Things that should be illegal:
* 16:9 monitors
* Case windows
Things that should be enforced:
* Beige
* Turbo button
Things that should be illegal:
* 16:9 monitors
* Case windows
Things that should be enforced:
* Beige
* Turbo button
Other urls found in this thread:
>le ebin nostalgia sóyboy
>le comfy 1024x768
>le mechanical keyboard that costs 200 dollars
>le trinitron mint condition that costs 200 dollars
>le beige ibm case and le old OS that has zero compatibility with anything but who cares because LE COMFY XD
KIll yourself.
This. OP is nothing but a contributionless contrarian faggot, and that's a faggot of the highest order.
More like 800x600 for dem nostalgia
>case windows
Don't care
I fucking miss it with burning smell why everything should be black?
>turbo button
Never used it even in early 2000's
Why don't you explain the utility of case windows and front panels that are just a flat piece of plastic with a stupid oversized logo
>cause it's trendy
>i like to see my cable work
>i like to pay more for less
"Monitoring dust buildup."
I wanna say that you're wrong but you're not wrong so im just gonna call you names.
t. boomer
So, hipster tryhard thread?
>Never used it even in early 2000's
No wonder, if you're really not playing a game from the early 80's, I wouldn't see a reason why you would need it 20 years after it's prime time.
this whole thread stinks of dumb ass
typical millennials
>muh golden ratio pseudoscience
>ITT: Minecraft kids and pot smoking basedfriends man children with gay LED set ups.
Whoa, so this is Plebbitchan.
Shipping computers without a ROM OS.
>Things that should be enforced:
>* Beige
unironically kys
Ew. There's another thing that should be illegal.
Honestly real talk OP. If I wanted a giantass beige case, say 5-8 drive bays and lots of room for gpus and coolers without this black plastic aesthetic that cropped up around the turn of the century - where the hell would i get one of those in this day and age?
The image is just a representation you autistic piece of fucking numale shit.
The idea is that certain standards and aesthetics from today that pander to emo edgy teenagers and numales should never have existed.
The computer on OP's pic looks way more professional than 90% of computers today, including the OS interface.
Fuck off
>praising wangblows
Double fuck off.
Great argument, and I was praising the GUI, not the whole OS, learn to read.
>his CRT can't do 1600x1200@90hz
>he doesn't pull all this shit free from dumpsters + e-waste
The GUI looks like shit, like most GUIs.
>more professional
>literally a fucking ad-bar on the desktop
98 FE was a mistake.
Much better than anything that came after (that being XP and everything after)
nice cherrypicking faggot, you know what I mean
>Much better than anything that came after (that being XP and everything after)
Windows has always been shit in every way. Comparing it to other Windows distros is ridiculous.
Damn that's sexy
>Windows distros
Found the freetard that can't get past his irrational hatred of Windows, imagine being so fucking ignorant that you call Windows versions "distros", holy shit.
Nice Stockholm syndrome, wangtard. Keep defending the corporation that abuses you.
agreed - can't change and evolve.
>i've liked the same thing for 20 years and everyone else is wrong to have changed with the times
>sperglord level REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>looking for a 1920*1200 monitor
Oh god help me.
so does my monitor, and it has in-built speakers.
>KIll yourself.
Kill yourself
>looks more professional.
As if how professional something looks matters. Sorry buthurt losers. Learn to live in the now. Pondering in the past will get you nowhere.
lcd monitors
>getting this triggered because of some else taste
Perfect example, the Hitachi has nicer aesthetic than that disgusting case (which I admit is better than most cases on the market but still looks fuckin gay like a childs toy)
Protip: Using uncommon screen resolutions makes you more fingerprintable across the web.
Good thing you're not in charge, eh?
most common is 1680 x 1050
1920x1080 is, followed by 1366x768 iirc. Think what plebs use.
1680 is the 900p version of 1920x1200. 16:10 mustard paste.
>1920x1080 is, followed by 1366x768 iirc.
the other way around, at least when spoken purely desktop pc
>PC and laptop retailers like Staples and Best Buy still touting 1080p and 768p like it's the best new thing
I wish they would all burn in a fire.
>tfw you unironically love the Noctua HD15 colors
>tfw you have both a 16:9 monitor and a case window
Does this mean I'm getting the rope from both sides?
Really hoping for high refresh rate, 1ms 4k monitors in the future. There are some 1440p and 1600p monitors out there but fuck, that's stupid expensive.
Maybe even lower for the higher colour count. Commonly available graphics card back when had maybe 1MB RAM. Enough for 32-bit colour at 640x480, or 16-bit colour at 800x600. At 1024x768 you were limited to 8-bit colours. I only had a 1MB card back then. Few years later 2MB cards became common in cheaper computers.
it were easier and better times....
why did we have 4:3 to begin with?
Kill you're self
>Things that should be illegal:
>* 16:9 monitors
Truly. World government when? I don't disagree with any of the other things, but they're just bonuses in comparison. A pox upon widememe.
>this black plastic aesthetic that cropped up around the turn of the century
Funny thing being that this cancer was more or less invented by the otherwise highly respected icon of tastefulness and moderation that is the Thinkpad
I'll always consider this the "Amstrad Look".
>Turbo button
Turbo buttons aren't even remotely practical in a post-dos world, and most beige cases started out off white and dulled with time
my 19 inch trinitron could do 1600x1200
was so sick. Used it for years, different aspect ratio but 1600*1200 is 1,920,000 pixels and 1920*1080 is 2,073,600 pixels.
That old girl was almost HD in 1998
ebay or a dumpster. Personally I don't care for the beige, I prefer platinum
pretty sure mine could only do 1600x1200@75hz
was a long time ago though, it was either 75 or 85. How is 90hz possible?
desktop is normally 720p. 768p is laptops and shit.
>16:9 monitors
turn your fucking screen into portrait made then
>not beige == emo
> Never used turbo button even in early 2000's
The turbo button did not necessarily need to be for decreasing speed on the fly like in the original 286s that made the computer run like 8086. I wired the turbo button to my motherboard CPURAM multiplier jumper, so when it was pressed during boot, the CPU locked to 133Mhz instead of 100. This was in '98 I think. Second-generation Pentium machines, no MMX yet. Pressing the turbo button after POST had no effect though.
Wow dude you are so cool lol I'm going to post this on Jow Forums4chan
Fucking cancerous space waste
turn it on it's side, use it as 9:16
That's still retarded, though. Not to mention most panels aren't really isotropic enough to be useful while rotated.
why did 16:9 win
couldn't tvs be 16:10
>why did 16:9 win
It's cheaper and you get larger diagonals for smaller areas
Tell me this again when every all of the games in my steam library are on Linux
The games that matters already works great on operating systems with Linux.
but the standard for monitors in the first half of the 2000s was 16:10
Standard should be 4:3 as it used to be
>Turbo button
Why, that was only for compatibility, right?
>Things that should be enforced:
CRT monitors
Boom boom boom boom, I want you in my room.
Beige paint for metal. And a case of whatever colour you find.
Yes, but some kids thought it made the computer faster.
>kids thought it made the computer faster
Le tech literate generation guys :DDD
new fancy flat large ones please
Used to have an Aptiva. K6 200 mhz/32mb ram/40x cd-rom/2.1GB hdd/3.5 floppy/2MB ATI Rage II graphics. Came w/Windows 95B/Lotus Smart Suite 97/World Book Encyclopedia 1997/IBM Antivirus. 56K modems were all the rage. Came with printer/monitor/etc. Cost was what a decent used car was worth back then (1997).
Beige is gay, battleship grey is better
really high hscan rate (115KHz)
they go even higher, max is 140KHz
>16:9 monitors
16:10 has more vertical pixels and is closer to the Golden Ratio
>closer to the Golden Ratio
sounds like a big meme to me
I have the dark grey / black version of that IBM keyboard, one of my all time favs, and recently broke one of the plastic retaining clips on the space bar like a fucking idiot while I was cleaning it. FeelsBadMan.bmp
The crt monitor doubles as a space heater. no desktop space, looks all fat and retarded, no thanks.
Can't fool me
I got you. Pic related.
You're fucking retarded and no older than 15.
>I got you. Pic related.
Yes, Apple should be praised for using big boy aspect ratios. Too bad their displays are glossy which is actually illegal at workplaces in some countries, for good reason
Glossy is a crime against humanity
Germany outlawed them (at work)
>implying anyone anywhere gives half a fiddler's fuck what you do on the internet
Sorry user, unless you're distributing pizza or plotting something, the gub'mint doesn't give a shit. Your ISP or content provider might care, but only because they want to serve you ads and sell you shit, in which case you still don't matter because you're just holding the money they want. Get over yourself.
remember being confident in the structural material of a computer tower enough that you were able to sit on it?
would you sit on your current computer?
You have to be 18+ to post here.
>in 2018
Yeah, I would sit on my beige Chieftec Dragon. 12kg for a mid-tower, solid steel.
They still sell a version of it, but it lost 3kg and is probably less sturdy. Also no more beige.
>not owning a 16:9 monitor before the year 2000
What were your family, poor?