What are some cool things to do in Linux
What are some cool things to do in Linux
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I want to do some cool things in Shinka
reading man pages
blue board, faggot
get comfy
play tux racer
watch anime wiht mpv
learn tmux
learn ranger
learn vim
learn emacs (and lisp while you're at it)
learn bash scripting
encrypt everything with luks
reencrypt everything with plain dm-crypt for plausible deniability
set up a nas
set up your mad again because you messed up the first time
This should have you covered for one to five years, depending your school/job situation
or you could install windows and enjoy your life
Nothing that you can't do cooler on Windows!!!
Wow this is great
Install Gentoo in your linux for double the linux.
>You must be new here
>Hello, this is called Jow Forums
>We don't give a single shit
I don't try at all
that's why i'm on Jow Forums
hell yeah tell them anonymous!
we don't give a single frig frag rig rag!
>eff you mom!
more like blue balls lmao
Is that you?
Are you finally back?
Nice one amigo
How do you weebs tell the difference between your cartoons? Seriously, they all look the same. I see so many of you just saying names and shit. How do you keep track of all that shit? And why?
Difficulty differentiating faces is a sign of autism, user.
>an literal norman
back to Jow Forums fagg'o
It's so easy that we can have whole threads about telling who a character is from their eyes.
>Difficulty differentiating faces is a sign of autism
Or a sign of being Brad Pitt
Learn the cli, use i3, enjoy $100 laptops
nice my boss just saw your image OP, while passing behind my desk. I just got a promotion!
You aren't getting paid to browse forums at work.
Employees are more productive if they regularly take 5 minutes-breaks.
I doubt that. I think what employees really need is cheerleaders. China has it right. Men get motivated to the high heavens if a bunch of girls are cheering them on.
I take a five minute break every five minutes.
Well, China's society works differently than the American one. Women have a different place in companies and families.
and liking ablnime fucking isn't? Step the fuck off
Are you on the right web site? Did you misclick, or perhaps I should say mistap, while trying to navigate to a site you usually visit?
20 other boards exist for animey, it's not fucking this one
Your bablings aren't related to Linux, so shut up
>enjoy your life
>forced updates
>something happened
>op ask for what he can do specifically with gnu/linux
>user gives a legitimate answer
>hurr durr windows is easier
someone post the infographic
>something happen
>something happen
>something ???? happen ???