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wrong board fren here let me help you have a nice day fren

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>not having your own personal backup drives/server
It's cheaper after a year or two and takes maybe an extra hour of effort

Literally just $10 for an orangepi and a hard drive. Backup over ssh using rsync while you sleep

This is the most Reddit tier shit I've seen here in FUCKING years.
Stop posting on Jow Forums.

For true security in being sure you won't lose anything is that you need to have at least two backups that are in physically different locations. Just one backup server is not good enough.

Just get a storage shed & put a small NAS in it. Use that for offsite backups.
If you're not INCREDIBLY fucking paranoid there's also rsyncrypto, duplicity, tarsnap and a myriad of other pieces of software you can use to do encrypted backups.

Why not just backup to a LUKS drive

>having an off-site on the same planet
If a meteor strikes the earth your data is fucked

You don't want it to possible for the data to be decrypted until it's on your machine.

>having an off-site in the same dimension
what happens when the universe collapses in on itself

If you're too stupid to figure out the difference between trustworthy backup services and Jewish data mining scams, maybe you shouldn't be using computers.

not having offline offsite backups to tape drives

How is Digital Ocean's track record? I haven't heard anything bad about then up to this point

Attached: 1200px-DigitalOcean_logo.svg.png (1200x1200, 42K)

>encrypt sensitive backup with a one-time pad
>put it on google drive/onedrive

There, now fuck off.

They're pretty good. I have my own colocated hardware so I don't need a VPS on someone else's box, but if I did it'd probably be DO.

I think this might be one of the laziest comics I've ever read. Buckley used to get a comical amount of shit thrown at him for that here but this is a step above.

no shit, it's a fake comic
>just text

Only idiots trust in "the cloud"

Attached: NoCloud.png (388x228, 148K)

How am I going to connect the drive?
USB 2.0 is slow and CPU bound

I back up most of my files to an external hard drive and anything work related to private Bitbucket repositories. Fuck most cloud services.

Sit back and let it drip sync across 2.4 GHz
Best backup solution for $10 in my opinion. I can't spend more than that since I've got to pay for college classes and shit