Gib good color theme, thenks

Gib good color theme, thenks.

Attached: chester.png (1914x1752, 338K)

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Solarized is the best you'll ever get. It's the pinnacle of ui themeing and can't be surpassed.

Gruvbox is nice

spacemacs dark

Monokai is the best
Solarized is utter shite

Monokai is horrible and you should be ashamed to defend it

>black background
pick one


Attached: farout_vim.png (885x1020, 53K)

don't get me wrong solarized is easy to look at but i don't buy that it's some magical combination of perfect colors for your eyes. I got tired of it quickly and went back to some themed shit.


Attached: no.png (672x681, 36K)


Attached: scrot-preview.png (2060x1139, 283K)


Solarized is complete eye cancer and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

anything other than Tango or default is fucking gay autism

Attached: geanydarkscreenshotjavascript.png (613x361, 33K)


Attached: 68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f69646c65626572672f5061726169736f2e746d5468656d652f6d61 (931x484, 77K)

One Dark is literally love.

Attached: one-dark.png (1776x1176, 89K)

this. every time i try a new colorscheme i always go back to solarized because it just works

Way too many colors. Code just looks like a rainbow.

real programmers don't use color themes

Anyone who programs is a real programmer.

Real programmers use black text on a black background

what about _good_ programmers? What about _extremely good_ programmers? What about that one old Ukrainian guy with the pony tail that drones on and on about low level filesystem discrepancies during team meetings so that project managers have to mute his phone? That guy rolls his own kernel he made back in highschool still what COLORS DOES HE HAVE

you know when it worked because the screen just stays black afterwards, no core dump or stack traces.

Solarized is complete shit, I can't understand how it got this popular.

Fuck off it is the best

because the dev proclaimed he spent something like 6 months researching the perfect blend of colors and people bought it. he was interviewed by magazines and stuff about it.
not a fan personally.

yeah, make yourself a slick website and people will eat it up. look at that masterkey trash lol

Fuck the police.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-24 19-53-10.png (1084x1371, 249K)

tomorrow night bright

Attached: bestfont.png (895x826, 28K)


lmao no
Use flattened, solarized without the bullshit

>creating a new function every render and make your own. I just hit random a bunch sometimes and then when I see one I kinda like I'll fine tune it to what will fit with my qt theme

"Unlike Solarized itself, these Vim colorschemes are guaranteed to give consistent results in most environments without littering your beautiful vimrc with useless crap or paging through hundreds of StackOverflow questions to make sense of a needlessly convoluted setup."

What's convoluted about solarized exactly? Do you not just plug it like any other plugin and throw in a "colorscheme solarized"?

Black on black on black right down to the shoestrings

>Black on black on black right down to the shoestrings
and wearing blackface

grayscale masterrace

This but unironically.

What text editor is that?

>ctrl-f onedark
>no results

Attached: preview.png (1699x1091, 59K)

soybleem I think


Attached: 1509828326724.png (676x903, 142K)


Attached: vim-drac.png (830x578, 59K)

>implying that guy even uses a monitor

Attached: 1524543441562.gif (487x560, 898K)

I dont know what the theme for Git Bash is but I love it

Attached: dd.jpg (821x563, 66K)

ext install Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme

It's garbage, especially when you highlight text with it.

your terminal font is awful

now that's a nice looking vim setup

what flavor of lisp is this?

it looks like willy wonka's factory

colorscheme is meh, but that editor is sexy af for a desktop editor

looks like something a cal basketball fan would have

just why

probably a brony. at the very least a weeb. off chance you're just a clueless prince fan.

r8 me.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-24 19-04-33.png (464x344, 41K)

Emacs lisp

not a brony, weeb, or a clueless prince fan

>not solid black with neon green font

you guys are the gayest bunch of sissies