Whats the best way to get into someones snapchat account?
gf recently changed all her passwords, I suspect she's cheating
Whats the best way to get into someones snapchat account?
gf recently changed all her passwords, I suspect she's cheating
Instead of asking Jow Forums to hack into the botnet. dump her for being a part of the botnet.
KYS Jamal, just trust her u piece of shiet.
mitm will be the easiest for you but seriously if you're willing to invade her privacy and suspect she's cheating then it's a toxic relationship break up, work on your issues then get a new gf
top kuk
These. If you don’t trust her leave her. Or ask her to her face and make your decision based on her answer, faggot
Nobody but you should know your passwords.
If you knew her password, it was right for her to change them, creep.
Ok listen closely. What you’re going to need to do us login to system32 via snapchat’s UDP servers. From there you will need to find the database her snapchat login is contained in. Once you have it you will have to decrypt it (it’s most likely a caeser cypher) and for this use a program called “sub7” it will probably take close to 3 and a half weeks to decrypt.
Hello fellow old guy.
You have to give it back, Tyrone
also OP you have to ssh to the snapchat tcp via telnet, make sure you updated and upgraded the repository, then you have to use john the ripper to find the password in the matrix
Back to plebbit, fagface
>basic security practice is reddit
what on earth has this board come to
Try torture, it's highly overlooked hacking technique.
You can use a wrench to beat her until she gives the password
Works everytime
I feel old as well.
I remember writing a sub7 fix batch script
Oh..my God. I remember messing with sub7 in the library back in the day
OP here
Are you guys messing with me?
I don't know how to login to system32 and where it is?
>Nobody but you should know your passwords.
Why? I have some of my partner's passwords in "pass". They are no less secure than my own.
Trust her.
Talk to her.
Or break up with her.
Being a turboautist about things won't help.
If you want to get back at her: type this:
(this logs you in to Snapchat's servers, and her account based on your IP)
type your password
then do: sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda
This replaces her password with yours.
Ask her for her password and if she says no, say that you suspect she is cheating on you.
Work from there.
This won't logs you in to Snapchat's servers, bu tonly to the local passwords (located at
It's still solid advice, but it has nothing to do with the servers, it works only for the local password.
dont break up with her, just stop buying her things, going out to eat, letting her use your stuff, etc
Fuck her and fuck off normie
this desu. why would you date someone who uses snapchat
>not being an autistic creep
>le epic reddit
cmon mate, go back to whatever incel forum you're from
You're fucked mate. Absolutely fucked.
She's plowing chad and using you as her free bank and lodging. Absolutely cukked. Topkek. You are just the bottom-feeder male angling in for a chance while the prime fucks all the women in the tribe. You're literally a genetic weakling. Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
time to find out her new PWs
Root and install keylogger
Here's an actual way to do it that you are too stupid to do even though this is basic skid shit and is only using ONE program:
1: use cain and abel to arp poison your own network and put a sniffer on your gf's phone's Mac address (wait for her to leave the house and take note of which mac address joins the network whenever she walks in)
2: wait for gf to leave phone open temporarily and log her out of snapchat
3: let her log back in
4: recover password hash from cain and abel
5: crack password with cain and abel's tool
A 5 USD wrench or something similar.