The big three

>the big three

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The big 3 are
Richard stallman
Dennis Ritchie
Anselm R Garbe

What did Baldmer ever do except cripple Microsoft. It hasn't recovered.


my sides

Elon Musk is a hack. He owns tech companies and everybody thinks he's some genius or something. Jeff Bezos on the other hand...

Big? Steve jobs was 5 foot 7 and Elon is 4 foot 8


Big History:
Charles Babbage & Ava Lovelace
Jack Kirby
Stephen Kleene & Alonzo Church & Alan Turing (he wasn't a faggot)
Dennis Ritchie & Brian Kernighan
Steve Wozniak
Terry A. Davis

Call me when Tesla sells a mass-market product that isn't only for rich people.

Ballmer may have been an incompetent buffoon, but Musk is nothing but empty promises and hype.

>Anselm R Garbe
He sure has the right philosophy though.

>Richard stallman

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>Terry A. Davis
LOL who

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You got it all wrong. Microsoft created some of its most innovative tech under Ballmer's watch. It was after he left that Microsoft went to shit.

I wonder how much he paid for that

He's a big guy.

More than your worth

No one above brainlet level cares about the cars. Tesla exists only to support Mars colonization development. SpaceX is already drastically ahead of what anyone has historically accomplished with rocket technology.

Attached: spacex-falcon-heavy-double-landing[1].gif (480x270, 1.83M)

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For you

>Mars colonization

Which, again, will be the exclusive domain and playground of billionaires.

Why does anyone else care about this?

>Alan Turing (he wasn't a faggot)
no, but he was pretty gay though

Please leave this board right now

Smartphones were a paradigm shift in tech, and Ballmer completely missed the market, by the time Microsoft got into the market Google and Apple took over. This single failure of Ballmer's era Microsoft will haunt it for the foreseeable future as more and more people do their computing on devices that Microsoft has nothing to do with when just 15 years ago they had nearly 100% marketshare.

>Why does anyone else care about this?
>Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Americans think they will all be millionaires by the time Musk starts selling tickets to Mars.

Not relevant. The argument was that Musk is "empty promises and hype" -- not some kind of social justice critique.

It is relevant dimwit. Keep up with the conversation. People are interested in Musk getting to Mars because they think they will be going to on one of his fantasy space planes. They are a bunch of fucking idiots thinking this will be the case.

No, that's a red herring. Even Musk's developments were 100% evil that wouldn't take anything away from the technological accomplishment.

The big gays

>Terry A Davis
>Richard Stallman
>Tim Cook

>t. Musk fanboy

name one of those innovative tech.
common im waiting

Ada Lovelace, not Ava.


the big three killed my baby