>right time to program
>let me just strech a bit
>okay now!
>uhh first a cup of coffee
>right, let's get to it
>but just gotta check Jow Forums real quick
>now then, gotta .....
Redpill me on programming with ADHD.
>right time to program
>let me just strech a bit
>okay now!
>uhh first a cup of coffee
>right, let's get to it
>but just gotta check Jow Forums real quick
>now then, gotta .....
Redpill me on programming with ADHD.
Smoke a tiny bit of weed with your coffee
> might have ADHD apparently
I find that willpower overcomes all distractions, but it's tough. Often I can get into a groove and go for hours and hours with no breaks. Sometimes I get stuck and that's when I come here or watch a nature documentary on youtube or look out my window or something.
Not today, towlie.
Programming is just colorful text on the screen, change my mind.
i cured my ADHD with sheer willpower. ask me anything.
>ask for advice
>get advice
>immediately reject it
Your problem isn't the ADD faggot
wow what else have you done, mr? do u no elong musk?
Same except I watch TUCKED
How do you know you had ADHD and weren't just a lazy stupid fuck?
That just makes me masturbate for 6 hours.
I have to literally unplug my computer. If I need to look something up I write it down on a notepad and look the things up during scheduled "online time". I get too distracted if I don't have these self imposed restrictions.
This but without the adderall. How do you solve constant horniness?
no talkie until i've had my coffee
That's not ADHD, you are just tempted procratinasting because you are a lazy kid.
Same I don't know how to stop its really pathetic that's why stopped taking that shit
you arent supposed to be programming. adhd is not real, its an excuse to be a lazy fuck and leech on society.
jerk off 7 times a day until you don't like it anymore, or seek professional help
literally not a real thing, you're just lazy
I don't want to jerk it, I just want to feel the warmth and twitch of a playful female body. I have work to do, so I cannot reliably afford it.
what do
unironically kys
It's gotten worse with time. Not even a quick fap before taking it helps. Sometimes I've cum 4 times in a day from it.
However, if you take it before going out or to class, that does help prevent you from turning to masturbation. Taking it while home alone is dooming yourself to constant faps.
having ADHD is like having Kyuubi demon inside of me. you just gotta learn to utilize it
It's real in the same way that premature ejaculation is real. If you cum in 2 minutes, you're a PEer. There's nothing all that different about you. You just happen to cum really fast.
t. literal retard
t. insecure premature ejaculator.
i dont ejaculate early lol my gf is too good
>until you don't like it anymore
Yeah that's not going to happen until we're 60. People don't get bored of sex. It's an addictive drug.
this is why we need eugenics, to get rid of retards like you
Same except wouldn't cum at all just edge for hours switching back and forth between writing the crazy perl scripts that would download all the porn and store it in directory. Shit gets out hand pretty fast
>why should we fix our problems when we can hide from them
YYyyeah have fun being flooded with chinese
your "ADHD" isn't real
your "mom" gay lol
>I have to literally unplug my computer. If I need to look something up I write it down on a notepad and look the things up during scheduled "online time". I get too distracted if I don't have these self imposed restrictions.
I know this is bait but it's still the most pathetic thing I've read on this website for a while.
I really did get a laugh out of someone rationing their online time, and making sure some of their allocated times go to posting stupid shit about their fucking retarded lifestyle on Jow Forums, your personal blog
>only 4 times a day
I do twice that without adderall.
what a funny joke fellow "Jow Forums user". haha i too love the funny joke.
if they arent as retarded as you i will gladly let them in. also, you couldnt do anything for society anyway.
That just means you cum quicker.
nothing pathetic about staying on task
and certainly nothing pathetic about allocating time, that's usually the main way people stay on task
you don't have adhd
you're just addicted to internet
unplug for a while, for the coming weekend maybe
How many times are you going to samefag this response?
wouldn't that mean she's too bad?
Literally not going to make it
>weed for ADHD
Are you mentally retarded? THC induces ADHD symptoms. Only stimulants stop the effects.
noo? riding on ecstasy for 30 minutes > for 3 minutes.
Do you really want to program? How long can you keep procrastinating on learning it? Answer these things for yourself.
With adderall, apparently it's a side effect for some people. People with adhd have issues with dopamine uptake in the frontal lobes. I'm guessing horniness was a coping mechanism for me. Sex or masturbation gives you a natural release of dopamine.
Oh, let me clarify. For me I was super horny without adderall. Adderall, levels me out. If you don't have adhd and are popping adderall it has different symptoms. Stop taking it unless you have adhd. It has been tested in studies that adderall only gives normal people increased confidence but doesn't actual improve cognition or your performance at work/school.
>"right, time to program"
>sit down with computer
>start programming
It's that easy.
Btw, both these posts are me if that wasn't apparent.
Is that really ADHD? Sounds just like bad discipline.
I'm like that but with chatting to my discord friends for hours and literally failed 3 out of 4 classes in a semester cause I didn't get any work done.
Everything was distracting and I couldn't focus at all
Not really.
You are not nice
How do we know it didn't actually solved itself, like it does in many cases?
It actually is, though. Unless you are lacking a clear goal what to archive.