Best Firefox Youtube downloader

What is the best way to DL youtube stuff? I used to use something but it disappeared. One click youtube DL plugin does not work anymore and flashgot only lets me DL audio and video MP4 seperately.

Attached: Mauna Ulu 69.jpg (976x762, 263K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 3 branches.gif (500x434, 1.63M)

nothing is showing up in the Firefox add-on search when I try that.

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are you that retarded? go back to facebook

Is a CLI program also bad bait

It's a cli tool. You'll have to copy and paste the link. It also rips shit from faggit really well.

So I am going to install something outside of Firefox/Mozilla checked repository?

Attached: ASS HAS BEEN POISONED.png (960x738, 1.11M)

Attached: -_48.webm (1100x624, 859K)

What is faggit? Is this a ref to Reddut? I never go there.

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GUI for youtube-dl?

Attached: WTC sun.png (900x1154, 491K)

You install it from your distros trusted repository instead
# apt install youtube-dl
# pacman -S youtube-dl
# yum whateverthefucktheycalleditineverusedthis

Write your own if you can't ctrl+c-ctr+v a simple link to your CMD.

Got it from the repository. Thanks.

Now to find a GUI for my lazy.

Attached: mars fossil.jpg (1000x984, 425K)

Still learning, nigger.

Attached: vaglacier.jpg (960x720, 415K)

Just use Jdownloader.

Attached: 06D46ED7-6F3E-4216-9E49-E4511EC49AFB.png (1948x1108, 294K)

Nothing showing up in the add-on search...

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There's really no use in making a gui for it, since there's like a gazillion options and its way easier to type out the obey you want to use. Just make a shell alias for audio download and use it forever. Something along the lines of
alias ytdl='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-quality bestaudio'

I'm not exactly sure about the options I used because I set it up 2 years ago

Man time.

Attached: 010.jpg (2046x1532, 959K)

Thank you everyone.

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the absolute state of Jow Forums

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I dont think its needed and it might actually be more limited in functionality than cli

>learning how to copy-paste

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What the fuck is this thread?

People who should kill themselves

Someone came from facebook looking for tech support.

I really wonder if most people here are just pretending or actually that retarded.

It’s not an add-on. It’s an independent program. You just copy the YouTube links to it.