentially an entire resubmit of the entire code reformatted because the code style doesn't conform to what RMS says C++ should look like. All I need is an editor that maintains the indent from the line above and if it was indented with spaces, use spaces and if it was tabs, use tabs. And if someone commits some weirdo mishmash of tabs and spaces how about you don't barf and just let me change the 2 lines I'm interested in without re-indenting every line I touch along the way?

yeah... burgers.. and mathematics... right user, that's the problem with it

twit.tv (producers of FLOSS weekly) is a shit network. avoid them at all costs

>not Codelite instead
people are dumb

The only problem with Haskell is performance and lack of skilled engineers. The only problem with Coq is lack of people who can express their ideas using dependent types.
Performance of Haskell is good enough for large complex systems in fintech and telcom/VoIP where most of the system is implemented in Haskell and only small components that actually need deterministic performance are written in C++.
Lack of skilled engineers is direct result of burgers being affraid of math. The same goes for people not being able to use Coq efficiently.
I was stationed in burgerland by my employer for 5 years before they finally noticed most of the team is yuropoor and now we're back in Switzerland.

>The only problem with Haskell is performance and lack of skilled engineers.
Compiler engineers. Haskell compiler engineers. Also a lack of good, stable libraries and documentation.
>The only problem with Cock is lack of people who can express their ideas using dependent types.
And its name. And that it's likely written in Hasklel or in some other ML dialect. And probably also documentation and libraries.

I use emacs only for org mode.

Qt creator is fast, stable, looks decent, and uses a fraction of the memory of most of the other ide's in that list.

>VS Code
>Visual Studio
why Microsoft doesn't make OS good as IDEs?

Windows 7
Windows 10 LTSB

LTSB is not available for regular customers.

Not relevant. Windows 10 LTSB is as good as any OS can be.

Emacs is unironically a great editor. People are just scared away by the memes about it.

>Proprietary OS

my boss uses emacs
I mock him whenever I can

I think its probably just too intimidating for beginners but its really simple idea to have core program written in C and use an embed lisp interpreter that does everything calling C for performance. Every single action in Emacs like moving next line, opening a file, all the keybindings are just lisp functions. It gives you a lot of functionality and you can customize it to do whatever you want. You can also just use it like a normal text editor like vs code or sublime if you want so I'm not sure why anyone would use those instead.